
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
zubs said:
So the asian countries are all wearing masks.  How come the news here say "masks not necessary for general public".
I see S. Korea's infection rate is coming down, and they all wear masks.  Perhaps we should do the same here and in Italy.

Hell yeah. I am all for mortgage payment suspension. We need more covid
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I feel bad for anyone who legitimately needs toilet paper now... not storing up for the Corpocalypse.

Water you can get from other sources... but washing butt-towels is not fun.

Target, Ralphs, and other stores have plenty. Why is everyone freaking out when it's unavailable only at Costco?

You must not read NextDoor or go to those places yourself.

Many local stores are also out of TP.

Someone's house must be getting redecorated.

No, I don't read NextDoor. But here is a link you can order and get tomorrow.

But have you checked your local grocery store or Target? Some people can't wait for the drone to deliver the TP.

And... if you look at the more known brands of TP on Amazon, many of them are out of stock or delivery by mid March.
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I feel bad for anyone who legitimately needs toilet paper now... not storing up for the Corpocalypse.

Water you can get from other sources... but washing butt-towels is not fun.

Target, Ralphs, and other stores have plenty. Why is everyone freaking out when it's unavailable only at Costco?

You must not read NextDoor or go to those places yourself.

Many local stores are also out of TP.

Someone's house must be getting redecorated.

No, I don't read NextDoor. But here is a link you can order and get tomorrow.

But have you checked your local grocery store or Target? Some people can't wait for the drone to deliver the TP.

And... if you look at the more known brands of TP on Amazon, many of them are out of stock or delivery by mid March.

Last time I checked on TP was last week. They had in stock. Here is another more known brand which we use at work.

I think some stuff are sold more than usual. I'm not saying coronavirus doesn't exist. But if this coronavirus really ignites recession or some sort, then the fake news media and a certain political party have done a great job of succeeding. But I think Trump is smarter than we would think if you know what I mean.
So much evil can be done with this virus.

Like a young person trying to get the virus so he can go visit nursing homes. 

He's fine and only has a slight flu...while killing 15% old people.

Serial killer ideas.
zubs said:
So much evil can be done with this virus.

Like a young person trying to get the virus so he can go visit nursing homes. 

He's fine and only has a slight flu...while killing 15% old people.

Serial killer ideas.

Dark, very dark.

But that?s an ideas to save social security and pension funds.

I like it
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Mety said:
irvinehomeowner said:
I feel bad for anyone who legitimately needs toilet paper now... not storing up for the Corpocalypse.

Water you can get from other sources... but washing butt-towels is not fun.

Target, Ralphs, and other stores have plenty. Why is everyone freaking out when it's unavailable only at Costco?

You must not read NextDoor or go to those places yourself.

Many local stores are also out of TP.

Someone's house must be getting redecorated.

No, I don't read NextDoor. But here is a link you can order and get tomorrow.

But have you checked your local grocery store or Target? Some people can't wait for the drone to deliver the TP.

And... if you look at the more known brands of TP on Amazon, many of them are out of stock or delivery by mid March.

Last time I checked on TP was last week. They had in stock. Here is another more known brand which we use at work.

I think some stuff are sold more than usual. I'm not saying coronavirus doesn't exist. But if this coronavirus really ignites recession or some sort, then the fake news media and a certain political party have done a great job of succeeding. But I think Trump is smarter than we would think if you know what I mean.

Wake up. It is more than a cough.
The poor heath conditions at the wet market like started the chaos. Cages on top of cages. (Fecal, slime, etc.. dripping down to other animals. Transferred to humans by touching the animals/slaughtering animals on the floor. Then distributing it to other people. I saw the video on YouTube.)
But why now? They've been eating those stuff for years. There are other countries eating even more unthinkable stuff. Why do you think it's happening now? Something to think about, don't you think?

Of course we don't know 100% what is real. But seems like you believe something I don't. Are you 100% sure what you believe is really true? Do you believe truth over facts? (this last sentence is a joke if you know what I mean ;D)
Conspiracies Theories.

I believe its a manufactured virus.

You know Hollywood makes movies and sometimes later in the future it became realities. When watching CONTAGION last night on Netflix, it similarly to what happen currently.

These labs has different level of severities according to the virus. They test, produce, and deploys through simulated environments in the lab to get results. Level 4 is highly deadly. Ebola, HIV,,,,,manufactured. Of course covid 19 can be manufacture. Looks how quickly it replicated throughout the world.
Mety said:
But why now? They've been eating those stuff for years. There are other countries eating even more unthinkable stuff. Why do you think it's happening now? Something to think about, don't you think?

Of course we don't know 100% what is real. But seems like you believe something I don't. Are you 100% sure what you believe is really true? Do you believe truth over facts? (this last sentence is a joke if you know what I mean ;D)

Damn it eyephone, do you want to take the red pill or the blue pill?
Compressed-Village said:
Conspiracies Theories.

I believe its a manufactured virus.

You know Hollywood makes movies and sometimes later in the future it became realities. When watching CONTAGION last night on Netflix, it similarly to what happen currently.

These labs has different level of severities according to the virus. They test, produce, and deploys through simulated environments in the lab to get results. Level 4 is highly deadly. Ebola, HIV,,,,,manufactured. Of course covid 19 can be manufacture. Looks how quickly it replicated throughout the world.

More like poor hygiene and poor food preparation
Why are people stocking up on bottled water and toilet paper?  Do the taps turn off when you catch this virus?  Do you switch to five craps a day when you catch it?  I seriously don't get it.
The herd mentality is so strange on this - Water, OK... TP? WTF?

In our local Ralphs, the TP aisle is decimated. The Baby and Adult wipes? Full up. The Baby and Adult diapers? No problem. Need tampons or Pads (True hoarders gold IMHO) Sure! we're well stocked. To my amazement Kleenex boxes were untouched, ready for purchase by the boatload.

Evidently a roll of Charmin is now the official coin of the realm due to this madness.

My .02c
Liar Loan said:
Why are people stocking up on bottled water and toilet paper?  Do the taps turn off when you catch this virus?  Do you switch to five craps a day when you catch it?  I seriously don't get it.

Probably crap less, since when you have a flu, you cant eat.

Uhh, just speaking from experience.
The hoarders who started the panic buying are PRC nationals. Americans do not understand their mentality because we have always had what we needed to live. Anyone over the age of 45 from the PRC has personal experience with privation and starvation. Yes, that dude who just bought the $5 million Alta Vista McMansion probably has vivid childhood memories of only having a bowl of watery flour gruel a day. I know a lady who survived the Cultural Revolution and she specifically told me that you couldn't get toilet paper during the Cultural Revolution.
Someone postulated it is mainly Chinese and they are sending tp overseas to relatives who are quarantined. They can?t be using it and how much does one family really need for a two week quarantine?
Liar Loan said:
Why are people stocking up on bottled water and toilet paper?  Do the taps turn off when you catch this virus?  Do you switch to five craps a day when you catch it?  I seriously don't get it.

Where have you been? People are climbing the metal racks at Costco. (Per my previous post)
Mety said:
But why now? They've been eating those stuff for years. There are other countries eating even more unthinkable stuff. Why do you think it's happening now? Something to think about, don't you think?

Of course we don't know 100% what is real. But seems like you believe something I don't. Are you 100% sure what you believe is really true? Do you believe truth over facts? (this last sentence is a joke if you know what I mean ;D)

Where have you been? China previously banned the sale of wildlife after SARS. But then removed it. But after carona, they banned it again.

How about ban it permanently? (Save the hedgehog and better yet mankind)