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exact same thing my friends with Uverse tell me.  Isn't Uverse on fiber in the new areas?  Or is it a marketing ploy?
thatOSguy said:
We had FTTH in a new build a few years back. Even the fiber is throttled. Latency is tight, but it's just ... slow.

Cox latency is ~12ms to their core. IIRC, UVerse was 3 or 4ms.

FTTP you mean? I thought FTTP (in new neighborhoods) is supposedly *better* than FTTN, according to Wikipedia at least, or like jmoney said, it's more a marketing tool than anything else...
Section-8 4All said:
I had UVerse Max Plus and thought it was slow.  When I ran the speed tests I was getting about 2/3s the claimed 18Mbps download.  The upload speeds were horrible.  I need at least 2Mbps to stream my cameras.  Going for Cox the next go around for sure.  Wished we had FIOS in this area.

2/3 of the speed would still be double my current quoted DSL line speed lol, which I'm also only getting 2/3 of the speed anyway :)

I've heard from friend saying to stay away from FIOS though...
c4 said:
2/3 of the speed would still be double my current quoted DSL line speed lol, which I'm also only getting 2/3 of the speed anyway :)

I've heard from friend saying to stay away from FIOS though...

Must be a YMMV scenario, but I have FIOS at my temp. living place and it kicks butt!  I'm running two Dropcams and I also Slingbox my DTV all at the same time without experiencing any drop outs.

As for downloading, I download a huge list of full track (main, instrumental, accapella) list of songs a day through my DJ digital record pool.  I would have to wait for one of my 6 limit songs to finish downloading before I could download the next on UVerse, with FIOS all of the songs complete its download before I can even get to the next song to download.

What's cool is Verizon has upgraded my family's FIOS plan a couple of times for free.  I believe were at about 50Mbps download and at least 5Mbps upload.  All this for the same price I was paying for the MaxPlus plan on Uverse. 
jmoney74 said:
I only hear good things about FIOS as well.. only bad with Uverse.

I heard all the goods about Verizon and bads about ATT before we switch the wireless provider, and I can't say that Verizon is dropping any less calls then ATT did, and the reception is particularly bad along the 405 where I commutes daily...not to mention to poor coverage in most of the Irvine areas, fortunately I got good reception both at home and at work right now (only stationary), but may not be so lucky in Stonegate though once we moved...
For those still undecided, ATT up the UVERSE TV+Internet bundle reward to $250 this week instead of $200.

I ordered mine last week with UVERSE Family + Max Plus (18M) for $66 monthly + $200 reward card, called today and even though the customer rep wasn't able to match that $250!?, he waived the monthly modem rental instead so my monthly comes down to $59 =)
thatOSguy said:
c4 said:
For those still undecided, ATT up the UVERSE TV+Internet bundle reward to $250 this week instead of $200.

I ordered mine last week with UVERSE Family + Max Plus (18M) for $66 monthly + $200 reward card, called today and even though the customer rep wasn't able to match that $250!?, he waived the monthly modem rental instead so my monthly comes down to $59 =)

Great deal. Does that include HBO?

No it doesn't, HBO is another $16 as add-on.
irvinehomeowner said:
Conceptually, Contour is great... when it works.

Almost daily, the secondary boxes either freeze or can't access DVR content so I have to unplug and reboot them and sometimes that helps but not all the time.

I've had techs out several times to check signal strength and they claim it's not hardware but software related and that it will be fixed shortly. That was 3 months ago.
Looks like Contour was updated a week or so ago and I noticed an improvement in service.

It still lags a bit on the secondary boxes but it looks like they may have fixed some of the issues I was having. I can't really test it all that much since the TV season has ended and I've watched most of my DVR'ed content. Maybe when the summer shows start playing.
Section-8 4All said:
c4 said:
I guess my other question for existing UVERSE users, are you getting anywhere close to the quoted speed? Is new community (Stonegate in this case I'm asking) going to be on FTTP, where distance to the box should not be a factor? How about reliability?

I had UVerse Max Plus and thought it was slow.  When I ran the speed tests I was getting about 2/3s the claimed 18Mbps download.  The upload speeds were horrible.  I need at least 2Mbps to stream my cameras.  Going for Cox the next go around for sure.  Wished we had FIOS in this area.

Just got UVERSE Max Plus installed and managed to pull 20Mbps down and 6Mbps up!
c4 said:
Section-8 4All said:
c4 said:
I guess my other question for existing UVERSE users, are you getting anywhere close to the quoted speed? Is new community (Stonegate in this case I'm asking) going to be on FTTP, where distance to the box should not be a factor? How about reliability?

I had UVerse Max Plus and thought it was slow.  When I ran the speed tests I was getting about 2/3s the claimed 18Mbps download.  The upload speeds were horrible.  I need at least 2Mbps to stream my cameras.  Going for Cox the next go around for sure.  Wished we had FIOS in this area.

Just got UVERSE Max Plus installed and managed to pull 20Mbps down and 6Mbps up!

I'm using the UVERSE gateway, but it's outside the Master closet panel because the ATT tech said the metal cover would decrease the signal significantly by like 90% when he showed me on his iPad.

I haven't got time to figure out the panel switch and I'll probably move it to my owner router outside and leave the UVERSE gateway inside the panel.