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I think covid hospitalizations and deaths are the easiest to confirm and believe.
With a higher vaccine rate, it seems CA is doing much better than FL.
morekaos said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Do you even read what you post or just copy/paste headlines? Your link has no back up on that 99% FDA claim that I can see.

"Now, if you are a normal sane person, if you heard Dr Anthony Fauci say that the jabs are 95% effective, you would assume that this would mean that one in twenty will still get COVID-19 despite getting vaxxed. The reality, is that this could not be further from the truth.

The way they get these numbers is from their study of 36,593 people. That sounds like a lot, right? So it MUST be legit, right? Hardly.

Out of those 36,593 people in the study, 170 people got COVID-19? eight that were vaccinated and 162 that received the placebo. That means that 99.54% did NOT get COVID-19 during this study.

"Now, let?s break apart these numbers even further. According to the FDA, the study was split 1:1 in those vaxxed vs unvaxxed. When you take the number of those that are vaccinated vs unvaccinated and divide them into how many people were in each group, both the vaxxed and unvaxxed had a more 99% effectiveness. The difference between getting the Jab and not was less than 0.8%."

Really? Look at the math again. Of the people who got Covid, what was the percentage of vax vs unvaxxed?

Again, misdirection.
zubs said:
The top US pandemic doctor Fauci says get vaccinated and wear a mask
This should be the end of the argument, but covid deniers will find any reason to go against this advice.
You can find any reason you want to justify your shitty behavior.

I prefer to listen to the USA's top expert.

If he's not the top expert kick him off.....but WAIT! he's still there? ???
Why do we pay him $500,000/year and then not listen to him!?

He makes more than Granpa Joe?

?I don't think you'll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public,? Fauci said

The idea, according to Fauci, was impossible.

?If someone refuses the vaccine in the general public, then there's nothing you can do about that. You cannot force someone to take a vaccine,"
morekaos said:
zubs said:
The top US pandemic doctor Fauci says get vaccinated and wear a mask
This should be the end of the argument, but covid deniers will find any reason to go against this advice.
You can find any reason you want to justify your shitty behavior.

I prefer to listen to the USA's top expert.

If he's not the top expert kick him off.....but WAIT! he's still there? ???
Why do we pay him $500,000/year and then not listen to him!?

He makes more than Granpa Joe?

?I don't think you'll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public,? Fauci said

The idea, according to Fauci, was impossible.

?If someone refuses the vaccine in the general public, then there's nothing you can do about that. You cannot force someone to take a vaccine,"

But now he says he favors mandate.
morekaos said:
Which Fauci do we believe? Christmas past, Christmas present or Christmas future? :D :D >:D

I?m not a fan of him myself, but in his defense he saw we couldn?t really enforce in this country, but now that he sees (or he believes) effectiveness of the vaccine, he encourages mandates?
People who were not fully vaccinated this spring and summer were more than 10 times more likely to be hospitalized, and 11 times more likely to die of covid-19, than those who were fully vaccinated, according to one of three major studies published Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that highlight the continued efficacy of all three vaccines amid the spread of the highly contagious delta variant.

Cue nitpicks,
Natural immunity, virus gonna virus?

Is the US FINALLY on the verge of herd immunity? CDC study estimates over 80% of Americans are now protected from COVID-19 through vaccination or recovery from the virus

About 83% of the U.S. population ages 16 and up has some degree of protection against COVID-19 from vaccination or past infection, the CDC estimates
Based on antibody levels in about 1.4 million people's blood samples, researchers estimate that 20% of Americans have immunity from a past case
The remainder have been protected by having a Covid vaccine 
While 80% has previously been cited as a herd immunity goal, experts now say we need more vaccinations and boosters to protect against Delta
Still, the study indicates that the U.S. has had many more cases than agencies have reported - possibly more than double the official count
Mety said:
morekaos said:
Which Fauci do we believe? Christmas past, Christmas present or Christmas future? :D :D >:D

I?m not a fan of him myself, but in his defense he saw we couldn?t really enforce in this country, but now that he sees (or he believes) effectiveness of the vaccine, he encourages mandates?

1. Maybe you didnt even get vaccinated. Since you attack the vaccine regularly.
2. Typical right attack on Fauci. Why dont you attack Desantis and Abott? They are both vaccinated but are attacking the vaccine. Sorry plebs as long as they are safe it doesnt matter.
Rupert Murdoch is also vaccinated, but why does foxnews attack the vaccine? (They also have a vaccine policy at foxnews)
eyephone said:
Mety said:
morekaos said:
Which Fauci do we believe? Christmas past, Christmas present or Christmas future? :D :D >:D

I?m not a fan of him myself, but in his defense he saw we couldn?t really enforce in this country, but now that he sees (or he believes) effectiveness of the vaccine, he encourages mandates?

