It sounds like Eastwood is getting a lot of interest and momentum... so likely the prices will go up for later phase and lots which will be way out of my league since the initial prices for the types of houses that I would like are already upper limit of my budgets...
But a few mentioned that the grand opening crowds were 90% + Asians, predominantly Chinese. So everyone is ok with that?
Nothing is wrong or illegal but the real working world is not 90% Asian in this country (I guess it could be in Orange County...) especially if you or your kids in the future are going for professional jobs and businesses. I was just wondering.
Also most of FCBs and recent immigrants don't assimilate to our culture, yet I guess their native Chinese or other Asian cultures are becoming parts of California/Orange County cultures just as Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites do in different parts. I see more and more of economic and residential segregation, which is totally a different topic for this thread...
If I don't mind, I could stay. If I don't like what's happening, I should get out. No judgment or complaint.
I was talking to several sale folks and designers over at PS III last weekend. Just about everyone was Caucasians (with a couple of Asian Americans (not FOBs). Almost all of them live in South Orange County or New Port Beach/coast, not Irvine or Tustin...