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CNBC article: FBI has ordered $40,000 in hand sanitizer and face masks 'in case the coronavirus becomes a pandemic in the United States'

The FBI said PDI's hand sanitizer and wipes were necessary because they kill "54 different microorganisms within 1 minute so this disinfectant has both speed and power." The agency justified awarding the contract to PDI without a formal competitive bidding process because "they are the number one rated in healthcare because of this kill time."

While $40,000 is just a fraction of the size of other contracts the FBI awards to private companies, the order illustrates how U.S. agencies are preparing for the possibility that the coronavirus could reach pandemic levels in the United States.

"The FBI has actively been monitoring the coronavirus outbreak in Asia and is taking preemptive measures by procuring these items ... now," the document reads. The bureau added that it is making the purchase directly from manufacturers 3M and PDI rather than through retailers "because of the urgency of this request."

I just bought some hand sanitizers.

So in preparation for this virus outbreak, should I sign my kids up for sports in springtime?
If we are all being quarantined, then why sign up for anything in the future....

Just saw an event for Pet shop boys and New order at the Hollywood bowl later in the year.  Don't buy tickets?

this goes for lakers angels rams..etc.

This suit is still $11.99...I thought it would go up in price...maybe soon.
Eyephone, I was watching the South Korean news this morning. Chinese were not allowed to enter South Korea and it was very unpleasant site to watch at Customs... almost it was like a dream or not real. Remember what IHS posted about the cities with high density of affluent Chinese and Korean are the higher risk cities as they have access to travel freely. I first brushed it off like all of you when he first wrote this, but now my radar is on. Eye Phone, I know you are smart guy.... Just google and research the Daegu city in South Korea. It is like a ghost town over there right now. I have a cousin over there and he tells me that it is no joke right now. I can only pray that San Francisco does not end up looking like Daegu City.

eyephone said:
@Panda or anybody else:
Have you been stocking up on can goods?
By the way, the China plants I work with are starting to ship again.  Virus or not, China is working again.

All of this does seem like an overreaction.

It sounds like the death rate outside of China is .7%?  And there are probably a bunch of unreported cases so the rate is probably lower? 

I haven?t looked for it but it would be helpful if the death rate was broken out by age group and perhaps existing condition or not. It sounds like the majority of deaths is older people and/or people with some other condition (assuming other respiratory condition?)

I?m guessing for healthy people the death rate isn?t much different than for the flu?
qwerty said:
All of this does seem like an overreaction.

It sounds like the death rate outside of China is .7%?  And there are probably a bunch of unreported cases so the rate is probably lower? 

I haven?t looked for it but it would be helpful if the death rate was broken out by age group and perhaps existing condition or not. It sounds like the majority of deaths is older people and/or people with some other condition (assuming other respiratory condition?)

Zika was much worse, yet where are the headlines for Zika?  Seriously, that one scares me still. 

COVID-19 is highly contagious, but for most people, it seems the symptoms are no worse than the common cold.

I almost lost a cousin a couple years ago to hand foot mouth disease.  He was in the hospital for weeks, and lost a third of his body weight.  The docs seriously didn't know if he would pull through.  My daughter, and probably every kid in her class, has had the same disease multiple times in preschool.  Rarely more than a rash and mild fever for her each time, if even that.

I'm not saying COVID-19 is not a big deal.  It's killing people.  But put it in perspective.  If you don't have other risk factors, you probably need to worry a lot more about its effect on your portfolio than on your long term health.
@daedalus - thanks that was perfect.

After seeing that data this is clearly an overreaction. Buy them stocks! Bought some SPY when the market was up about 75 points. I lucked out, was going to buy when it was almost up 400 but took a phone call, then by the time I bought the market was up less than 100.
qwerty said:
@daedalus - thanks that was perfect.

After seeing that data this is clearly an overreaction. Buy them stocks! Bought some SPY when the market was up about 75 points. I lucked out, was going to buy when it was almost up 400 but took a phone call, then by the time I bought the market was up less than 100.

it might be an over reaction, but why not be safe? Its not containable according to the experts. People all over the world have the disease. There is Anxiety and panic in Italy as I type.
Correct me if Im wrong, but China knew about this before it got out of control. They arrested the Chinese doctor who brought it to the medical community. (He unfortunately died of the virus.)

So apparently a church linked to South Korea outbreak had meetings in Wuhan China according to Business Insider News.

Spain reports first Carona virus case per Reuters.
Soylent Green Is People said:
I consider the film "Contagion" as a documentary now.... Just hope "12 Monkeys" isn't one as well.

More like the Planet of the Apes 2nd reboot except with bats instead of simians. :)

Devil is the details, the big detail is, like the flu, how many actual infections are there.

Its to hard apples to apples that 50-59 group but by 59, depending on year that log scale puts you somewhere in the 0.8% and 2.0%.
nosuchreality said:

Devil is the details, the big detail is, like the flu, how many actual infections are there.

Do you compare the flu to heart disease?
Do you compare the flu to diabetes?
Do you compare the flu to stab wounds?

Get out of here!
Overreacting, tell that to Mayor Garcetti, currently, as of this writing, LAX is going through a cleaning process at the airport as the Korean flight attendant tested positive.
I thought the best overreaction was the mayor of SF declaring a state of emergency despite not a single person in that city having contracted the virus.  Decontaminating airports is about keeping peace of mind up and continuing commerce, tourism, etc which probably only adds to the panic in the long run.

No one said don't be safe.  I wash my hands often and try to remember to make my daughter do the same.  I keep tabs of where the infected are.  I wouldn't take my daughter to daycare or go to work if I thought infected people had been through there.  But it ain't the plague!  The 2nd worst part about COVID-19 is the hysteria wrapped around it.  I pity the poor folks sitting in quarantine,  reading the headlines, watching news stories showing grown adults with water bottles and maxipads taped to their heads, and scared worthless about what comes next. 

The worst part about COVID-19 is that the incubation period is thought to be as long as 14 days, during which it can be spread.  Add to that how contagious it seems to be, and we may all end up getting it.  The vast majority of us will get through this relatively unscathed either way.