Eliot Spitzer

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<p>Single Mom, </p>

<p> While I completely agree with you 100% (In my past I have "walked in" on my GF at the time she was "involved" with the other guy....). I must say that people and marriages do change over time. Some become staginant, some don't. Still, if don't want to be faithful, step up to the plate and do what needs to be done. </p>

<p>NO REMORSE....</p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<a href="http://www.someguywithawebsite.com/blogarchive/week_2008_03_09.html#002476">I concur. </a> (Warning: really bad language and comments that may be offensive).
apart from the (im)morality of the issue

1) prostitution is a crime

2) this guy was the darned DA of new york and his career was busting (no pun intended) crimes such as this - and now look at him soliciting business from the very profession he claims to prosecute

3) this guy was blowing taxpayer dollars on hookers (i suppose in the end his salary does come from taxpayer dollars, as a public servant) - I and anyone else here can think of 1000s better ways to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for the public good as opposed to his private fetishes

and of course, he was married and WTH was he doing
How many politicians frequently use hookers? 30%, 50%, or more? This isn't news in my book. The guy is an idiot though.

The guy wasn't spending public money, he was using his own money. He's rich and comes from a rich family.
Cheating on your wife is illegal in New York State and is grounds for divorce. Forget the hooker, he <em>lied to his wife </em>whether by ommision or otherwise.. how can you respect any public official who doesn't have the self-control to avoid an affair? How can you trust him to avoid other traps of power and influence? That he knowingly committed other crimes to hide his original one just compounds my disgust.
Does anyone know why prostitution is illegal? Every time this subject comes up, I can not think of any reason why it is illegal? How is it in society's best interest to lock people up who are involved in this behavior?
"Does anyone know why prostitution is illegal?"

IMO, it is because of the morality of the transaction, and the fact society would like to see the behavior curbed. It is a mutually exploitative financial transaction, but the prostitute has the additional issues of self-respect to deal with. What I always find interesting is that filiming porn is legal, but prostitution is not. If you are paid to have sex, you can go to jail, but if you are paid to have sex <em>and it is filmed</em>, that is OK.
<p><em>"IMO, it is because of the morality of the transaction, and the fact society would like to see the behavior curbed."</em></p>

<p>Is that it? No other reasons?</p>
>IMO, it is because of the morality of the transaction, and the fact society would like to see the behavior curbed. It is a mutually exploitative financial transaction, but the prostitute has the additional issues of self-respect to deal with.

You <em>COULD</em> say the same thing about used car sales...
Beyond idiocy. He knew both Wall Street and the Bush Administration were out to get him. (Ask Don Siegelman about politicized prosecutions). Even if you don't think he should resign for being a john he should retire for terminal stupidity. The amazing thing is that he got away with it so long. Rumor now is that he's been using prostitutes 6 years - meaning during the time he was busting prostitution rings.

The reaction of the Bush admin is pretty amazing. You'd figure they'd follow and track him. But once they found he was withdrawing cash from his personal accounts, the sicced THREE assistant DA and a wiretap order on him!
I wouldn't give a poo if Spitzer hadn't been such a crusader. Now it's egg on his face.

As for the legality or not of prostitution, the guvment should legalize it and then tax the poo out of it. As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant...
<p class="MsoNormal">Married or not, any guy that has to “pay for it” is a Loser. </p>

<p class="MsoNormal">It shows a severe lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. </p>

Having core confidence prevents you from feeling needy and inadequate.
We lived in NY for 15 years and Spitzer was my freakin hero! That's what ticks me off about the whole bloody mess...his whole identity was as the "good guy" standing up against those people who had so much money and power they thought they were above the law. Stinks that it when he's in the seat of power he becomes that which he so hated. Perhaps absolute power does corrupt absolutely.
<p>DAs have a lot to do. they can pick whom they really want to go after. Why didn't he just say to his minians, hey, it's a victimless crime, let's spend our resources going after this mafia guy, or this nasty wallstreeter who is doing much more damage, and we wouldn't go after if we have to chase prostitutes?</p>

<p>The hypocracy is mind-blowing.</p>

<p>I really think that men with a sex addiction really don't have a choice. Otherwide how could they act in such a self destructive manner?</p>

<p>Nearly all prostitutes were abused as children. A lot of strippers were also. I cant help but think this is doing them more mental damage, tho I guess it's nicer to be damaged at 4 grand rather than 40 dollars.</p>

<p>The whole thing makes me sad. I liked him.</p>

<p>If he had gotten drunk and crashed into a school bus and killed 10 innocent children, I would feel better about it. As a lawyer, even tho I don't do criminal law or divorce, I hear so much stuff. . . Yesterday we took the opponents depo on a boundary dispute, and they lied and lied and lied even tho some of the stuff, they didn't need to lie about. It all makes me disgusted with humanity.</p>

<p>And this IS a Spitzer thread.</p>

<p>Also, many men are pigs, as per ISM. Women can be pretty crappy too, but I do think Hillary would have the self restraint not to cheat on Bill, even if she really wanted to.</p>
>I do think Hillary would have the self restraint not to cheat on Bill, even if she really wanted to.

And if Hillary didn't have the self restraint, I'm sure that anyone she wanted to do it with would have the restraint...

<p>Prostitution is legal in areas of Nevada, but in the rest of the country it is illegal due to the perception of it's immorality. While the laws may get updated to meet law enforcement needs or in reaction to legal challenges, the original laws were created as cities, counties, and states evolved from colonies and territories to formal entities. As areas were settled with a minimum of law and order, prostitution was rampant and legal. As churches and families began to move in, morality laws were put in place to reflect the values of the new residents. They weren't just outlawing prostitution, but also saloons, gambling halls, and co-habitation. Nevada remains the only state that allows legal prostitution, but it is highly regulated and has been outlawed in the two counties with the largest cities, Reno and Las Vegas.</p>

<p>Porn is legal because the California courts bought into the 'freedom of expression' argument; sex on film is an artistic endeavor, apparently. See <em>Miller v California</em> for more info.</p>

<p>No, she's not. </p>

<p><img height="166" width="200" alt="" src="http://www.all4humor.com/images/files/Scary%20Hillary%20Clinton.jpg" /><img height="194" width="200" alt="" src="http://themoderatevoice.com/wordpress-engine/files/2007-november/hillary_clinton.jpg" /></p>

<p><img height="179" width="200" alt="" src="http://www.clevelandseniors.com/images/quiz/famous/bill-hillary-clinton.jpg" /><img height="195" width="200" alt="" src="http://thehive.modbee.com/files/images/Hillary%20Clinton.bmp" /></p>

<p><img height="236" width="200" alt="" src="http://powerlineblog.com/archives/hillary.jpg" /><img height="150" width="200" alt="" src="http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/8965/hillary_hl_014.jpg" /></p>

<p>At best, she's not hideous enough to scare small children. But she is not attractive.</p>

<p>That being said, voting for someone because of their looks is quite possibly the stupidest thing I can imagine. People who do it should be stripped of their voting rights FOREVER!</p>

<p>(edited to adjust image size, some people are just waking up and can't handle a wall of ugly)</p>