
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
qwerty said:
Starman bringing it!!!

Yeah i don?t understand the stay at home crowd being reluctant to open, you are free to stay home.

@eyephone, in your typical trolling way you post data that isn?t even relevant to the opening. Any 5 year old would know those cases in Florida were probably infections from before the opening. And that is definitely the case in Georgia. The consensus is that it takes 3-5 days before you even feel anything once you are infected. And then people probably wait a couple days before going to the doctor.

Yes, clearly all pollution laws should be immediately repealed.  Along with all vehicle safety standards, building codes.  Let's repeal those pesky speed limits on your neighborhood street too.

If you're afraid of me driving like it's Daytona in my street legal tank, just stay home.
Yeah not quite the same thing.

You go to the grocery store and target right? What?s the difference between going there and let?s say Nordstrom? Or some other non essential business?
qwerty said:
Yeah not quite the same thing.

You go to the grocery store and target right? What?s the difference between going there and let?s say Nordstrom? Or some other non essential business?

The difference is the damage your wife can do :)
I agree that retail stores should open back up with proper safety protocols and number of people control.

If Target can be open... why not others?
I hope those who oppose the lock-down recognize that screaming freedom and freedom doesn't work.

America's cultural psychology is antithetical to swimming with the tide of conformity especially when promoted by fiat or authority.

Sure it keeps US from succumbing to tyranny but overdoing it backfires, just like when an overactive immune system backfires with allergies.

Pandemic conditions are precisely when radical individualism may sometimes not be adaptive. The virus makes it clear that we are not isolated individuals living in vacuums. We're all potential vectors.

If those screaming to end the lock-down adopt a more communitarian mindset in the first place, then it's less likely that governments have to legislate these new norms into the books. ( Huntington Beach protest is a good example of this)

For those who value personal responsibility so much, surely they can see the connection between that and freedom?
qwerty said:
Yeah not quite the same thing.

You go to the grocery store and target right? What?s the difference between going there and let?s say Nordstrom? Or some other non essential business?

I'll give a real answer, without snark.  I actually agree, retail should be allowed to open, with reasonable safeguards.  Whether I order something from Amazon or pick it up at Home Depot, really no difference.

Here's my problem with the we got to open up crowd and 'stay home if you don't like it' mantra.

When I look across the hundreds of contacts I have on social media that I know IRL, I have people far to the left of me and others far to right.  Those the still can't let go of Hillary losing and those that literally post thank God for Donald Trump.

Those that are parroting the open up, stay at home if you're afraid verbiage that is going with the open up rallies, are the same that I know from in person typically make a fucking mess of stuff.  They want to do what they want to do. They're the same ones that bitch about how asinine it is that the many of the beaches have a no alcohol policy.  Yet, their beach spot looks like Pacific Beach the morning after Fourth of July.

So yea, when I see the people doing this

in my experience, they're the ones that leave this behind.

I think there is still way too many unknowns about Covid to determine if we over or under reacted.

It looks like it attacks more that just the respiratory system:

Today, there is widespread recognition the novel coronavirus is far more unpredictable than a simple respiratory virus. Often it attacks the lungs, but it can also strike anywhere from the brain to the toes. Many doctors are focused on treating the inflammatory reactions it triggers and its capacity to cause blood clots, even as they struggle to help patients breathe.

Learning about a new disease on the fly, with more than 78,000 U.S. deaths attributed to the pandemic, they have little solid research to guide them. The World Health Organization?s database already lists more than 14,600 papers on covid-19. Even the world?s premier public health agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have constantly altered their advice to keep pace with new developments.

?We don?t know why there are so many disease presentations,? said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University?s Mailman School of Public Health. ?Bottom line, this is just so new that there?s a lot we don?t know.?

And cases in young children are popping up that could be linked to coronavirus:

A mysterious illness that's affecting children and could be linked to the coronavirus has left officials alarmed and searching for answers as infections increase.

Doctors are referring to the condition that has hospitalized dozens of children as "pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome," and health officials believe it could be linked to coronavirus. Three children have died because of it in New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday.

