
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
eyephone said:
Innosint said:
the announcement yesterday afternoon then the second one later at night.....

what a fucking joke.

We basically have the OC board overruling the OC health.

In half a year, we will probably start reading about the OC board blaming OC Health moving too slowly during the outbreak and caused unnecessary infection.

CNBC article: Investor Bill Ackman urged President Donald Trump and corporate America in an impassioned plea on CNBC to shut down the country for 30 days to contain the fast-spreading coronavirus, calling it the only option to rescue the economy.

"What's scaring the American people and corporate America now is the gradual rollout," Ackman told Scott Wapner on "Halftime Report" on Wednesday. "We need to shut it down now. ... This is the only answer."

"America will end as we know it. I'm sorry to say so, unless we take this option," he said. Ackman added that if Trump saves the country from the coronavirus, he will get reelected in November.

Ackman urged U.S. companies to stop their buyback programs because "hell is coming." The biggest U.S. banks have already halted repurchasing stocks to put their capital to use helping consumers and businesses.

"The hotel industry and the restaurant industry will go bankrupt first, Boeing is on the brink, Boeing will not survive without a government bailout," Ackman said. "Capitalism does not work in an 18-month shutdown, capitalism can work in a 30-day shutdown."

Again, we need to find a solution.
- temporary shutdown
- require everybody to where a mask or get beat down like in China (that might not work because there is not enough mask in the US to begin with)
- spray bleach/chemicals to clean: buildings, streets, restaurants, etc. (I do not know if it works, but they show video in China and other countries doing it)
- checkpoints
- no fly zone: only for government/medical/supplies/food
- President should enact the emergency powers for business to make supplies/cleaning solutions/ventilators (what is he waiting for?)

Since a face mask is suppose to protect others from your own sneezing and coughing, we can use anything as a mask.  A cloth mask would be fine.
A restaurant in Lake Forest is turning into a take out food and "supply store". They packaging up bulk fresh chicken (9lbs), uncooked Ground Beef (3lbs), dry Pasta (2lbs), and a bunch of other essentials into a $150 bundle for sale. For those restaurants who haven't given everything away yet, this is how some will survive for a while. The spread between store prices and this offer is steep, but if it's there, ready to go, and "restaurant quality" why not?

My .02c 
"Vincent Racaniello, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Columbia University and host of the podcast This Week in Virology, told BuzzFeed News that there isn?t even enough testing being done to know who is actually infected, which would make any plan to keep infection hot spots locked down completely infeasible.

?If you just lock down who have clinical symptoms,? he said, ?it's not going to do a damn thing.?

Relaxed social distancing in Hong Kong is believed to have caused a second spike in cases this week.

?For god?s sake, do people really not have any patience in this country,? he said. ?It was finite in China. It will be finite here.?"
Cornflakes said:
Chicago to rent out thousands of hotel rooms for COVID-19 patients
Anuja Vaidya (Twitter) - an hour ago Print | Email
As U.S. hospitals struggle to figure out ways to manage the expected influx of COVID-19 patients, the city of Chicago is moving ahead with one strategy ? renting out thousands of rooms in hotels to isolate confirmed and suspected cases of the new coronavirus illness, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Now that is creative! It makes perfect sense. Roll in needed supplies and station a team of HCPs to manage the patients that require level 1 basic care. If patients worsen in their medical condition, they get elevated to actual hospital care where there are all the fancy equipment, meds, and professionals are available.

This is what I was talking about that we don?t necessarily have to build temp hospitals, we can use existing unused infrastructure.

The big problem is supplies, equipment and personnel.
eyephone said:
I guess I should set up Apple Pay or something like that. So I do not have to give  the worker my credit card.

Many have an online app where you can order and pay so the only contact you will have is whatever they package the food in.
Did anyone catch Trump?s story in the presser about a guy on his deathbed and already said goodbye to his family and was given hydroxychloroquine and now he is better? Is this the story?

Is that fake news? Because while googling for that I found this:

Where the man died.

Need to be careful of forsythia panaceas here.

aquabliss said:
I still don't understand why we're not considering an immediate lockdown (no leaving your house for any reason except to go to the ER) executive order for those 60+.  Those with severe immune disorders should be given the electable choice.  Anyone 0-59 can continue on with their business.  Let it burn through the herd of 0-59 year olds and yes there will still be carnage but significantly less.

I fear taking a drastic measure like this will be the only way to save our economy.  Doesn't everyone get the feeling that 2-3 weeks from now the curve won't be flat and they'll just institute martial law anyhow?
I certainly don't want to be anywhere in Los Angeles in 3 months when 40% are out of work, can't afford rent and food, and start torching palm trees again.  May God save us all.

There will be nuances to this though.

What if you are < 59 but live with 60+? You would have to be locked down too? How do you enforce this age profiling?

Instead of checking for ID to drink, you get carded to sit in a restaurant?
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
I guess I should set up Apple Pay or something like that. So I do not have to give  the worker my credit card.

Many have an online app where you can order and pay so the only contact you will have is whatever they package the food in.

But if they have it when I pay. The other workers might have it also. Lol
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
I guess I should set up Apple Pay or something like that. So I do not have to give  the worker my credit card.

Many have an online app where you can order and pay so the only contact you will have is whatever they package the food in.

But if they have it when I pay. The other workers might have it also. Lol

Also, I forgot to mention the worker for some reason could not scan my phone for the $1 fries after many times. So then he took my phone and tried to scan it close by and it still did not work. He end up giving me the deal.
(FYI I sanitized my phone after the drive through)
irvinehomeowner said:
Did anyone catch Trump?s story in the presser about a guy on his deathbed and already said goodbye to his family and was given hydroxychloroquine and now he is better? Is this the story?

Is that fake news? Because while googling for that I found this:

Where the man died.

Need to be careful of forsythia panaceas here.
Hydroxychloroquine is the preferred antimalarial and a less toxic analog of Chloroquine phosphate that killed the poor guy.
eyephone said:
eyephone said:
irvinehomeowner said:
eyephone said:
I guess I should set up Apple Pay or something like that. So I do not have to give  the worker my credit card.

Many have an online app where you can order and pay so the only contact you will have is whatever they package the food in.

But if they have it when I pay. The other workers might have it also. Lol

Also, I forgot to mention the worker for some reason could not scan my phone for the $1 fries after many times. So then he took my phone and tried to scan it close by and it still did not work. He end up giving me the deal.
(FYI I sanitized my phone after the drive through)

Do not worry. I do not have the Rona.
irvinehomeowner said:
This is what I was talking about that we don?t necessarily have to build temp hospitals, we can use existing unused infrastructure.

The big problem is supplies, equipment and personnel.

I think that supplies and equipment will be lesser of a problem than personnel. I work in medical device industry and my company is busier than ever making devices as the orders are pouring in. I am sure other device companies have stepped up their Mfg. as well.

As for Personnel, may be all those people that are losing jobs can be employed in health care industry on a temp basis offering all sorts of services that do not require nursing and medical licence. Thus, freeing up time existing certified HCPs to do critical functions.