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Puleeeze?you guys didn?t even think there was 1. I dug up 5 in 5 minutes?not saying they are all fake just a lot might be mis categorized. The ?died of? and ?died with? gets very gray. Add financial incentives from hospitals, insurance companies and government and it adds up.
I did not say I didn't think there was one... I asked for cited proof so we can see how far and wide this is... akula makes it sound like a larger number when it is in reality very small.

Anyone can find any aberration quickly... it's how widespread it is that becomes an issue.
So since morekaos is so good at finding stuff... here is something I heard on the radio... in areas where Delta variant highly infected the population, they still came down with Omicron.

So, just like vaccines, that "sweet natural immunity" of yours may not be 100% effective against Omicron. And if you don't want to vax... how do you get a booster? Catch Covid again?
Gunshot wounds are the most obvious because they would seem the stupidest. The fact that there are any tells you something.  Lesser reasons like heart attacks or cancer would be more subtle but like I said there is significant financial interest to declare a death Covid both for the amounts paid and the velocity of the payments (something few note).  The ?with? and ?of? allows a chasm of wiggle room and gray area to declare everything you can a Covid death.
This is just like claims of voter fraud, and then when pressed for proof... what was the actual numbers? Minuscule... and on both sides of the fence.

Which means that there are probably deaths that were NOT attributed to Covid when they should have... so that's my point... it goes both ways.

Someone here in the medical field debunked the theory that hospitals were coding deaths as Covid for nefarious reasons... it could result in much worse consequences if discovered.
irvinehomeowner said:
This is just like claims of voter fraud, and then when pressed for proof... what was the actual numbers? Minuscule... and on both sides of the fence.

Which means that there are probably deaths that were NOT attributed to Covid when they should have... so that's my point... it goes both ways.

Someone here in the medical field debunked the theory that hospitals were coding deaths as Covid for nefarious reasons... it could result in much worse consequences if discovered.

And in the voter fraud case, when they actually looked into it, they did find voter fraud...from Republican voters.

So when you look into COVID deaths, it's the same thing...under-reporting COVID Florida.
See those four tiny bumps at the beginning of 2018?  That was the bad 2017/18 flu season of 52,000 deaths.  Now look to the right at what happens in 2020 to now.
The financial incentives really only go one way.  I know quite a few higher ups at several major hospitals in LA and OC. (Large foundations) they confirm it privately but good luck getting that exposed with a lazy complacent press.  I?ll dig you up some numbers tomorrow when I get into tho office and have a minute.  I?m watching ?Home Alone? with my daughter.
As with the gunshot deaths, there are some aberrations... but whatever "he said, she said" you want to pull up is probably not significant enough to prove your point.
irvinehomeowner said:
akula1488 said:
Do you know in Taiwan there are more people died after being vaccinated (again, could be vaccine or some other underlying reasons) then the one who died after being tested positive?


Just to get this straight, you are claiming that more people are dying from being vaccinated than being unvaccinated and catching Covid? I've seen you post several posts claiming this and I just want to be clear because even without any data, that just seems improbable.

He's just posting misinformation, as usual.

Source to debunk the misinformation:
morekaos said:
The financial incentives really only go one way.  I know quite a few higher ups at several major hospitals in LA and OC. (Large foundations) they confirm it privately but good luck getting that exposed with a lazy complacent press.  I?ll dig you up some numbers tomorrow when I get into tho office and have a minute.  I?m watching ?Home Alone? with my daughter.

Stick with the classic, the new one is a stinker.
Thanks for making my point. The numbers are still correct.
The article is saying the deaths after vaccination does really count because no one could confirm the cause is purely due to the vaccine. The same argument can be applied to Covid deaths as well. I used gunshot wounds as the most stupid example but many have comorbidities.

So you cannot selectively dismiss one number (# deaths due to vaccine) while not applying the same reasoning to the other (# deaths due to Covid).

Now let's talk about the ratio. Death due to vaccine per capita is still higher than death due to Covid per capita. Why use two different denominators to make one look better than the other? To die of COVID, you need to be infected first, which is a small percentage of total population. So why exclude a majority people who are not infected to make one number looks worse than the other?
It is like saying if you get shot in the heart your survival rate is very low so we should mandate every one wears bullet proof body armor, but how many people are actually getting shot every day?

Do you really have any critical thinking skills? Or you have been brainwashed by the media?

CalBears96 said:
irvinehomeowner said:
akula1488 said:
Do you know in Taiwan there are more people died after being vaccinated (again, could be vaccine or some other underlying reasons) then the one who died after being tested positive?


Just to get this straight, you are claiming that more people are dying from being vaccinated than being unvaccinated and catching Covid? I've seen you post several posts claiming this and I just want to be clear because even without any data, that just seems improbable.

He's just posting misinformation, as usual.

Source to debunk the misinformation:
akula1488 said:
Thanks for making my point. The numbers are still correct.
The article is saying the deaths after vaccination does really count because no one could confirm the cause is purely due to the vaccine. The same argument can be applied to Covid deaths as well. I used gunshot wounds as the most stupid example but many have comorbidities.

So you cannot selectively dismiss one number (# deaths due to vaccine) while not applying the same reasoning to the other (# deaths due to Covid).

Now let's talk about the ratio. Death due to vaccine per capita is still higher than death due to Covid per capita. Why use two different denominators to make one look better than the other? To die of COVID, you need to be infected first, which is a small percentage of total population. So why exclude a majority people who are not infected to make one number looks worse than the other?
It is like saying if you get shot in the heart your survival rate is very low so we should mandate every one wears bullet proof body armor, but how many people are actually getting shot every day?

Do you really have any critical thinking skills? Or you have been brainwashed by the media?

CalBears96 said:
irvinehomeowner said:
akula1488 said:
Do you know in Taiwan there are more people died after being vaccinated (again, could be vaccine or some other underlying reasons) then the one who died after being tested positive?


Just to get this straight, you are claiming that more people are dying from being vaccinated than being unvaccinated and catching Covid? I've seen you post several posts claiming this and I just want to be clear because even without any data, that just seems improbable.

He's just posting misinformation, as usual.

Source to debunk the misinformation:

Do you have any critical thinking skills? Or are you brain washed by fake news media (Faux News and OAN)?

I wasn't making your point. You said that they died due to vaccination, but that wasn't the case. Did you even read the article?

The ones dying of COVID, however, died of COVID because they were hospitalized after getting infected by COVID. You don't get infected by COVID and then get hospitalized only to die of other causes. The ones how had comorbidities are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID, so it still means that they got killed by COVID. They had pre-existing condition, but they still got killed by COVID.
Also, your "logic" for the ratio is dumb as hell. You claim that vaccine kills more than COVID. Then, of course, for the ratio, you would need to use people who died due to vaccine divided by the people who got the vaccine. Same with COVID. So don't try to move the goal post by using death per capita. You were talking about vaccine vs. COVID.

That just shows that Trump-supporting right wingers don't know how to use logic or do math.
Make your own choices...if you wanna Pfizer Jab...go for it..

official Pfizer document that is titled Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Records Reports, in just the first 90 days of the vaccine?s roll out under the FDA?s EUA ? from December 1st. 2020 ? February 28th, 2021 ? there were TENS OF THOUSANDS of reported adverse reactions, including OVER 1200 DEATHS.

The report only included adverse events to the vaccine that researchers considered ?serious cases,? there were thousands more submissions that were left out of this data.

Any cases deemed ?non-serious? would be processed within 90 days, but this report was released before 90 days of Pfizer?s vaccine being available had even passed.

?Due to the large numbers of spontaneous adverse event reports received for the product, the MAH has prioritised the processing of serious cases, in order to meet expedited regulatory reporting timelines and ensure these reports are available for signal detection and evaluation activity.

Non-serious cases are processed as soon as possible and no later than 90 days from receipt. Pfizer has also taken a multiple actions to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports.?

In all, the report states that there were a total of 42,086 case reports of individuals who had an adverse reaction to Pfizer?s vaccine worldwide, with the largest number (13,739) coming from the United States and from the UK (13,404).

According to the documents women (29,914) were over 3x more likely to experience a reaction than men (9182). A total of 1223 individuals had a fatal reaction to the experimental Pfizer vaccine.

The document also makes it clear that the data only includes ?recorded adverse events,? which even the author admits is likely just a portion of the true number of adverse reactions that took place.

Again, keep in mind, this is within the first 90 days of the Pfizer jab?s availability.

?Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown.

Some of the factors that may influence whether an event is reported include: length of time since marketing, market share of the drug, publicity about a drug or an AE, seriousness of the reaction, regulatory actions, awareness by health professionals and consumers of adverse drug event reporting, and litigation.?
You still don't get it do you. Stop calling names and make false accusations if you don't agree with me. Only people who are losing in a debate resort to personal attacks. I read both liberal and conservative news and come to my own conclusion. While you only read fake news from the left side and get brainwashed.

