
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Soylent Green Is People said:
Strange how we haven't heard of complete devastation in the "active adult" communities in Seal Beach, Laguna Woods (both AKA Leisure World), Casta Del Sol (Mission Viejo) or Sun City (IE based community), wiping out thousands of elderly folks.

I'm not saying this pandemic isn't dangerous. I'm not saying this will not happen. I'm just saying the panic is pushed by the media (corporate and social) does no one any good here. Should you be concerned? Absolutely. Should you take precautions? Of course. Are you likely to be stuck with a garage full of Charmin in about 4 weeks because of panic buying? My sources say "Yes".

My .02c

Taking precautions is good. But panic is not. The vast majority of people who have or will catch the virus will not need to be hospitalized and will not die. Shutting down a country for unnecessarily long time will cause irreparable damage. Many businesses forced to close will not be coming back and those jobs will be lost forever.

No need to cut your arm off for an infection on your finger that will heal in time.

eyephone said:
Mety said:
So technically what we can learn from Taiwan and S. Korea at this point is we can start tracking people by either cellphones or bracelets? I still have not heard any other things we can learn from them and practically apply here in the US.

Many are saying we Americans need to let go of our pride and learn from other nations but I'm not seeing anyone really posting stuff we can learn from them and practice here other than tracking people by force. Anything else?

Where are supplies Trump?  Hospital and first responder workers are getting sick. (they really are, its so sad, so sad)
Where are the tests kits? Where are the ventilators?

I will always fight for the voice that can not be heard. Just like the disciples would have done. Lets go!

Mety where are the supplies?
Cornflakes said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Let's use the Yang $1000/mo:

For 4 months that's $4k per person times 330m people... that's a staggering 1.32 QUADrillion dollars... what is the economic impact of printing that kind of money?


330M * 1000 = 330 Billion
330B * 4 months = 1.32 Trillion

Not all 330M shall be given 1k. e.g. infants and toddlers should not, people that reported $1M AGI should not...and so on..

You have many great points, its just that math was off..

Thanks... I'll correct... I thought that number was too high.

And you are correct, according to Yang's UBI (from what I remember), it's for everyone over 18... but I don't think there was an AGI cap was there?

I think the estimate of people over age of 18 is about 210M.


210M * $1000 = $210B
$210B * 4 = $840 Billion

Actually... that number doesn't look so bad.

If we double that (which is probably necessary because $1k is not enough for other living expenses)... does $1.68 Trillion extra money upset the economy or save it?
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
So technically what we can learn from Taiwan and S. Korea at this point is we can start tracking people by either cellphones or bracelets? I still have not heard any other things we can learn from them and practically apply here in the US.

Many are saying we Americans need to let go of our pride and learn from other nations but I'm not seeing anyone really posting stuff we can learn from them and practice here other than tracking people by force. Anything else?

Where are supplies Trump?  Hospital and first responder workers are getting sick. (they really are, its so sad, so sad)
Where are the tests kits? Where are the ventilators?

I will always fight for the voice that can not be heard. Just like the disciples would have done. Lets go!

Mety where are the supplies?

Tell me how what you?re saying is not irrelevant to the topic of what we can learn from other nations.

Also who are those cannot be heard you keep bringing up of? Don?t use God?s words to justify your position. I?m going to have to rebuke you if you keep doing that.
Since no one seems to really point out what we can learn from Taiwan and S. Korea, I just thought of start doing that myself.

We can stop hoarding stuff. As far as I know, S. Korean people didn?t pile up stuff like TP or water bottles for themselves. Instead they donated masks and things others to who might need.

We can stop panicking. They didn?t panic. Also there was no lockdown on S. Korea. They followed the rules and acted more civil than us. We can surely learn such submissive behavior to the authorities instead of keep blaming everything on the administration.

Again, these could have been possible due to different size and cultures, but something we can start from ourselves...
eyephone said:
How can you speed up production of medical equipment?
President Trump can sign the Defense Production Act.


Here ya go Eye...

Trump ORDERS GM to open their shuttered Ohio plant and 'start making ventilators NOW' as he threatens to invoke special defense powers claiming company tried to price gouge
Administration had been working to announce deal as soon as Wednesday
Concern about the cost and potential to end up with surplus devices
Trump has criticized Democratic governors and accused them of inflating need
He said a lot of requested equipment 'I don't think they'll need'
New York wants 30,000 ventilators in time for peak with more than 37,000 cases of the coronavirus now
House plans vote on $2 trillion bailout package Friday
Mety said:
Since no one seems to really point out what we can learn from Taiwan and S. Korea, I just thought of start doing that myself.

We can stop hoarding stuff. As far as I know, S. Korean people didn?t pile up stuff like TP or water bottles for themselves. Instead they donated masks and things others who might need.

We can stop panicking. They didn?t panic. Also there was no lockdown on S. Korea. They followed the rules and acted more civil than us. We can surely learn such submissive behavior to the authorities instead of keep blaming everything on the administration.

Again, these could have been possible due to different size and cultures, but something we can start from ourselves...

I agree but even the TP panic is pretty much over. Went to Trader Joes just now and they had lots and eggs and milk too.  The sun will rise tomorrow also.
Mety said:
So technically what we can learn from Taiwan and S. Korea at this point is we can start tracking people by either cellphones or bracelets? I still have not heard any other things we can learn from them and practically apply here in the US.

Many are saying we Americans need to let go of our pride and learn from other nations but I'm not seeing anyone really posting stuff we can learn from them and practice here other than tracking people by force. Anything else?

Thank you for the kind words in your earlier post.More importantly thank you for willing to keep an open mind.

We have big structural problems that predates Trump.

Trump is not blameless in handling Covid-19, his mis-steps are obvious.

New York mayor Bill de Blasio was encouraging New Yorkers to go out to movie theaters and party on with their lives despite Coronavirus on MARCH 2nd.
The D next to his name didn?t stop his stupidity.

I wish more people would not fall for this false partisan dichotomy.

We should hold elected officials accountable regardless of party affiliations.

To your specific question above, we can learn a lot from Taiwan?s healthcare infrastructure.

They stock up on medical supplies and PPEs according to expert guidelines. Their whole process is a lot more friction-less compared to ours.

For example, they have 100% digital records shared in every single hospital and clinic. We have people falling through the cracks, not get proper treatments, redundant tests and procedures performed, and yes, we still use paper records!!!

Efficiency saves money, precious medical resources and ultimately saves lives. We should all be against wasteful and inefficient bureaucracy regardless of political party / ideology.
Regarding Taiwan:

Supplies ? Taiwan has 23 million people, or twice the population of LA County. Much easier to stock supplies for 23 million than 330 million (US population).

Preparedness ? Taiwan has lived for the past 70 years next to a hostile neighbor, that happens to be the world?s foremost purveyor of pestilence and plague, who is constantly threatening to blockade Taiwan and introducing new diseases to the island so the Taiwanese have always been very vigilant to existential threats from across the straits. US has always been the breadbasket of the world so fear of ?running out? of something is not in our culture.

Toilet Paper ? Taiwanese have also been hoarding TP because Taiwan?s premier Su Tseng Chang said last week that ?you only have one butthole so stop hoarding toilet paper!?
Mety said:
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
So technically what we can learn from Taiwan and S. Korea at this point is we can start tracking people by either cellphones or bracelets? I still have not heard any other things we can learn from them and practically apply here in the US.

Many are saying we Americans need to let go of our pride and learn from other nations but I'm not seeing anyone really posting stuff we can learn from them and practice here other than tracking people by force. Anything else?

Where are supplies Trump?  Hospital and first responder workers are getting sick. (they really are, its so sad, so sad)
Where are the tests kits? Where are the ventilators?

I will always fight for the voice that can not be heard. Just like the disciples would have done. Lets go!

Mety where are the supplies?

Tell me how what you?re saying is not irrelevant to the topic of what we can learn from other nations.

Also who are those cannot be heard you keep bringing up of? Don?t use God?s words to justify your position. I?m going to have to rebuke you if you keep doing that.

It is relevant.
1. South Korea producers 10 million plus medical supplies and we do not produce that many.
2. Firs responders across the US are also getting sick. (Some are using trash bags for protection)

The disciples helped out other people in need. I am not sure if you are.


Kenkoko said:
Mety said:
So technically what we can learn from Taiwan and S. Korea at this point is we can start tracking people by either cellphones or bracelets? I still have not heard any other things we can learn from them and practically apply here in the US.

Many are saying we Americans need to let go of our pride and learn from other nations but I'm not seeing anyone really posting stuff we can learn from them and practice here other than tracking people by force. Anything else?

Thank you for the kind words in your earlier post.More importantly thank you for willing to keep an open mind.

We have big structural problems that predates Trump.

Trump is not blameless in handling Covid-19, his mis-steps are obvious.

New York mayor Bill de Blasio was encouraging New Yorkers to go out to movie theaters and party on with their lives despite Coronavirus on MARCH 2nd.
The D next to his name didn?t stop his stupidity.

I wish more people would not fall for this false partisan dichotomy.

We should hold elected officials accountable regardless of party affiliations.

To your specific question above, we can learn a lot from Taiwan?s healthcare infrastructure.

They stock up on medical supplies and PPEs according to expert guidelines. Their whole process is a lot more friction-less compared to ours.

For example, they have 100% digital records shared in every single hospital and clinic. We have people falling through the cracks, not get proper treatments, redundant tests and procedures performed, and yes, we still use paper records!!!

Efficiency saves money, precious medical resources and ultimately saves lives. We should all be against wasteful and inefficient bureaucracy regardless of political party / ideology.

Great to know on Taiwan's efficiency. While the foundation might be strong here, we definitely need some major upgrade on our healthcare infrastructure IMHO. Hopefully we prepare for enough stock and medical staff from now on.
Mety said:
Since no one seems to really point out what we can learn from Taiwan and S. Korea, I just thought of start doing that myself.

We can stop hoarding stuff. As far as I know, S. Korean people didn?t pile up stuff like TP or water bottles for themselves. Instead they donated masks and things others to who might need.

We can stop panicking. They didn?t panic. Also there was no lockdown on S. Korea. They followed the rules and acted more civil than us. We can surely learn such submissive behavior to the authorities instead of keep blaming everything on the administration.

Again, these could have been possible due to different size and cultures, but something we can start from ourselves...

Oh, and they did not go and buy out all fact no country did except us
Stop panicking? Our healthcare system is going down the drain. (Due to the strain on the workers and lack of medical supplies)
eyephone said:
Mety said:
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
Mety said:
So technically what we can learn from Taiwan and S. Korea at this point is we can start tracking people by either cellphones or bracelets? I still have not heard any other things we can learn from them and practically apply here in the US.

Many are saying we Americans need to let go of our pride and learn from other nations but I'm not seeing anyone really posting stuff we can learn from them and practice here other than tracking people by force. Anything else?

Where are supplies Trump?  Hospital and first responder workers are getting sick. (they really are, its so sad, so sad)
Where are the tests kits? Where are the ventilators?

I will always fight for the voice that can not be heard. Just like the disciples would have done. Lets go!

Mety where are the supplies?

Tell me how what you?re saying is not irrelevant to the topic of what we can learn from other nations.

Also who are those cannot be heard you keep bringing up of? Don?t use God?s words to justify your position. I?m going to have to rebuke you if you keep doing that.

It is relevant.
1. South Korea producers 10 million plus medical supplies and we do not produce that many.
2. Firs responders across the US are also getting sick. (Some are using trash bags for protection)

The disciples helped out other people in need. I am not sure if you are.


