Calorie Counting App

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IHO, this one is for you (unicorn avatar).  :)

Up 5lbs :) I stopped walking/ gym/ good eating habits, and then did a week long binge on Indian festive dishes. Ruining everything I worked for all these days.. not good.. not good..

Hoping to get back on track, soon. Birthdays, anniversaries, and then holiday dinner parties. I have no idea how I am going to get a grip.. and every store is filled with things I like to eat.

Good for you SoCal- winters are hard, but you are doing an almost good job, and your body is helping you.
I'm all for sharing and you guys know I'm always an open book. Maybe too open. I don't want you guys to get sick of my posts like: "Doesn't she ever shut up?" I post way too much. Just tell me to shut up and let someone else have a turn if you're sick of reading my posts.

I will try to keep it short. The last year / year and a half has been very hard on me for a few reasons. Some big things happened. I don't think anybody really cares why. Moral of the story: I'm up 30 lbs. overall. Yes, you read that right! It's taken its toll on me. I've never been more disgusted with myself. I'm ugly. Being ugly is not easy for me. I'm finding myself avoiding seeing friends due to this and obsessing about my appearance. Bigger tah-tahs is the only positive outcome here. Well, that and no wrinkles! They are plumped out. My husband says I look really good for my age. I guess that's good. Meh. (His vision is going.) I'd rather be thinner, though.

I've started taking a "digestive aid" which should help with weight loss. I am learning to cope without a gallbladder. I learned from my doctor that it hasn't been working for years! That means I've been missing that bile pump other people have. Bile digests fats. I'm hoping to see some losses. It's been a week so far. I think I'm down 1.5 but hard to tell due to daily fluctuations. I will update in a few weeks on how it's going.

Well, there it is for the world to see. I hope my fail makes everyone else's small successes feel bigger! I wish all my dieting buddies luck! CZ - saw your pics on FB. You look fantastic, girl!
SoCal, other than saying you are the only tall, blonde with blue eyes that feels unpretty, I don't know what to say! Recovery takes time, and don't rush it - tah tahs and no wrinkles are good too!

I have gone up too. You at least had a health reason to gain weight- I gained just because I liked food and didn't want to believe in moderation :)

Wonder what happened to Mission 21 nuts and the quest for six pack.. :P

irvinehomeowner said:
At least you have reasons... my gall bladder is fine and it's not doing a good job of digesting my fat. :)

Iho. Honestly. You're perfect. Don't worry, be happy.
SoCal said:
irvinehomeowner said:
At least you have reasons... my gall bladder is fine and it's not doing a good job of digesting my fat. :)

Iho. Honestly. You're perfect. Don't worry, be happy.

Did you ever get his picture or verify if he is for real? I will save that question for when I see you at Costco.
Cubic Zirconia said:
Did you ever get his picture or verify if he is for real? I will save that question for when I see you at Costco.

I'm not sure if it's safe for me to answer this. I know how he feels about being the topic du jour. But I guess since he avoids me like the plague and will never, ever meet me in this lifetime  :'(, it's safe to say I do believe I have seen him and his family at Costco, too. And no. I'm not joking. I was going to wait and see if he mentioned it first. He hasn't so he may not realize it or else he could be playing coy.

How is the diet going now that baby is here?

I am writing on a Monday morning - the first day back to the old routine post-Christmas break. I'm not ready for the flurry of activities to start back up. Later today, I'll bake a "Black Russian cake". It's a chocolate Bundt cake made with Kahlua and Vodka... and has Kahlua glaze... which tells you how well my "diet" is going. I made Mudslides last night, too. Ugh. I need to get back to the gym. I haven't stopped by since God-knows-when.
SoCal said:

How is the diet going now that baby is here?

I am writing on a Monday morning - the first day back to the old routine post-Christmas break. I'm not ready for the flurry of activities to start back up. Later today, I'll bake a "Black Russian cake". It's a chocolate Bundt cake made with Kahlua and Vodka... and has Kahlua glaze... which tells you how well my "diet" is going. I made Mudslides last night, too. Ugh. I need to get back to the gym. I haven't stopped by since God-knows-when.

Welcome back XO Socal!

The diet is still here.  I cook my meals for the week on Sunday nights and place them in a huge container and reheat it back up to eat. 

I haven't been played basketball in forever but I have been doing some circuit training at home while baby naps.  :D
irvinehomeowner said:
So is XO back to being SoCal?


Put your party hats and streamers back in the closet for now, Iho. Maybe you can celebrate my over-due demise next week.


Good for you, Homer. However, is it safe to eat leftovers a week old? I give mine a 3-day time stamp before they're given the boot.

Dieting comrades (oh, who am I kidding. I'm not dieting.) ...

I recommend this lunch crock. I got one for Mr. SoCal for Christmas. I know. Try to contain your excitement. I think it was really a gift for me than him. It's been well-established I have an unhealthy obsession with crock pots for which he has nicknamed me "Crack Pot".


It got great reviews. It's cheap and it means you do not have to wait in line to use the germy company microwave at work. I put the dinner left overs in it the night before and seal it with the inner lid. The unit and top lid wait at work. Then you just drop it in when you get to work and plug it in. It's perfectly heated by lunch time.

I would say it's a healthier alternative than some other options.

Step 1: Fill it.


Step 2: Carry it.


Step 3: Eat it.

Oh. And it totally works. I'm happy with it. It holds 20 oz. More than enough but not too much. Heats thoroughly. Pasta doesn't get overcooked. Does NOT release food smells in your office while heating. Works really well!!