In my first post I already said we cannot take face value of the # of deaths due to vaccine and the same reason that we cannot also applies to # of deaths due to Covid. You cannot have double standards to spin and create misinformation which is what you are doing. So the Taiwan numbers are accurate for both COVID and vaccine deaths and both have the same caveat.

The ratio thing is just dumb logic. You cherry pick a number to say COVID have a higher death rate if you are infected but I am saying not everyone is/will be infected. If you don't even get infected how can you die? Why exclude that? Also there are a lot of asymptomatic carriers they won't be tested so that will skew the death ratio. If we follow your logic, everyone should wear body armors because this will improve your survival rate if you get shot.

So what's wrong if using the total population to compare the two death numbers? From the Taiwan numbers, if you live there, there is a higher chance to die after vaccination (again could be vaccine related or other causes) than to die after testing positive of Covid (again could be COVID or other causes). The more you cherry pick the data, you are creating a bias to support your false narrative.

Obviously you can claim if we don't stop this thing eventually everyone will get it (this is purely hyperbole because of herd immunity and many other reasons) so total deaths will increase so we can still use total population. But the counter argument is this vaccine thing is not one time. How many boosters we are talking about now? If you keep getting jabbed you are also increasing the chance of vaccine death or injury.

So it is up to the people to make their own choice to be vaccinated or not. But people need to have critical thinking skills so not being influenced by biased media.

CalBears96 said:
Also, your "logic" for the ratio is dumb as hell. You claim that vaccine kills more than COVID. Then, of course, for the ratio, you would need to use people who died due to vaccine divided by the people who got the vaccine. Same with COVID. So don't try to move the goal post by using death per capita. You were talking about vaccine vs. COVID.

That just shows that Trump-supporting right wingers don't know how to use logic or do math.
Mandates are not going to be an issue predicted they are not enforceable and in the end probably not within Brandon's power....Again, if you want a jab...go for it...if not, that is your choice too...

Chicago DROPS vaccine mandate lawsuit against police union after Mayor Lori Lightfoot was humiliated by judge's order suspending her December 31 deadline to get the shots
Chicago dropped its vaccine lawsuit against the police union on Wednesday
City insists the measure is no longer necessary due to high vaccine compliance
But it follows a ruling striking down Lightfoot's December 31 deadline for shots
City claims police union boss encouraged an 'illegal strike' to protest
City says about 87% of CPD employees now report that they are vaccinated
So he made it up the registration number and or if he is a financial advisor.


morekaos said:
I didn't "misappropriate" anything...I made it up.  So what?  I told you immediately it was not real and you replied you were only "joking" and to take it down. .  What would be the purpose of the lie?  How did I "scam" or what was my benefit from your supposed "fraud".  Who was the "victim"?...and don't say yourself, because you always claim to be a victim.
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
Im not the one telling people I am a financial advsor and giving fake broker dealer # on the web.
Just saying. Also, I am not the victim like you said. I am just pointing inaccuracies. gg

So, if I tell you I?m 6?4?, black, live in Greenland and am Jewish what might you charge me with if it turns out I?m actually he him, they and it??

1. I thought he was from Long Beach, California. Now that is in question.
2. Unfortunately, you picked a profession that is highly regulated in the US to make up your profession.

The troll is a troll. (you cant make this up)
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
Im not the one telling people I am a financial advsor and giving fake broker dealer # on the web.
Just saying. Also, I am not the victim like you said. I am just pointing inaccuracies. gg

So, if I tell you I?m 6?4?, black, live in Greenland and am Jewish what might you charge me with if it turns out I?m actually he him, they and it??

1. I thought he was from Long Beach, California. Now that is in question.
2. Unfortunately, you picked a profession that is highly regulated in the US to make up your profession.

The troll is a troll. (you cant make this up)

Exactly, why anything anyone says here is questionable and up to you whether you want to believe it or not.  Why I always add links to source material and rarely just headlines and report quotes.  Allows the reader to see it and decide for themselves.  This is a discussion board not a professional setting so those rules don't apply.  You or I can say anything we want...protected by our limited anonymity to freelee exchange ideas and points of view.  As you can tell I enjoy the banter,  it challenges you to support your views.