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eyephone said:
morekaos said:
You clearly haven?t been out of your box in a while Eye. Unfortunately, it?s a working vacation but still, the contrast is stunning. DeSantis knows how to run a state. The only positive is We may be kicking out the boy king in a few months for his miss handling of the economy. California?s 9%+ unemployment rate is maddening when compared to Florida and you consider we got nothing for a shut down but economic pain....thanks for that.

Working vacation does not make sense. Because you do not get paid to post on TI.

Tapping a few clients while I?m here, pressing the flesh and celebrating last years returns. Not only good client relations, but now I can write off the whole trip.
morekaos said:
eyephone said:
morekaos said:
You clearly haven%u2019t been out of your box in a while Eye. Unfortunately, it%u2019s a working vacation but still, the contrast is stunning. DeSantis knows how to run a state. The only positive is We may be kicking out the boy king in a few months for his miss handling of the economy. California%u2019s 9%+ unemployment rate is maddening when compared to Florida and you consider we got nothing for a shut down but economic pain....thanks for that.

Working vacation does not make sense. Because you do not get paid to post on TI.

Tapping a few clients while I%u2019m here, pressing the flesh and celebrating last years returns.

I guess you didn%u2019t understand my previous statement.
1. You said you were on vacation like many times. (I think no one cares to be honest.)
2. I said why would you be posting on TI frequently if you are on vacation.
3. Your response is working vacation visiting your clients (or maybe not)

If you call this a vacation or working vacation and you have time to post frequently on TI. I say go have fun. But then again this might be fun for you. Because you lie a lot on here. Lol
I think an average reasonable person would not be on TI and call it a vacation activity.
Shut down?  What shutdown?

On President?s day I went to Irvine Regional Park, at 10AM the line backed up out to Chapman and parking inside was nearly full.

On Wednesday, I was by the District, drove through the Walmart lot, standard Walmart crowd with parking nearly filled..  From there headed up the 55, with the normal 55 rush hour traffic.

On Thursday I swung by The Marketplace to pick up some TV Dinners from LazyDog.  Happy hour was in full effect.  The patio was full. The extra side patio they added was full.  The pop up converted parking lot patio was full and about 20 groups of people were milling around the hostess doors and parking area waiting to get seated.

Friday had a household issue pop up had to make a Target run for something out of stock in Irvine so ended up in Santa Ana shorty after school let out.  The streets had people everywhere. The entire shopping center had people everywhere and Target had no shortage of people.

Today went to a different regional park.  By noon when we left, every structure was decorated with balloon and other stuff for parties.  Groups everywhere.  People setting up large groups of blankets to mark space for gatherings that didn?t reserve a structure.

I haven?t been to the beach, it?s a little early, pretty sure I know what I will see.

California shutdown like most people diet.  I?ll start Monday, Friday?s (and Sat and Sun) will be cheat days and ?just a little? doesn?t count.

Yeah but California just let up. Florida let up in September or sooner I think. California?s more prolonged shutdown did cause more economic damage.
Looks like bad news on covid front.

California is running with a different variant that appears worse.

A coronavirus variant first identified in Denmark is now surging through California and represents more than half of samples in 44 counties, according to new UC San Francisco data released Monday.

The variant, called L452R, is more infectious than the original strain of the virus, although it does not appear to spread more quickly than the U.K. variant, scientists found.

Also troubling is new evidence that links the variant to increased risk of severe illness and death. Additionally, people who are vaccinated seem to produce fewer protective antibodies in response to the variant, suggesting it might evade our immune defenses.
qwerty said:
Yeah but California just let up. Florida let up in September or sooner I think. California?s more prolonged shutdown did cause more economic damage.

But that is your opinion. I guess you do not think the shutdown help slow the spread of covid. Backed up that covid cases are dropping.

If people wore the masks like other country and stop blaming on 5G. Lol
We would not be in a hot mess last year. (someone lied more than Ted not saying you did)
qwerty said:
Yeah but California just let up. Florida let up in September or sooner I think. California?s more prolonged shutdown did cause more economic damage.

Qwerty: Where are the vaccines that were delivered from the Pharmaceutical companies to the US under Trump? There are millions of vaccines unaccounted for. But we know you will not talk about that. Lol

(If not millions, hundreds of thousands vaccines went missing. Was it theft? Was it simply poor record keeping? Equipment did not work? Scanned the wrong bar code?) Who knows!

Who is stopping you from partying it up in South Beach with no mask?
But most importantly do not blame me if you catch it.
Everytime I drive by  Crunch and see the line waiting to get in, i think this.  So many WTF in the article.

In Chicago, the CDC found an outbreak was tied to a gym that was operating at 25 percent capacity. Although gym members brought their own weights and mats to high-intensity classes, remained six feet apart and were screened for symptoms, including temperature checks, upon arrival, two major basic guidelines to curb the spread of the virus were not met, the report found.

The majority of attendees did not keep their masks on throughout the entire class. Added to this, 22 people attended the high-intensity workouts despite exhibiting covid-19 symptoms and three after having tested positive for the virus.

None of those infected through the gym died, but one person was hospitalized for eight days. The gym reopened 13 days after it closed, and only those who had proof of a negative coronavirus test were allowed to return, the CDC report added.

In September, a Chicago resident called their gym with alarming news: They?d recently come to an indoor workout class despite feeling sick and then later tested positive for the coronavirus.

The gym quickly shut its doors, but it was too late. Fifty-five of the 81 people who attended high-intensity classes at the facility between Aug. 24 and Sept. 1 would eventually test positive. A similar case tied to three gyms in Honolulu over the summer resulted in 22 total infections.
I used to laugh at guys with oxygen deprivation masks at the gym. They were just ahead of their time :)

nosuchreality said:
Everytime I drive by  Crunch and see the line waiting to get in, i think this.  So many WTF in the article.

In Chicago, the CDC found an outbreak was tied to a gym that was operating at 25 percent capacity. Although gym members brought their own weights and mats to high-intensity classes, remained six feet apart and were screened for symptoms, including temperature checks, upon arrival, two major basic guidelines to curb the spread of the virus were not met, the report found.

The majority of attendees did not keep their masks on throughout the entire class. Added to this, 22 people attended the high-intensity workouts despite exhibiting covid-19 symptoms and three after having tested positive for the virus.

None of those infected through the gym died, but one person was hospitalized for eight days. The gym reopened 13 days after it closed, and only those who had proof of a negative coronavirus test were allowed to return, the CDC report added.

In September, a Chicago resident called their gym with alarming news: They?d recently come to an indoor workout class despite feeling sick and then later tested positive for the coronavirus.

The gym quickly shut its doors, but it was too late. Fifty-five of the 81 people who attended high-intensity classes at the facility between Aug. 24 and Sept. 1 would eventually test positive. A similar case tied to three gyms in Honolulu over the summer resulted in 22 total infections.

I'll wait to hit the gym 3-4 weeks after I get my vaccine shot. now distancing rules were BS...why believe anything?....

Fauci: So, The Six Foot Rule May Not Be Necessary

"There's this new study from researchers in Massachusetts, just out this week, it found no significant difference of coronavirus spread in schools where there was six feet of distancing vs. three feet of distancing. But that six foot requirement, that's one of the main hurdles to reopening schools. Does this study suggest to you that three feet is good enough?" CNN's Jake Tapper.

"It does indeed," Fauci said.


I?ll tell you: Because then the ?experts? who have told us we had to shut down for the past year to fight COVID would have to acknowledge that most of their COVID safety protocols were cosmetic theater with virtually no tangible impact. And they?d have to suddenly answer to the tens of millions of parents whose children have been out of school for a year and answer to the tens of millions of people who lost their jobs or their businesses, and they?d have to acknowledge that states like California got it completely wrong by following the ?expert? advice.

And that states like Florida got it completely right by not listening to these experts and simply following the data and the science instead of the fear porn.

But that would require acknowledging that the experts got it wrong and so did most of the media that trumpeted those experts? arguments as the gospel truth. And it would also require that Florida governor Ron DeSantis, the media?s number one COVID target for much of the past year, got it right. Not by taking a wild and uncalculated risk, but by simply following the science and data over the past year. We?ve known since spring of last year that elderly people were at extreme risk and that people under the age of fifty were under almost no risk. So why did we insist on an absurd policy of locking down everyone?

Lockdowns never made any sense at all.

They don?t work.
I agree we've been flying a bit obscured in our lack of knowledge and data, but I will say this:  This is the first time in my entire life that I have not caught a cold over the winter.  So all this mask wearing and social distancing has been good for me in that regard.  Worth it for a cold?  No.  But it makes sense I've also reduced my risk of catching other things.
daedalus said:
I agree we've been flying a bit obscured in our lack of knowledge and data, but I will say this:  This is the first time in my entire life that I have not caught a cold over the winter.  So all this mask wearing and social distancing has been good for me in that regard.  Worth it for a cold?  No.  But it makes sense I've also reduced my risk of catching other things.

Yeah, I usually catch something once a year.  I got a little sick in Feb of last year but within 3-4 days I was fine and since then not even a sniffle. 