eyephone said:Mety said:That?s not how you carry a civilized conversation. We can get back to it when you?re ready. Have a good one bruh.
Thats life deal with it.
Your life, tough life.
eyephone said:Mety said:That?s not how you carry a civilized conversation. We can get back to it when you?re ready. Have a good one bruh.
Thats life deal with it.
nosuchreality said:On the bright side, Florida last week announced 21,000 new covid cases in children under age 19.
Yea, not a typo, leave it up to the reader to determine if that is a [sic] or an accurate stat.
Current news, Florida is reporting 35 pediatric hospitalizations a day from covid.
In the past week, Florida has averaged 1,525 adult hospitalizations a day, and 35 daily pediatric hospitalizations. Both are the highest per capita rate in the nation, according to Jason Salemi, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of South Florida.
JIMHO, so much for the children aren't affected mantra.
On the super bright front, like California, Florida schools start in the next week or two.
oh, and DeSantis signing a no-mask thing for the schools.
Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:That?s not how you carry a civilized conversation. We can get back to it when you?re ready. Have a good one bruh.
Thats life deal with it.
Your life, tough life.
eyephone said:qwerty said:eyephone said:qwerty said:It is kind of funny when the media plays up the comment of %u201CI can only imagine what the symptoms would have been like if I wasn%u2019t vaccinated%u201D when it comes to breakthrough cases. As if every covid case for the unvaccinated was some sort of death sentence or near death experience. The vast majority of covid cases are probably cold/flu like experiences.
I guess it%u2019s just the media doing what they do to get clicks.
Sorry bro its not the media. We all know covid can be mild or it can lead to severe with long term side effects or sadly death.
Do you wear a seat belt? Wearing a seat belts prevents death or severe bodily injury.
My point is, you don%u2019t hear in the media about every accident where someone died because they weren%u2019t wearing their seat belt. I am vaccinated and hope everyone else gets vaccinated. It is clear they are trying get clicks or they are trying to scare people into getting vaccinated, which is fine as well because nothing else seems to be working. It seems like covid is hear to stay so it just becomes a normal part of life. Don%u2019t need a headline story everyday on yahoo or CNBC about some breakthrough case.
Its both sides bro. Foxnews and other media outlets down plays it. I dont hear you talking about that. Its really unfortunate because covid cases are high.
Personally I like to know the information what is happening. Especially from a business perspective. (hiring and staffing, order more products, release new products) Also, from a personal level which retailers are requiring masks.
qwerty said:eyephone said:qwerty said:eyephone said:qwerty said:It is kind of funny when the media plays up the comment of %u201CI can only imagine what the symptoms would have been like if I wasn%u2019t vaccinated%u201D when it comes to breakthrough cases. As if every covid case for the unvaccinated was some sort of death sentence or near death experience. The vast majority of covid cases are probably cold/flu like experiences.
I guess it%u2019s just the media doing what they do to get clicks.
Sorry bro its not the media. We all know covid can be mild or it can lead to severe with long term side effects or sadly death.
Do you wear a seat belt? Wearing a seat belts prevents death or severe bodily injury.
My point is, you don%u2019t hear in the media about every accident where someone died because they weren%u2019t wearing their seat belt. I am vaccinated and hope everyone else gets vaccinated. It is clear they are trying get clicks or they are trying to scare people into getting vaccinated, which is fine as well because nothing else seems to be working. It seems like covid is hear to stay so it just becomes a normal part of life. Don%u2019t need a headline story everyday on yahoo or CNBC about some breakthrough case.
Its both sides bro. Foxnews and other media outlets down plays it. I dont hear you talking about that. Its really unfortunate because covid cases are high.
Personally I like to know the information what is happening. Especially from a business perspective. (hiring and staffing, order more products, release new products) Also, from a personal level which retailers are requiring masks.
I don%u2019t watch Fox News or other media outlets. I%u2019ll peruse yahoo or CNBC - so that is all I get.
eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:That?s not how you carry a civilized conversation. We can get back to it when you?re ready. Have a good one bruh.
