
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
No doubt the second wave will hit sooner than estimated.

U.S.A rank #1, again for a change. Only for the most infected and most death. Depression 2.0. is no longer a longshot, it is here now.
Guys, there?s 80 deaths in OC since February.  It?s mid freaking May.  3.5 months and 80 total deaths in a county of 3.2M.

There?s 144 cases and zero deaths in Irvine.  Zero deaths.  I guarantee you a TI member won?t be the first Irvine death.  I?m pretty sure when this whole thing is over Irvine will have less than 10 deaths.  Right now, 282,000 residents and zero deaths.

I don?t even want to call you snowflakes because then you?ll think this is political, but it?s not.  I don?t know what you guys do for a living but in my job, data is important.  It?s critical, it?s absolute, it doesn?t lie. 

The data says you?ll be just fine, and if by some amazing chance you win the COVID death lottery, I?ll give the eulogy at your socially distanced funeral. 
aquabliss said:
Guys, there?s 80 deaths in OC since February.  It?s mid freaking May.  3.5 months and 80 total deaths in a county of 3.2M.

There?s 144 cases and zero deaths in Irvine.  Zero deaths.  I guarantee you a TI member won?t be the first Irvine death.  I?m pretty sure when this whole thing is over Irvine will have less than 10 deaths.  Right now, 282,000 residents and zero deaths.

I don?t even want to call you snowflakes because then you?ll think this is political, but it?s not.  I don?t know what you guys do for a living but in my job, data is important.  It?s critical, it?s absolute, it doesn?t lie. 

The data says you?ll be just fine, and if by some amazing chance you win the COVID death lottery, I?ll give the eulogy at your socially distanced funeral.

So you?re saying the lockdown worked?

aquabliss said:
I don?t even want to call you snowflakes because then you?ll think this is political, but it?s not.  I don?t know what you guys do for a living but in my job, data is important.  It?s critical, it?s absolute, it doesn?t lie. 

The data says you?ll be just fine, and if by some amazing chance you win the COVID death lottery, I?ll give the eulogy at your socially distanced funeral.

Is it really that difficult to understand that many people have different perspectives than you? Most recent polling shows a overwhelming majority (68%) are concerned that states will lift public Covid-10 restriction too quickly.

It doesn't have to be political. People on both sides disagree with you. You said data is important so here's some most recent data. 51% Republicans and 81% Democrats are concerned the restrictions will be lifted too quickly.

irvinehomeowner said:
Face masks required in LA county when outside the house.

Good thing qwerhandsome lives in OC. :)

City of Tustin: City of Tustin requires all employees who have contact with the public in any grocery, pharmacy, drug, convenience store, gas station, restaurant, food preparation, and retail store to wear a cloth face covering as described in the California Department of Public Health Face Covering Guidance.

My response: No mask required for customer? It kind of defeats purpose of wearing masks. If only 10-20 percent of the city is wearing masks. (Guesstimate)

No mask required in the inland empire. (No mask required, facial appearance is higher than public health)
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Face masks required in LA county when outside the house.

Good thing qwerhandsome lives in OC. :)

City of Tustin: City of Tustin requires all employees who have contact with the public in any grocery, pharmacy, drug, convenience store, gas station, restaurant, food preparation, and retail store to wear a cloth face covering as described in the California Department of Public Health Face Covering Guidance.

My response: No mask required for customer? It kind of defeats purpose of wearing masks. If only 10-20 percent of the city is wearing masks. (Guesstimate)

No mask required in the inland empire. (No mask required, facial appearance is higher than public health)

No, customers are not required to wear masks in Tustin but I have not seen anyone without a mask at Albies, Cvs or the post office.

They don't protect you anyway.

OTOH I have been to stores in Irvine and had people argue with cashiers (at cvs on Walnut/Culver and Pavilions) that there is no pandemic and walk right in without a mask and they haven't been stopped.

AND I've seen lots of groups of teenagers and even adults milling around seating areas (Walnut/Culver) laughing, close together, near walkways and their masks are sitting on the ground or seats.

I have some masks that I made with two layers, nose guard and opening for filter and a disposable mask. The easiest thing to do is throw that disposable on. It's much lighter and since it doesn't do anything to protect me, why not just keep throwing on a mask that is supposed to be one time use because it's required and I don't want any damn hassles?  How do you know I wash the ones I made or whether they have a filter, multiple layers, etc or that one time use disposable mask has been used 40 times and is completely and utterly useless to even protect u?? You don't.

Then there are the people who adjust that mask (with whatever landed on the outside of it cuz it rides up or they just want a breath of fresh air every once in a while and then handle items at the store or they move it to smell which shampoo they want (nose right next to the bottle) and put it back on the shelf...? for the next customer.

And that sneeze guard u stand in front of at the post office, drug stores, grocery stores...? customers stand there, nose and mouth close, many times nose exposed over the mask breathing on it. Is it cleaned before u step up to pay? Maybe if you're lucky it gets cleaned right before u check out, maybe it's even a few times a day but between every customer? Nope. Virus lives for days on it.

Keep thinking everyone who wears a mask is protecting u if it makes u feel better. Maybe if YOU wear TWO or THREE masks (at one time), put gloves on to remove them, throw them (the gloves and the masks) in the trash (without touching the trash can) and hand sanitize your hands (washing your hands with soap and hot water is far superior) right away and run home, you won't catch the virus and die.
We can agree or disagree the effectiveness of masks.

But one thing it does do is it helps consumer confidence. For example when I shop at Costco. I feel comfortable that they have a must have mask to enter the store policy.
The masks help.  Even if it were 10% effective.
Looking at Asia, I think the mask effective rate is much higher. 

Even if you have a dirty mask on, when you sneeze or speak, most of the shit coming out of your mouth will be caught by the mask.  Better than 100% of the shit coming out of your mouth spreading into the air and touching other people.
Yes. There is video evidence that masks reduce the viral load that is exhaled by someone wearing one.

I think we need a medical professional to come on TI and talk about these things. I thought R2D was in the medical field so I'm surprised by her post... and more surprised because she said she makes masks.
C'mon folks, you ever wonder why you can smell a fart almost immediately upon hearing it?  And that is through two layers of cloth (unless you're commando).  I think the Covid Molecule is a bit smaller. Gross but try not to laugh. >:D
does viral load matter?  Say 100% viral load with 2 unmasked people, but only 50% or less viral load with 2 masked people.
Use a mask.
morekaos said:
C'mon folks, you ever wonder why you can smell a fart almost immediately upon hearing it?  And that is through two layers of cloth (unless you're commando).  I think the Covid Molecule is a bit smaller. Gross but try not to laugh. >:D

Is this opinion or fact?

Trevor A. Makal, associate professor of chemistry at University of Virginia at Wise, cleared up why masks block viruses even though they don?t block fart smells.

?Let?s consider the size of the molecules that make up the stink smell in farts,? he says in his thread. ?We?ll focus on one particular example, as the others are similarly sized (when compared to the size of a virus). Methanthiol (CH3SH), like a number of thiol (-SH) containing molecules, smells! ? It smells like incredibly intense garlic; though many would just say it smells putrid. If you want everyone to hate you, walk through a hallway carrying an open container of thiol compounds.?

Got it. Tiny, stinky fart molecules.

?Well, CH3SH is a rather small molecule with a diameter around 4*10^-10 m (0.4 nm, about 1.6*10^-8 inches),? Makal continues. ?By comparison, viruses typically range in diameter from about 20 nm up to about 400 nm (J. Biol. Phys., 2013, 39(2), 215), with COVID-19 being around 60-140 nm (Cell. Mol. Immun., 2020). The difference in sizes of the COVID-19 virus and a common odorant in farts is 2-3 orders of magnitude (100?1000 times the diameter of the smaller methanethiol).?

Did you get that? The COVID-19 virus is one hundred to one thousand times bigger than a fart molecule. Can we also please note that Makal is citing his claims with scientific journals. Because science.

Then Makal explains how N95 masks work.

?An N95 mask is capable of filtering 95% of a test aerosol containing average particle size of 300 nm (from the CDC). Basically, an N95 mask has a tight weave pattern with multiple layers that serve as a barrier to larger structures (like viruses, or simply spittle).?

Okay, fine, Mr. Smartypants Chemist-Scientist Dude, so N95 masks work. Whatever. But homemade cloth masks are worthless, right? Only stupid, gullible libtard communists wear those.

Eh, not so much. Here?s a little more science from our smart, highly educated friend Makal.

?While the benefits of a specific mask will depend on the fabric and construction of the mask (not to mention how it is worn), having some form of barrier between an infected individual and a healthy individual is far superior to open air allowing for the transfer of virus (along with other matter) between those individuals.?

And then, for the people who still haven?t quite gotten it yet, Makal drives it home with an analogy:

?To argue that ?since I can smell a fart through a mask, there?s no point in wearing a mask to protect me against viruses? is like securing a medieval castle with a gate to keep out invading horsemen, but arguing that because roaches can still enter that there is no point in having a gate. Clearly you have not considered that the horseman is the greater threat.?

The horses are coronavirus, y?all. The roaches are the fart smell. If everyone wears a mask, we all decrease the odds of passing coronavirus to each other. This is basic risk mitigation ? another kind of science, incidentally.

Common sense should tell you that gas molecules are smaller in size than viruses... but maybe we need a "professional" opinion.

This is what I mean qwerty... opinions backed with data, science, facts, and experience.
irvinehomeowner said:
Yes. There is video evidence that masks reduce the viral load that is exhaled by someone wearing one.

I think we need a medical professional to come on TI and talk about these things. I thought R2D was in the medical field so I'm surprised by her post... and more surprised because she said she makes masks.

My recollection is that R2D was a medical professional as well

You see you are proving my point. Her viewpoint doesn?t agree with yours and you want another medical professionals viewpoint that lines up with yours

Remember IHO, I kid because I care!
R2D points are quite valid.  IMHO, a mask helps somewhat.  A mask on another person helps somewhat.  50%, I doubt it, zero, I doubt it.  At least having the mask on the bottle sniffer probably slow them a little bit from sticking their finger in their nose and then handling twenty tomatoes before picking one. 

So let the business decide.  I'll stay home if I don't like it.

The big hole in the reopen mantra is people like me. It only takes a small percentage like me not going back to spending and going about and our economy is tanked.
qwerty said:
IHO - you should read starmans post and respond. It?s an interesting read written by doctors.

No disrespect to Starman but that "blog" is not a reliable source of information. I had already debunked a few of its posts on his other thread.