Well-known member
Irvine Dream said:jmoney74 said:I called Cox to transfer my service to a new house.
What?? You moved to a new house already? Going to run for Beacon Park HOA now?
<Irvine Dream updates TI Google doc>

Irvine Dream said:jmoney74 said:I called Cox to transfer my service to a new house.
What?? You moved to a new house already? Going to run for Beacon Park HOA now?
irvinehomeowner said:Irvine Dream said:jmoney74 said:I called Cox to transfer my service to a new house.
What?? You moved to a new house already? Going to run for Beacon Park HOA now?
<Irvine Dream updates TI Google doc>
SubSolar said:Seems like the best deals are when you call to cancel, then they beg you to stay with low prices.
quizzer said:My cox internet 1 year promotion ended now and 50 MBPS plan has gone up to $79. Is there any way to get the same lower price from Cox?
Any special number to contact (retentions/loyalty)?
All tips appreciated.
quizzer said:My cox internet 1 year promotion ended now and 50 MBPS plan has gone up to $79. Is there any way to get the same lower price from Cox?
Any special number to contact (retentions/loyalty)?
All tips appreciated.
fuzi0n said:Sorry in advanced for bumping an old thread, but figured this may be useful for people later on in the future.
Ended up going with AT&T UVerse (100/10) instead of Cox (100/5) and have been extremely happy with UVerse although everywhere says avoid AT&T because it's extremely slow, spotty, etc. Glad I went with them and saved that cash.
Have had great service. No need to get a modem or router (it's 802.11ac too). Coverage is great. Speeds are very fast and consistent throughout the day even at peak times. No random reboots/spikes/lag. I worTo note, this is in a newer apartment in Cypress Village and across the street has Google Fiber (Avella) so maybe degradation hasn't caught up yet.
I'm sure Cox would have been great, but I would have had to purchase a modem, a wireless ac router, and pay more per month + pay more when promo ends.
Anyway, thanks to those who provided feedback on this.
lnc said:When Hulu came out with live TV last year, I just cut the DirectTV.
Use it through Apple TV and I'm pretty satisfy with it so far. It does not has that much channels but it is a lot cheaper than DirectTV.
irvinehomeowner said:lnc said:When Hulu came out with live TV last year, I just cut the DirectTV.
Use it through Apple TV and I'm pretty satisfy with it so far. It does not has that much channels but it is a lot cheaper than DirectTV.
Hulu Live is $40/mo, my DirecTV satellite is $25/mo with AT&T discount.
akkord said:For those of you cutting the cord, I assume you pay for the quickest internet at ~$70-80/month + a service for $45-50? That about right?