
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
irvinehomeowner said:
Soylent Green Is People said:
Do we crash the economy and society because of it? Increasing hospitalization, ICU, and mortality rates should drive the shutdown, not number of positive cases.

I agree we should try to keep the economy open, the problem is there are people who won't follow the guidelines. It's like when you tell a kid not to press a button and they press it, so you have to take the button away. Either that, or have someone sit there and make sure they don't press the button. That's even what eyephone has been asking for, if people won't follow the rules, increase the enforcement. Maybe these businesses who are getting reclosed will make sure to enforce safety protocols when they reopen (although if it were me, I would make it phased closing... only close the known offending businesses, warn the others and if there are reports that they aren't following the guidelines, shut them down just like the health officers do when there are code violations).

And all these posts here are about growing hospitalization/ICU usage, deaths and positivity rate... not just number of cases... all those are trending up which eventually will cause other issues.

Enforcement! So everybody that is safe can be normal as possible.
So we can have things open.
I know they are shutting things down again and the coverage is all about we reopened to soon. I have a hard time believe the protests isn?t a bigger contributor to the increase in numbers. The bars probably contributed to the spread but I doubt it was as much as the protests
qwerty said:
I know they are shutting things down again and the coverage is all about we reopened to soon. I have a hard time believe the protests isn?t a bigger contributor to the increase in numbers. The bars probably contributed to the spread but I doubt it was as much as the protests

I think because in places where the protests were not as rampant, they are still surges, and places like NY where there were protests, but did not reopen early, it's more under control.

I also think it's both... but indoor social transmission seems to be the bigger superspreader.
irvinehomeowner said:
qwerty said:
I know they are shutting things down again and the coverage is all about we reopened to soon. I have a hard time believe the protests isn%u2019t a bigger contributor to the increase in numbers. The bars probably contributed to the spread but I doubt it was as much as the protests

I think because in places where the protests were not as rampant, they are still surges, and places like NY where there were protests, but did not reopen early, it's more under control.

I also think it's both... but indoor social transmission seems to be the bigger superspreader.

No offense to any one. But I think we all agree it%u2019s a combination: protest, bars, parties (college, family, kids, pool parties), close contact.
qwerty said:
I know they are shutting things down again and the coverage is all about we reopened to soon. I have a hard time believe the protests isn?t a bigger contributor to the increase in numbers. The bars probably contributed to the spread but I doubt it was as much as the protests

Problem is that the opened the wrong things too fast.  It was a bit of a headscratcher that they opened up bar and gyms along with other businesses where there was dense population of people in a smaller confined space.
USCTrojanCPA said:
qwerty said:
I know they are shutting things down again and the coverage is all about we reopened to soon. I have a hard time believe the protests isn?t a bigger contributor to the increase in numbers. The bars probably contributed to the spread but I doubt it was as much as the protests

Problem is that the opened the wrong things too fast.  It was a bit of a headscratcher that they opened up bar and gyms along with other businesses where there was dense population of people in a smaller confined space.

Yeah that?s the thing though, when it comes to these places is there such a thing as too fast?  These kind of fall into the you either open them or you don?t categories . You can?t really social distance at bars. You have to yell to talk so you can?t really wear a mask. Perhaps these just stay closed until there is a treatment/vaccine, but that is rough for the owners. 
Cases reported today are allotted to the date on when the individuals had their positive test specimen collected (specimen collection date). Labs can be delayed in reporting this information into the State CalREDIE reporting and surveillance system, which causes a delay in the County?s ability to report the data. Deaths reported today are allotted to the date when the person passed away (date of death), and only after the date of death is certified by the Orange County Office of Vital Records, which can take up to 8 days as required by California law. This process can cause a delay in the County?s ability to report the data.

I also notice the dash board now says 7 day average with 7 day lag for Testing Positive percentage.

I take it that actually means the 14.6% posted for the period of 7/1 to 7/7?

So to address the slow down in testing, we're looking backwards two weeks.
CNN: Coronavirus hospital data will now be sent to Trump administration instead of CDC

Hospital data on coronavirus patients will now be rerouted to the Trump administration instead of first being sent to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed to CNN on Tuesday.

The move could make data less transparent to the public at a time when the administration is downplaying the spread of the pandemic, and threatens to undermine public confidence that medical data is being presented free of political interference.

The Times said hospitals are to begin reporting the data to HHS on Wednesday, noting also that the database that will receive new information is not open to the public, which could affect the work of scores of researchers, modelers and health officials who rely on C.D.C. data to make projections and crucial decisions.

Next month's chart:
daedalus said:
Next month's chart:

Now that the data going into a trusted hands, infection & death chart will look exactly like the stock market chart in March 2020. A big I, straight down drop like a rock.

MADA! Make America Dead Again! Trump reckless criminal neglect responsible for 136000 dead and growing by the day!
daedalus said:
Next month's chart:

Only if Trump does it, when the professionals lie with statistics, they switch to 'allocating today's reports to the day to day they were tested'.  That way the chart always shows a peak about 7-14 days ago and a sharp downturn in cases. 

And death counts get changed to require certification further delaying information.
First: more anectodes:

I've see a couple of those hyper-realistic face masks in the wild. They are "unsettling" rather than funny. When you see one, let us know as perhaps my impression is wrong.

Here's the Face Mask we never knew we wanted, but one we always needed: