Calorie Counting App

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homer_simpson said:
SoCal said:
I meant to ask you, Homer - what is motivating you to eat better and what are your goals? If I recall, for a brief time, your avatar had a photo of you. The guy in that photo appeared to be in good health... on the thin side, even(?) Was it not you?

Don't think I ever posted a photo of me up or an avatar of me.  :o

My motivation is too get ripped and fit but mainly be healthy. 

Guy in blue jeans, black hair (Asian?), full-length shot from the back, just standing there. If not you, who? It was definitely posted. I remember the conversation we had about it.
homer_simpson said:
irvinehomeowner said:
Yes... it's irritating when fit guys think they're fat.

Trust me... I have no idea why Homer is "dieting"... he's just trying to make me feel bad. :(

I call it dieting but it's mainly eating clean and lean :)

Exactly :-) Down 2 this morning. Couldn't have started the weekend better. Working from home, munching on everything within sight but staying within range for carbs/ protein.

It's dieting only when you starve, or drink cabbage soup/ juice through out the day. What Homer does is perfect. When he eats 'dirty' it will only be water weight that sticks for a day or two.
What does "clean" eating mean to you guys? To me, it means eating whole foods, unprocessed or minimally processed. Nature made vs. man made. Protein shakes and bars, to me, are not part of "clean" eating as they are man made. I personally don't see a problem having them in moderation (aside from artificial sweeteners), just saying they lie outside the definition of eating whole foods. Kudos to Homer for making great strides and having a consistent eating plan. Way to go, Homer! Your will power is fantastic - something we all here admire!
So what are your favorite clean foods? I am like Homer, don't mind repeating the same items if it's working.
My clean addictions are:
1. Chunky peanut butter loaded on a table spoon.
2. Chunky guacamole from Costco. Never liked Wholly much, but this new one has just got me addicted.
3. Folgers coffee. Considering my first Folgers tasting happened a year ago, I hooked on fast!
4. Oatmeal cookies.
5. Petite Palmier. Has less carbs, so I can replace a whole wheat toast with a cookie and get away with it.
6. Virginia Peanuts. Love them!
7. Edamame roasted on a pan and salted lightly.

SoCal said:
What does "clean" eating mean to you guys? To me, it means eating whole foods, unprocessed or minimally processed. Nature made vs. man made. Protein shakes and bars, to me, are not part of "clean" eating as they are man made. I personally don't see a problem having them in moderation (aside from artificial sweeteners), just saying they lie outside the definition of eating whole foods. Kudos to Homer for making great strides and having a consistent eating plan. Way to go, Homer! Your will power is fantastic - something we all here admire!

Clean eating is less junk, more good food.
Twix out, Pure Protein in = Clean enough.
Protein bar out, vegetable/animal protein in = Very clean.

Do you have your macros set on MFP? Does your food intake follow the guidelines? If it does, you are eating clean too ;-)
SoCal said:
homer_simpson said:
SoCal said:
I meant to ask you, Homer - what is motivating you to eat better and what are your goals? If I recall, for a brief time, your avatar had a photo of you. The guy in that photo appeared to be in good health... on the thin side, even(?) Was it not you?

Don't think I ever posted a photo of me up or an avatar of me.  :o

My motivation is too get ripped and fit but mainly be healthy. 

Guy in blue jeans, black hair (Asian?), full-length shot from the back, just standing there. If not you, who? It was definitely posted. I remember the conversation we had about it.

Oh wait that was me hahaha!! woops!! sorry I'm on too many forums  :P
I thought so! Granted, we didn't get the side / Beer Belly shot, but to me you already look really fit. Have you ever been overweight any time in your life?
My definition of eating clean is eating food that makes you feel healthy and fuels your body correctly. 

I try to avoid processed food most of the time but a protein bar/cookie/chips here and there is ok with me. 

Just like what CZ mentioned..  lean animal/veggie proteins are all good choices in eating clean and healthy. 
SoCal said:
I thought so! Granted, we didn't get the side / Beer Belly shot, but to me you already look really fit. Have you ever been overweight any time in your life?

