
NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Went to Laguna Beach this weekend.  Walked around with the dog.  Only 40% or less were wearing face masks.  That gelato place in the alley had a line 15 deep.  I skipped it because standing crowded in a narrow alley was no bueno.  The beach was closed.  Still, it was a nice day to go out and do something rather than hermit at home.

A lot of the restaurants on PCH were empty of furniture.  I heard LB is going to close Forest so restaurants can set up their tables on that road.  I'll be sure to check that out.
Long Beach is pretty much over this, it was like Memorial Day weekend a week before the real thing. Gay pride day helped boost the showing though. I was at the beach, bike path, parks and on the water. Maybe 10% were wearing masks. Wait till next weekend. Our numbers have been super low with only around 50 fatalities in two months and 90% of those have been in nursing facilities. Looks pretty open here.
For ken:

Mount Sinai?s AI can diagnose COVID-19: Researchers say it's the first in the US to do so.

We?ve seen AI detect different cancers, kidney illness and brain tumors. Now, researchers from Mount Sinai believe they are the first in the US to use AI, combined with imaging and clinical data, to diagnose COVID-19. In a paper published in Nature Medicine today, they explain how they used CT scans of the chest -- along with symptoms, age, bloodwork and possible contact with the virus -- to spot the coronavirus disease.

Now Siri just needs to cure it. :)
irvinehomeowner said:
For ken:

Mount Sinai?s AI can diagnose COVID-19: Researchers say it's the first in the US to do so.

We?ve seen AI detect different cancers, kidney illness and brain tumors. Now, researchers from Mount Sinai believe they are the first in the US to use AI, combined with imaging and clinical data, to diagnose COVID-19. In a paper published in Nature Medicine today, they explain how they used CT scans of the chest -- along with symptoms, age, bloodwork and possible contact with the virus -- to spot the coronavirus disease.

Now Siri just needs to cure it. :)

This is great. I was only aware of AI capable of diagnosing tumors previously.

There used to be a lot of resistance in the US healthcare space about embracing innovations in general & adoption of new technology. COVID-19 is changing that rather quickly.

COVID-19 may just be what it takes for US to speed up our development and adoption of AI across different industries.
Still too many unknowns with corona:

China?s New Outbreak Shows Signs the Virus Could Be Changing

Chinese doctors are seeing the coronavirus manifest differently among patients in its new cluster of cases in the northeast region compared to the original outbreak in Wuhan, suggesting that the pathogen may be changing in unknown ways and complicating efforts to stamp it out.

Patients found in the northern provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang appear to carry the virus for a longer period of time and take longer to test negative, Qiu Haibo, one of China?s top critical care doctors, told state television on Tuesday.

Patients in the northeast also appear to be taking longer than the one to two weeks observed in Wuhan to develop symptoms after infection, and this delayed onset is making it harder for authorities to catch cases before they spread, said Qiu, who is now in the northern region treating patients.

Hopefully medical science can get ahead of this.
Every time we try to move forward something new and unknown about the virus comes up.

I don?t think people really care at this point and government are opening up as they desire the might tax dollars.

Yesterday I saw an article that the CDC says that c19 isn?t really transferred from coming into contact with contaminated surfaces.

The timing of that Cdc article was impeccable as earlier in the day I was telling my wife again that I wasn?t sure how contagious the virus is. If it was as contagious as they say it was it you would think more people would get infected at the grocery store, take out containers, etc. 

Also, for as contagious as the virus is the total number of cases worldwide, about 5M worldwide, seems on the low side for 5-6 months of this thing being around.

In a similar time period in 2019, from April to October, the CDC estimated there was about 14M - 34M infections just in the US, granted there were not these crazy efforts to slow down transmission.

Something seems a little off.
Is the Florida Covid dashboard accurate?

NPR article: Florida Ousts Top COVID-19 Data Scientist

A scientist who created a dashboard for monitoring Florida's rising number of COVID-19 cases said she's been fired for refusing to manipulate the data.

Rebekah Jones was the manager of the Geographic Information System team at Florida's Department of Health. She helped create a data portal that for months has provided easily accessible and detailed information on COVID-19 cases broken down by ZIP code. The Florida COVID-19 dashboard has been praised by researchers in the state and by Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator.

CNN; Florida and Georgia facing scrutiny for their Covid-19 data reporting

My comment: Accurate data reporting in question, firing employee who speaks out, manipulating data, charts/graphs are removed because they do not look good? Do they think people would not notice? Lol

I agree that the virus is less contagious from certain surfaces which is why I never "staged" or disinfected groceries or takeout. But, again, lots of sanitizer/hand washing.

This doesn't mean you can't catch if from surfaces... but it's the number of contacts, viral load etc. For takeout food, if the handlers are not infected, there are low points of contact so it's minimal... and then you have to touch exactly where they touched and then touch your face. But in public or social settings, there are probably more asymptomatic infected and without social distancing and masks, it's more highly contagious because you breathe the same air.

It has to be highly contagious via social contact or how would rural states record cases?
Yea I agree. I?ve also stopped disinfecting every inch of my life. Unless I?m kissing the amazon prime guy/gal, the packages they deliver are safe. Just wash hands after handling.

This is why going back to the schools thing - I?m less concerned about the cleaning and more concerned about everyone being on top of each other.
qwerty said:
Every time we try to move forward something new and unknown about the virus comes up.

I don?t think people really care at this point and government are opening up as they desire the might tax dollars.

Yesterday I saw an article that the CDC says that c19 isn?t really transferred from coming into contact with contaminated surfaces.