New York is investigating if the cases contradict the belief that children are less at risk for coronavirus and what other hospitals should look out for, Cuomo said.

Taking a stroll down memory lane...............

"We project that roughly 56% of our [California] population ? 25.5 million people ? will be infected with the virus over an eight week period ... there would be at least 255,000 deaths in California." - Gov. Newsom, March 18, 2020
Happiness said:
Taking a stroll down memory lane...............

"We project that roughly 56% of our [California] population ? 25.5 million people ? will be infected with the virus over an eight week period ... there would be at least 255,000 deaths in California." - Gov. Newsom, March 18, 2020

You conveniently left out that hours after the letter was published, Newsom provided more information about the 56 percent figure.

"The numbers we put out today assume we're just along for the ride, we're not. We want to manipulate this number down, that's what this order is all about,"

It's a worse case scenario # if we do nothing, which expert epidemiologists agreed with.

But like usual, full facts and nuances don't seem to interest Happiness.

I understand the quarantine is hard on those who don't enjoy being told how to upend every aspect of their lives. These often contradictory directives delivered with utter conviction by seemingly incompetent politicians certainly made it feel worse.

I get that some people are having trouble accepting the program. But it doesn't mean it wasn't the better option in a no-win situation. A non-lock down could have been utter chaos, more deaths, healthcare system collapse, social unrest, and more. All that to for marginally less economic destruction and appeasement of the Freedom & Freedom crowd??

@Happiness, if you are doing these half truths for entertainment, you should do President Trump's quotes. They are pro level comedy.
But you can't prove the opposite. I know you ASSUME doing nothing would cause more death but you don't KNOW that.  Can't prove a negative.  The fact is that statement was designed to cause fear and panic so the Boy King could shake money loose from the federal government, it was part of his formal letter to Trump asking for help.  In that endeavor he succeeded.  Look at other states that didn't really close and their numbers are really no worse..I'm looking at you South Dakota.
morekaos said:
But you can't prove the opposite. I know you ASSUME doing nothing would cause more death but you don't KNOW that.  Can't prove a negative.  The fact is that statement was designed to cause fear and panic so the Boy King could shake money loose from the federal government, it was part of his formal letter to Trump asking for help.  In that endeavor he succeeded.  Look at other states that didn't really close and their numbers are really no worse..I'm looking at you South Dakota.

Nice dice loading.

Not only is SD one of the lowest populated states, it's also one of the lowest density states (people per square mile):

Yet... it has more deaths/milion than at least 6 more densely populated states:

Snake eyes.
USCTrojanCPA said:
eyephone said:
A Florida Park Opens & Recloses In Less Than A Week As Visitors Fail To Follow New Rules

This is why we can't have nice things. Just five days after reopening, South Pointe Park closes after crowds failed to follow the city's social distancing guidelines. Miami Beach park rangers had to issue more than 7,000 verbal warnings this past weekend at the city's parks.

So it seems it is not just problem in California. The park rangers issues more than 7,000 verbal warnings in Miami.

That was not a big surprise, we'll have more of that with more states reopening.

Fox News: Florida city closes beaches a week after reopening due to visitors defying coronavirus social distancing

A southwest Florida city closed its beaches Sunday ? just one week after reopening them ? because visitors failed to follow social distancing measures meant to curb the spread of the coronavirus, officials said

A week earlier, authorities in Miami Beach closed a public park just five days after it reopened because park rangers issued thousands of warnings in a matter of days to visitors for not wearing face masks.

It goes to show that is not just California closing the beaches or parks.
(Beaches in Cali are now open with conditions)
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
But you can't prove the opposite. I know you ASSUME doing nothing would cause more death but you don't KNOW that.  Can't prove a negative.  The fact is that statement was designed to cause fear and panic so the Boy King could shake money loose from the federal government, it was part of his formal letter to Trump asking for help.  In that endeavor he succeeded.  Look at other states that didn't really close and their numbers are really no worse..I'm looking at you South Dakota.

Nice dice loading.

