Please stay alert and wash your hands frequently, no matter where you are, especially to those who travel to Asia for business. Check-in with friends and colleagues nearby. I'm sending extra prayers and courage to those who are closer to the fast developments.
If you haven't noticed...In less than 3 months, more than 78,811 individuals in 32 countries got the disease and 2,467 have died. 35 cases of the disease are confirmed in the USA and more updates are coming each day. World Health Organization (WHO) has stated the "Disease X" global spread is worrisome but no panic is needed yet.
I know in Asia, many others who are impacted in their supply chain, business, and lives - empty streets, teleworking offices, and lives lost. The more we educate ourselves, stay alert and resilient will we be able to find hope in this face of fear and uncertainty.
Here are some places you can read more about it.
Sending courage and positivity to those who are there.

Hang tight. To others, please be respectful and mindful.
NYT Map:
WHO Advice to Public:
Center for Disease Prevention Alert:
US State Department Travel Alert Warning: