Chairman said:Look at this awesome deal that Verizon FiOS offers! What is up with Irvine not having fiber optic? Cox is so overpriced!
Verizon FIOS is now offering a no contract plan! Sign up for FIOS 50/25Mbps High-Speed Internet for only $50.00 per month for up to one year. Order online and get the activation fee waived (normally $50)! This is a big $35/mo discount from the normal price of this package, and you get the TV bundle listed below.
In addition to some of the faster internet speeds available, you get FiOS TV Local and your choice of HBO and HBO Go or Showtime and Showtime Anytime.
ATT Uverse supposedly has the fiber going through for the new builds.. so we won't be getting Verizon. Unfortunately ATT sucks (25MBS max?)...
I think the reason older parts of Irvine don't have it is because of the comment above. They have to tear out a lot of surface. That would hurt the manicured look of Irvine. 8)