Thats life deal with it.
Your life, tough life.
I call it like I see it. Down playing covid and the vaccine, but getting the vaccine. Trump did that too. Rofl
Same play book?
Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:That%u2019s not how you carry a civilized conversation. We can get back to it when you%u2019re ready. Have a good one bruh.
Thats life deal with it.
Your life, tough life.
I call it like I see it. Down playing covid and the vaccine, but getting the vaccine. Trump did that too. Rofl
Same play book?
Define what "secretly vaccinated" means.
You get a flu shot because you don't want to get a flu, possibly end up spreading to others, not because you're afraid you would die from it. People get covid vaccine simply for the same reason. Your mentality of a "Republican can't get vaccinated" is pretty off. You just think of Covid as a Ferrari while some others think of it as a Camry, but they can still get to be vaccinated for many other reasons. Some work places require also.
Hope to get some constructive feedback from you. Stop accusing things and play within the given facts. You probably already think I'm "secretly vaccinated," but I tell you. You assumed wrong. Assuming is not a great idea especially when it's for someone you don't even know. Try to talk within what's been said only and argue from there. Tough life? Deal with it.
eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:That%u2019s not how you carry a civilized conversation. We can get back to it when you%u2019re ready. Have a good one bruh.
Thats life deal with it.
Your life, tough life.
I call it like I see it. Down playing covid and the vaccine, but getting the vaccine. Trump did that too. Rofl
Same play book?
Define what "secretly vaccinated" means.
You get a flu shot because you don't want to get a flu, possibly end up spreading to others, not because you're afraid you would die from it. People get covid vaccine simply for the same reason. Your mentality of a "Republican can't get vaccinated" is pretty off. You just think of Covid as a Ferrari while some others think of it as a Camry, but they can still get to be vaccinated for many other reasons. Some work places require also.
Hope to get some constructive feedback from you. Stop accusing things and play within the given facts. You probably already think I'm "secretly vaccinated," but I tell you. You assumed wrong. Assuming is not a great idea especially when it's for someone you don't even know. Try to talk within what's been said only and argue from there. Tough life? Deal with it.
Anybody can get a vaccine. But it is shocking that a person who down plays covid and vaccine. Then gets the vaccine is really laughable and a joke. Believe me. It really is and you know its true.
Btw - I got the vaccine for myself. You think I care about you. Come on bro
Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:That%u2019s not how you carry a civilized conversation. We can get back to it when you%u2019re ready. Have a good one bruh.
Thats life deal with it.
Your life, tough life.
I call it like I see it. Down playing covid and the vaccine, but getting the vaccine. Trump did that too. Rofl
Same play book?
Define what "secretly vaccinated" means.
You get a flu shot because you don't want to get a flu, possibly end up spreading to others, not because you're afraid you would die from it. People get covid vaccine simply for the same reason. Your mentality of a "Republican can't get vaccinated" is pretty off. You just think of Covid as a Ferrari while some others think of it as a Camry, but they can still get to be vaccinated for many other reasons. Some work places require also.
Hope to get some constructive feedback from you. Stop accusing things and play within the given facts. You probably already think I'm "secretly vaccinated," but I tell you. You assumed wrong. Assuming is not a great idea especially when it's for someone you don't even know. Try to talk within what's been said only and argue from there. Tough life? Deal with it.
Anybody can get a vaccine. But it is shocking that a person who down plays covid and vaccine. Then gets the vaccine is really laughable and a joke. Believe me. It really is and you know its true.
Btw - I got the vaccine for myself. You think I care about you. Come on bro
Sorry, but I don't know if it's true.
Here is an example.
In your book, morekaos downplayed covid.
In someone else's book, morekaos saw it as is.
Both of you provided pretty good datas with science behind. You guys just don't see as a legitimate sources on each other's. Hence, much lots of wrong assumptions came forth.