The timing of that Cdc article was impeccable as earlier in the day I was telling my wife again that I wasn?t sure how contagious the virus is. If it was as contagious as they say it was it you would think more people would get infected at the grocery store, take out containers, etc. 

Also, for as contagious as the virus is the total number of cases worldwide, about 5M worldwide, seems on the low side for 5-6 months of this thing being around.

In a similar time period in 2019, from April to October, the CDC estimated there was about 14M - 34M infections just in the US, granted there were not these crazy efforts to slow down transmission.

Something seems a little off.

The known infection rate and death rate are far too low to continue to halt life on this planet. 
NY could save a lot of money if they did not have to disinfect their subway every night from 2-5am.  Perhaps the money spent is for peace of mind, and not really for effect.
bones said:
Yea I agree. I?ve also stopped disinfecting every inch of my life. Unless I?m kissing the amazon prime guy/gal, the packages they deliver are safe. Just wash hands after handling.

This is why going back to the schools thing - I?m less concerned about the cleaning and more concerned about everyone being on top of each other.

The Montesorri we go to, only had 30 interested students going back in June after their survey. That's a extremely low # compared to how many classes they had before. The toddler class had 12 and the preschoolers had 24 in each class prior to covid.  They don't have enough to fill even those 2 classes in full, though they did state they are limiting classes to 10 students now with no intermingling and a host of other things they can try and do to help.  But 2-5yr olds aren't going to social distance no matter how hard the teachers try.  I know there are those on the board who want to reopen the economy, but 30 students out of a couple hundred doesnt bode well even if they do open in June.

Rainbow Rising didn't have much interest either, we did their summer camp registration/waitlist and they were eager to sign us up.  Believe they were limiting to 10 kids too. 
zubs said:
NY could save a lot of money if they did not have to disinfect their subway every night from 2-5am.  Perhaps the money spent is for peace of mind, and not really for effect.

How did the virus spread so fast in NYC? Some people say the subway and restaurants.
Elevators and subways.
People packed close spitting on each other.

Perhaps also from surface contact, but less so.  ?\_(?)_/?
bones said:
Yea I agree. I?ve also stopped disinfecting every inch of my life. Unless I?m kissing the amazon prime guy/gal, the packages they deliver are safe. Just wash hands after handling.

This is why going back to the schools thing - I?m less concerned about the cleaning and more concerned about everyone being on top of each other.

Just signed up today as a side gig.

I?ll be there tomorrow for my first delivery :-)
akkord said:
bones said:
Yea I agree. I?ve also stopped disinfecting every inch of my life. Unless I?m kissing the amazon prime guy/gal, the packages they deliver are safe. Just wash hands after handling.

This is why going back to the schools thing - I?m less concerned about the cleaning and more concerned about everyone being on top of each other.

The Montesorri we go to, only had 30 interested students going back in June after their survey. That's a extremely low # compared to how many classes they had before. The toddler class had 12 and the preschoolers had 24 in each class prior to covid.  They don't have enough to fill even those 2 classes in full, though they did state they are limiting classes to 10 students now with no intermingling and a host of other things they can try and do to help.  But 2-5yr olds aren't going to social distance no matter how hard the teachers try.  I know there are those on the board who want to reopen the economy, but 30 students out of a couple hundred doesnt bode well even if they do open in June.

Rainbow Rising didn't have much interest either, we did their summer camp registration/waitlist and they were eager to sign us up.  Believe they were limiting to 10 kids too. 

?Many? are considering homeschooling this fall. Or at least some sort of hybrid option. It?ll be interesting to see how everything evolves in the next 3 months.
qwerty said:
bones said:
Yea I agree. I?ve also stopped disinfecting every inch of my life. Unless I?m kissing the amazon prime guy/gal, the packages they deliver are safe. Just wash hands after handling.

This is why going back to the schools thing - I?m less concerned about the cleaning and more concerned about everyone being on top of each other.

Just signed up today as a side gig.

I?ll be there tomorrow for my first delivery :-)
i have a delivery tomorrow, can i get some kisses too?
Kings said:
qwerty said:
bones said:
Yea I agree. I?ve also stopped disinfecting every inch of my life. Unless I?m kissing the amazon prime guy/gal, the packages they deliver are safe. Just wash hands after handling.

This is why going back to the schools thing - I?m less concerned about the cleaning and more concerned about everyone being on top of each other.

Just signed up today as a side gig.

I?ll be there tomorrow for my first delivery :-)
i have a delivery tomorrow, can i get some kisses too?

You guys better watch out, Daedalus won't stand for this kind of harassment of his spouse  :)
While AI is getting better everyday, it is not ready for primetime and can't replace your radiologist....yet. A large study in JAMA (March 2020) found that no single algorithm could beat radiologists reading mammograms. Other researchers have found limitations of AI when applying them to different patient populations / data sets while looking for pneumonia.

Kenkoko said:
irvinehomeowner said:
For ken:

Mount Sinai?s AI can diagnose COVID-19: Researchers say it's the first in the US to do so.

We?ve seen AI detect different cancers, kidney illness and brain tumors. Now, researchers from Mount Sinai believe they are the first in the US to use AI, combined with imaging and clinical data, to diagnose COVID-19. In a paper published in Nature Medicine today, they explain how they used CT scans of the chest -- along with symptoms, age, bloodwork and possible contact with the virus -- to spot the coronavirus disease.

Now Siri just needs to cure it. :)

This is great. I was only aware of AI capable of diagnosing tumors previously.

There used to be a lot of resistance in the US healthcare space about embracing innovations in general & adoption of new technology. COVID-19 is changing that rather quickly.

COVID-19 may just be what it takes for US to speed up our development and adoption of AI across different industries.