1. Last time I checked, we're getting supplies from S. Korea. So we're definitely learning from them on that regard.
2. I agree we were not prepared for the quantities of such things as masks. We even have a shortage of primary physicians to begins with. That's something I really wish was different.

So according to yourself, you're all about helping others especially those in need. What exactly have you done on this matter? Have you actually donated masks? Are you saying your posts are saving lives? Have you prayed sincerely for those people's souls?

And why exactly are you accusing me and many others of not helping others? Are you saying your way is the only way? I'm not trying to pick a fight so please don't get into that mood. I'm simply asking questions things I'm not clear from you. I really hope to carry on our conversation on civilized manners. 

Someone that spreads false information is not helping others.
Not caring about people that are sick or can get sick is not helping others.
Letting people know where to get stuff like food and stuff is helping others.

If someone is going to give false information. I am going to correct them. (There are many stories in the Bible about telling lies and not the truth. If you do not like it. What can I say?)
We should not have to rely on South Korea. We need the President to act to tell the business to produce supplies.

Happiness said:
Regarding Taiwan:

Supplies ? Taiwan has 23 million people, or twice the population of LA County. Much easier to stock supplies for 23 million than 330 million (US population).

Preparedness ? Taiwan has lived for the past 70 years next to a hostile neighbor, that happens to be the world?s foremost purveyor of pestilence and plague, who is constantly threatening to blockade Taiwan and introducing new diseases to the island so the Taiwanese have always been very vigilant to existential threats from across the straits. US has always been the breadbasket of the world so fear of ?running out? of something is not in our culture.

Toilet Paper ? Taiwanese have also been hoarding TP because Taiwan?s premier Su Tseng Chang said last week that ?you only have one butthole so stop hoarding toilet paper!?

I disagree. It's not so much about "running out of" fear as it about Govt./republic going rogue culture. We live in constant fear of anarchy and lawlessness (hence the gun-buying spree every time something goes wrong), fear of the whole world is targeting our fall (hence the incredible defense spending and hoarding of weapons). Our priorities as a nation are very different.

Just look at the growth of home security products like ring etc in the past few years. Do we really have that huge of a theft and burglary problem in our country? I'd say no. But people are just so paranoid.

We have obesity problem. No one can argue against that. I rather have all of us divert our $ towards healthy lifestyle than feeling the false sense of security.
eyephone said:
Someone that spreads false information is not helping others.
Not caring about people that are sick or can get sick is not helping others.
Letting people know where to get stuff like food and stuff is helping others.

If someone is going to give false information. I am going to correct them. (There are many stories in the Bible about telling lies and not the truth. If you do not like it. What can I say?)

Have you not spread false information yourself? I truly apologize, but I can point out many times you did. For example, many biblical verses and references you've been using were false interpretations. I tried to correct you in a friendly way, but I believe you rejected or denied most of them.

Tell me when anyone here really not cared about someone who's sick or dying. Give me facts, not your assumptions.

If you've read Costco and groceries threads IHO made, many people chimed in to say where to go for groceries and stuff. So we all participated in helping others according to your view.

I believe if you let go of all those political agendas with this whole Trump vs. Democrats fights, you would have much clearer view or open mind on others. But I do believe your intentions are pure many times since I really do think you care to help others. It just seems that nasty political angles seem to mess you up time to time which results in misunderstanding on your end.
morekaos said:
Now look at those Italian numbers...
80,585 active cases
8,215 deaths

We have more faster
93,151 active cases and...
1,382 deaths..

3,006 active case and...
65 deaths...

We are not Italy, and we won't be either.

The issue I have with this argument is that we are roughly 2 weeks behind Italy and the deaths are not instantaneous. It's usually people we extended their life by putting them on ventilator for a few weeks.

From Governor Cuomo this morning: He said the death toll had surged, up to 519 on Friday morning from 280 on Wednesday, because coronavirus patients in acute condition who had been on ventilators for the last three weeks hadn't survived.

Edit: adding the graphs for both countries