Here is what's true. You keep calling him names. He keeps responding with manners.
eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:That%u2019s not how you carry a civilized conversation. We can get back to it when you%u2019re ready. Have a good one bruh.
Thats life deal with it.
Your life, tough life.
I call it like I see it. Down playing covid and the vaccine, but getting the vaccine. Trump did that too. Rofl
Same play book?
Define what "secretly vaccinated" means.
You get a flu shot because you don't want to get a flu, possibly end up spreading to others, not because you're afraid you would die from it. People get covid vaccine simply for the same reason. Your mentality of a "Republican can't get vaccinated" is pretty off. You just think of Covid as a Ferrari while some others think of it as a Camry, but they can still get to be vaccinated for many other reasons. Some work places require also.
Hope to get some constructive feedback from you. Stop accusing things and play within the given facts. You probably already think I'm "secretly vaccinated," but I tell you. You assumed wrong. Assuming is not a great idea especially when it's for someone you don't even know. Try to talk within what's been said only and argue from there. Tough life? Deal with it.
Anybody can get a vaccine. But it is shocking that a person who down plays covid and vaccine. Then gets the vaccine is really laughable and a joke. Believe me. It really is and you know its true.
Btw - I got the vaccine for myself. You think I care about you. Come on bro
Sorry, but I don't know if it's true.
Here is an example.
In your book, morekaos downplayed covid.
In someone else's book, morekaos saw it as is.
Both of you provided pretty good datas with science behind. You guys just don't see as a legitimate sources on each other's. Hence, much lots of wrong assumptions came forth.
Here is what's true. You keep calling him names. He keeps responding with manners.
You forgot something. You down played covid also. lul
Manners are thrown out the window. We are in a pandemic aka health crisis.
Mety said:It was from the beginning.![]()
eyephone said:Mety said:It was from the beginning.![]()
Yeah when you gave your false opinion. Kekw
zubs said:https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/14-states-puerto-rico-hit-083237905.html
CA covid cases are going up.
We are jeaopardizing our re-opening.
Do you think we can have normal school when AUG rolls around with conditions like this?
New York is not on this list. Cuomo is killing it.
Newsom needs to make masks a law where police can give $25 tickets for being in public and not wearing one.
If you want life to go back to normal as much as possible, then masks are part of the solution.
Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:It was from the beginning.![]()
Yeah when you gave your false opinion. Kekw
Haha. We'll see who was right. We'll know someday. Although you seem so certain you're right already.
BTW my feelings don't get hurt by your comments. I hope your feelings don't either. Stay safe, bro.
eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:It was from the beginning.![]()
Yeah when you gave your false opinion. Kekw
Haha. We'll see who was right. We'll know someday. Although you seem so certain you're right already.
BTW my feelings don't get hurt by your comments. I hope your feelings don't either. Stay safe, bro.
Sorry the we will see approach is not working. Call to action is now. That is why business are requiring employees to get vaccinated.
morekaos said:eyephone said:morekaos said:nosuchreality said:morekaos said:I don?t think it matters?from real experience.
It matters a great deal for the unvaccinated. It?s basic expected value theory. Hospitalizations are real. Death is real. Neither is in the realm of lottery jackpot.
The same can be said for car accidents. We all make risk reward evaluations every moment we breath?this is no different. I?ll not be wearing a mask anytime soon.
This is coming from a guy who got the variant.
?because I don?t have to. (Maybe never did). This thing is coming for you Eye?you won?t be able to escape it.
Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:eyephone said:Mety said:It was from the beginning.![]()
Yeah when you gave your false opinion. Kekw
Haha. We'll see who was right. We'll know someday. Although you seem so certain you're right already.
BTW my feelings don't get hurt by your comments. I hope your feelings don't either. Stay safe, bro.
Sorry the we will see approach is not working. Call to action is now. That is why business are requiring employees to get vaccinated.
I didn't mean it as an approach to this virus or anything. I meant to say, we shall know what this thing was really about after a long long time. Maybe after we all die later on.