Antibody Fade is a very scary thing. This would mean there isn't a long term silver bullet, but annual/semi-annual vaccine shots similar to the regular flu. Not bueno
Also, I've never said COVID-19 is not dangerous. Reasonable cautions are needed - if not required. Just saying there's plenty to consider here - for example....
In the Syracuse area some dingbat mommy took her child to day care suffering from an elevated temperature thinking "oh, it's just allergies" - but of course it wasn't.
Now a wide spread cluster of cases has broken out and yeah, no one wants to get sick, but of those who have there are no deaths nor serious complications - and I add "as of yet"... since this is relatively new news. Even with precautions (temperature taking, etc) there still is an almost zero way to prevent stoopid from breaking out. When it does, do we shut everything down? Will that stop stoopid from overcoming the mask/social distancing piece? Not really. So where is the middle ground here?
As for the mortality rate statistics - a 2nd hand story from a 40 year long family friend. This person works in the "health and beauty" trade in Huntington Beach. On June 23rd, an older client came in for services. No symptoms were present. On June 26th, the clients Sister called our family friend letting her know that this customer was now under medical distress. They didn't know what it was, but they thought it only right to let her know about possible contact with an infected person. By June 28th this customer had died.
As the body was being removed, the cause of death was listed as COVID-19. No test was administered. Before cremation, the family asked for their physician to test postmortem, but was refused. Every person within the family - as well as recent contacts - were urged to get tested. Our family friend went in on July 2nd for a test ("Brain Scraping" was her description of the nasal swab....) which came back negative. She still was required to self isolate 14 days from possible first contact, emerging after July 10th for a regular work week to start. This was a harrowing experience for her and her family as well as her work staff.
No diagnosis, no testing, zip, zero, nada - but per the death certificate, died from COVID-19. This can't be the only time this kind of "rush to declare" has been done. There have been similar anecdotes reported elsewhere, but none as close to me as this persons experience.
I hope you can excuse me for not being 100% on board with what's being reported, given recent experience. "Question Everything" is my preferred screening process starting point for news these days.