I was overweight from about 7 all the way to 15 years old.  Then I found sports and puberty kicked in  :P  Shot up 5 inches and my metabolism worked wonders!!

I became overweight again my time in college.  Freshmen 15 30 came to play!! Didn't really do anything in college but eat bad food and study.  After college I went straight to work as a desk jockey pulling 80 hour work weeks and eating constantly at my desk and very very poorly.  I think I gained another 15 pounds there.  I would constantly be teased or made fun of by my colleagues (all in good fun but it did hurt and sink in). 

I really didn't start exercising or eating better until I started grad school, I dropped about 25 pounds in a few months just cutting out soda and fast food.    Ever since then I've been more aware of what I put in my tummy.  I do try to indulge and enjoy finer foods but I constantly remind myself that I do not want to go back into that dark place in the past.  :(
homer_simpson said:
Shot up 5 inches...
Wait... so how tall were you before then? Or should I say how short? J/K!

I was pretty normal sized growing up... started packing weight in college esp after a knee injury... lost some... gained at a desk job, went independent for many years and stabilized but slowly gained due to sports injuries and then the last 5 years put on quite a bit of weight just from another desk job and big slow down of metabolism. I blame it on the kids and the job... can't get rid of either.
irvinehomeowner said:
homer_simpson said:
Shot up 5 inches...
Wait... so how tall were you before then? Or should I say how short? J/K!

I was pretty normal sized growing up... started packing weight in college esp after a knee injury... lost some... gained at a desk job, went independent for many years and stabilized but slowly gained due to sports injuries and then the last 5 years put on quite a bit of weight just from another desk job and big slow down of metabolism. I blame it on the kids and the job... can't get rid of either.

Yeah I was a short tubby kid.  I went from 5'1 to 5'6.  But then I shot up to 5'11.  :D
homer_simpson said:
But then I shot up to 5'11.
My wife and I ate at the Playground last night in Santa Ana. We had the Wagyu Ribeye sandwich, San Marzano Tomato Fries, Pork Cheek Tacos, Suckling Pig and Lobster Ramen.  I washed it down with a Chocolate Porter beer...


It's ok to cheat... now back to handling some business!  ;)
I just went to check out their online info. I never heard of the Playground. What a strange menu. They take fusion to a whole new level. Japmerixicanorean. I hope you enjoyed it. You totally deserve a night off the eating plan. You're doing so well!

I have to ask. What are those scary white circles that look like sand dollars? (I'm as uncultured as they come. Poor white trash here.)
I had the most tempting night of my life two nights ago.

Nothing fancy. (I actually do not like fancy things.) We picked up KFC for dinner. Kryptonite to me.

I almost gave up. I started going down a bad, bad path mentally. Like - how important is it to lose weight, really. Started talking myself out of trying anymore. I can't like coleslaw more than I like myself. I'm going to pretend this night never happened.

Erase and Rewind. Hopped back on the train to Slimsville.

SoCal said:
I just went to check out their online info. I never heard of the Playground. What a strange menu. They take fusion to a whole new level. Japmerixicanorean. I hope you enjoyed it. You totally deserve a night off the eating plan. You're doing so well!

I have to ask. What are those scary white circles that look like sand dollars? (I'm as uncultured as they come. Poor white trash here.)

Thanks Socal... we actually enjoyed it and will go back there.  They have a ginormous selection of beers there!

The white sand dollar thingy is a lotus root. 

homer_simpson said:
From the older pic I saw of you Socal... you were pretty slim.. Unless I mistakened the pic for someone else. 

Pictures! Personal pictures??!? On the internet?! Only a crazy lunatic would do such a thing! :o

Yep, that was moi.

I remember in one of those pics with my little boy wearing his backpack on the first day of school, I was running a 102 degree fever. Sick as a dog!! (You've got to be a little ballsy to post a sick photo of yourself, making yourself vulnerable to a bunch of strangers but thankfully nobody was mean.) I could barely move that day. Anyway, I was a little thinner there than I am now from being under the weather. Not a huge difference but I have room for a LOT of improvement! I'd like to make a significant change.