I'll let you know if I snag one

. I am picky about the exact home I want so if I can't get it, I won't get anything.
Just curious, why do you figure Petaluma's are the best value? They have a higher ppsqft than the other places.
Inc - you make a good point. I guess if you want the latest floorplans, you may need to bite the bullet and take a hit on the home price when it drops if the economy slows/drops. whether it's worth it or not depends on how bad you want new.
soyi said:
acf said:
sounds like we are in the same boat Soyi. Why do you feel like it's the right time to strike despite the looking slow down/recession?
Which homes are you interested in? I'm looking at petaluma.
I will look to buy Petaluma. It brings the most value when weighed against the price. Tell me if you're able to snag a home!
It's the right time to strike because it is never the right time to strike. The future is unpredictable, all we can do is gauge our needs against the risks and feel if the timing is right. It's different for everyone. Use the Force.