Not only is SD one of the lowest populated states, it's also one of the lowest density states (people per square mile):

Yet... it has more deaths/milion than at least 6 more densely populated states:

Snake eyes.

ROFLMAO, South Dakota?  Sioux Falls?  Population less than Irvine with 2900+ cases, 29 deaths and counting inspite of the total foot dragging and stringent official certified death?

If Sioux Falls was  the size of Orange County, they'd have 51,512 cases and 506 deaths.

Not bad since a month ago their numbers were better than OC.

They ll be just fine ...and never really shut down. Now they don?t have to shoot themselves in the foot as everyone else tries to re start. Wish we did that.
morekaos said:
They ll be just fine ...and never really shut down. Now they don?t have to shoot themselves in the foot as everyone else tries to re start. Wish we did that.

Their businesses have been closed for the last month. 

As Sioux Falls prepares to re-energize it's economy amid the coronavirus pandemic, city officials and several other entities are joining together to develop a recovery plan to help businesses as they begin to see more foot traffic.

The plan, called Spark Sioux Falls, will help businesses navigate anticipated economic challenges and identify solutions with the help of the city, the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce and Experience Sioux Falls, all supported by Forward Sioux Falls.

The announcement came as part of the city's twice-weekly news conference about the virus on Monday.

On Friday, many Sioux Falls businesses opened their doors after being closed for more than a month after city officials eased restrictions.

morekaos said:
Twice the population of Long Beach with half the fatalities...they made the right decision.

Why do you keep ignoring density?

You talk about not being able to prove a negative yet you keep posting false positives.

Find an orange to orange comparison to prove your point.
Isn?t that why California could never throw up New York style numbers like Newsome assured us we would? Hmmm, I wonder if he knew that?
nosuchreality said:
irvinehomeowner said:
morekaos said:
But you can't prove the opposite. I know you ASSUME doing nothing would cause more death but you don't KNOW that.  Can't prove a negative.  The fact is that statement was designed to cause fear and panic so the Boy King could shake money loose from the federal government, it was part of his formal letter to Trump asking for help.  In that endeavor he succeeded.  Look at other states that didn't really close and their numbers are really no worse..I'm looking at you South Dakota.

Nice dice loading.

Not only is SD one of the lowest populated states, it's also one of the lowest density states (people per square mile):

Yet... it has more deaths/milion than at least 6 more densely populated states:

Snake eyes.

ROFLMAO, South Dakota?  Sioux Falls?  Population less than Irvine with 2900+ cases, 29 deaths and counting inspite of the total foot dragging and stringent official certified death?

If Sioux Falls was  the size of Orange County, they'd have 51,512 cases and 506 deaths.

Not bad since a month ago their numbers were better than OC.

Well in fairness to morekaos you were doing the same thing with New York when you were making your argument against the flu comparison.

I was using averages and you made an argument using NYC to try to prove your point.
eyephone said:
USCTrojanCPA said:
eyephone said:
A Florida Park Opens & Recloses In Less Than A Week As Visitors Fail To Follow New Rules

This is why we can't have nice things. Just five days after reopening, South Pointe Park closes after crowds failed to follow the city's social distancing guidelines. Miami Beach park rangers had to issue more than 7,000 verbal warnings this past weekend at the city's parks.

So it seems it is not just problem in California. The park rangers issues more than 7,000 verbal warnings in Miami.

That was not a big surprise, we'll have more of that with more states reopening.

Fox News: Florida city closes beaches a week after reopening due to visitors defying coronavirus social distancing

A southwest Florida city closed its beaches Sunday ? just one week after reopening them ? because visitors failed to follow social distancing measures meant to curb the spread of the coronavirus, officials said

A week earlier, authorities in Miami Beach closed a public park just five days after it reopened because park rangers issued thousands of warnings in a matter of days to visitors for not wearing face masks.

It goes to show that is not just California closing the beaches or parks.
(Beaches in Cali are now open with conditions)

Where is the TI protest and crying? Life is over the beach is closed in Naples Florida.