1. Maybe you didnt even get vaccinated. Since you attack the vaccine regularly.
2. Typical right attack on Fauci. Why dont you attack Desantis and Abott? They are both vaccinated but are attacking the vaccine. Sorry plebs.
Rupert Murdoch is also vaccinated, but why does foxnews attack the vaccine? (They also have a vaccine policy at foxnews)

.. because as always Eye, you missed the point. Choice is the issue? if you choose to get vaccinated, that?s fine with me if you choose not to, that?s also fine. Remember?

'The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable': Kamala Harris

?wait there is no such thing as ?women? so she must mean everybody?right?
akula1488 said:
Morekaos, why are you still wasting time debating with eyephone. The radical left is not known for logic, fact and science.

Did you find a boba spot Irvine? Last time I remember you were looking for one. Lol
Radical? Pointing out the hypocrisy?
morekaos said:
[size=12pt].. because as always Eye, you missed the point. Choice is the issue? if you choose to get vaccinated, that?s fine with me if you choose not to, that?s also fine.

So why are you criticizing the efficacy of the vaccinations rather than addressing the mandates?

I'm with you, I don't think people should be forced if they have medical/religious reasons but some are "choosing" due to wrong information. And even in that, I'll respect it... if you get tested and observe safety protocols.

Natural stupidity defeats natural immunity too.
Herd immunity is right around the corner.  Any day now.
In Mississippi, Fetal Deaths Double Among Unvaccinated Pregnant Women With COVID-19

Fetal deaths have doubled among unvaccinated pregnant women who suffer COVID-19 infections, State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs said during a Mississippi State Department of Health press conference today.

?We?ve identified 72 fetal deaths associated with pregnant moms who had COVID, which is twice the background rate of what we would?ve expected? prior to the pandemic, he said.

A ?fetal death,? also known as a ?stillbirth,? refers to deaths that occur after 20 weeks gestation. The statistic does not include miscarriages, which are deaths that occur at 20 weeks or earlier.
AFP news fact checks. People try so hard to make it seem covid is a scam or staged. The funny thing is, people actually believe it. But they are fact checked and wrong.

No, the US Senate has not declared the novel coronavirus is 'a scam'

Vaccinated people are not 'creating' coronavirus variants

Coronavirus variants are not released as part of staged pandemic

eyephone said:
A Man Died After Being Turned Away From 43 ICUs At Capacity Due To COVID, Family Says

A man with a heart condition died because 43 hospitals icus were full. It looks like traditional real emergencies are not able to get care at the time in Alabama. Something to look out for.

Well those hospitals probably shouldn't have admitted half of those covids and there would have been lots of beds for him...the media has the populous so scared they are flocking to hospitals when they should just sit at home and hump it out...We did.

Nearly Half Of All Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 Had Only Mild Or Asymptomatic Cases, Study Shows

Almost half of VA hospitalized COVID-19 cases across the United States have been asymptomatic or mild, according to a new study from researchers at Harvard Medical School, Tufts Medical Center and the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System.

The new study examined record from almost 50,000 COVID-19 hospital admissions to more than 100 VA hospitals across America. The researchers found that in the pre-vaccination, pre-Delta variant era of the pandemic, from March 2020 to January 2021, 36% of hospitalized patients had a mild or asymptomatic infection. From January 2021 to the end of June 2021, however, the proportion rose to 48%.

The COVID-19 Hospitalization Metric in the Pre- and Post-vaccination Eras as a Measure of Pandemic Severity: A Retrospective, Nationwide Cohort Study
Your report is janky.  Posting this drivel...LOL

If you are asymptomatic, why would you go to the hospital?
Study says they test everyone who comes in so the patients may show COVID but be there for a broken leg and not even know they have COVID but it goes into the stat pack anyway as a positive COVID case. Pads the numbers up to 50%.
Results: Among 47,742 admissions in 38,508 unique patients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2, N=28,731 met the criteria for moderate-to-severe COVID-19. The proportion with moderate-to-severe disease prior to widespread vaccine availability was 64.0% (95% CI, 63.1-64.9%) versus 52.0% in the later period (95% CI, 50.9-53.2%), p-value for non-constant effect, <0.001. Disease severity in the vaccine era among hospitalized patients was lower among both unvaccinated (55.0%, 95% CI, 53.7-56.4%) and vaccinated patients (42.6%, 95% CI, 40.6-44.8%).

Conclusions and Relevance: The proportion of hospitalizations that are due to severe COVID-19 has changed with vaccine availability, thus, increasing proportions of mild and asymptomatic cases are included in hospitalization reporting metrics. The addition of simple measures of disease severity to the case definition of a SARS-CoV-2 hospitalization is a straightforward and objective change that should improve the value of the metric for tracking SARS-CoV-2 disease burden.

In other words, the vaccine works. 