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Lombardy and Wuhan were both hit with sudden and explosive growth of corona virus infections, completely overwhelming local hospitals.  The number of infections is likely much higher than the official stats, but death rate also higher due to lack of care.

China has vast population, but Wuhan alone had accounted for 77% of all confirmed coronavirus deaths in China last month (02/25).  Similarly in Italy, the Lombardy region accounted for 617 out of 827 deaths (75%) attributed to coronavirus today (03/11).

With so many patients slammed into the hospital, there simply wasn't enough beds, ventilators, medication, and personnel.  Beijing responded by sending over 30,000 medical staff to Wuhan and nearby areas.  Combined with mass sanitation and quarantine, they were able to bring infection rate under control after a month.  If similar efforts (cough EU cough EU) are poured into Lombardy, we can guesstimate that the infection rate can be brought under control by early April.

As for the source and full impact of coronavirus, there's so much rumors and fake news, we won't know until it's in the rear view mirror.  Like it or not, wildlife carry large variety of diseases.  The squirrels here in Los Angeles carries the bubonic plague, the rabbits carry tularemia, deer carries lyme disease (deer ticks), and wild hogs carry brucellosis.  Because few people consume wild game here the rate of infection is low.  That exotic Elk or Venison you ordered at the steakhouse?  Farm raised.  The pheasants flopping around at the local pheasant club for hunters?  Farm raised with healthy dose of antibiotics.
Speaking of FAKE NEWS,

Check out this headline.

The Coronavirus can only survive in cold temperatures, so the Caribbean is a fantastic choice for your next cruise': How cruise company Norwegian is reportedly training salespeople to mislead potential customers (Jessica Snouwaert)
Business InsiderMarch 11, 2020, 1:22 PM PDT

This is a real footage of the ROK waiting in line to buy masks. Sorry I can't seem to add this link on TI. The line is miles long of Koreans waiting in line to buy masks. Better safe than sorry. Check with your local Target to pick up masks for your family. I stopped by Target at 10am and completely sold out by noon. Sanitizers are sold out everywhere. If you are able to locate them, please let us know.

All the US doctors say masks are not what's up with everyone and their lines in Asia? 
Or are the US doctors a bunch of liars?
zubs said:
All the US doctors say masks are not what's up with everyone and their lines in Asia? 
Or are the US doctors a bunch of liars?

My take on this is that the mask will not prevent you from getting it but it will prevent you or whoever wearing the mask transmit the virus.

When someone with the virus speaks, sneeze or cough, they spray the virus contained droplets through the air.  If that virus contained droplets landed on your typical surgical mask (not the N95 kind) it will stay on your mask, it will soak through to the inner surface.  And now you are wearing that virus contaminated mask on top of your face for extended period of time,  most likely you will be infected.

However, when a infected person wears the mask, the mask will prevent viral droplets spray through the air and infect others.
Agreed. Right now, as  there is a shortage, it would be best if we left the masks for those who are ill and for healthcare workers. Ideally, we'd also observe social distancing (stay 1 meter away).
As always, WHO is a good place to look for answers-

For the hand sanitizer, one could check if rubbing alcohol was around and dilute it to 60-70%.

As John Oliver pointed out, don't panic too much or too little
""How scared should you be? The answer is probably 'a bit,'" Oliver concluded. "A bit! I don't want to be alarmist here, but I also don't want to minimize what we might be facing. It's about trying to strike a sensible balance. Basically, if you're drinking bleach to protect yourself right now, you should probably calm the f--- down. If you are, say, licking subway poles because you're convinced nothing can hurt you, maybe stop that. You want to stay somewhere between those two extremes.""
lnc said:
My take on this is that the mask will not prevent you from getting it but it will prevent you or whoever wearing the mask transmit the virus.

Your statement is true, that is why people who are not sick should not be wearing masks. Again, this is a cultural phenomenon. Asians, especially Mainland Chinese, already had a habit of wearing masks long before the Wuhan Virus. This is because the environment is so bad there. If a Mainland China person feels unsafe, he will instinctive reach for the face mask. We've never gotten into the habit of wearing masks so we do not have a mask reflex, we will stop to think whether it is really necessary or if it will do any good.
So S. Korea have 200,000 of their citizen tested in the most active covid zones. The U.S. 9000 tested. That?s right just 9K tested for the entire country. How come the big disparities.

Could it be that we artificial suppress the numbers? Or we are not test kit ready?