We appreciate your design. (Very impressed)
Your new sn should be: Michelangelo of Irvine.
Your new sn should be: Michelangelo of Irvine.

irvinehomeshopper said:It is too bad for the other architects since they want to preserve their business interest. The local big developer and land baron does not want the public like you to know about this industry. To educate you meant you become a discriminate home shopper. I lost all my jobs, black listed, and mandated other builders not to hire me or face land deal consequences. All of you by now should have felt Irvine lost much of its innovation for the last 8 years.To be here I jeopardized my entire career. I focused over 25 years in creating unique products for many of you and I just packed my bag and reinvent myself somewhere else. I never realized Irvine was a very small circle. This door closed forced me to the Silicon Valley, East coast , Panda country, Pacific Northwest and the Texas coast. Getting black listed was a blessing forcing me to discover the rest of the Asian communities in this country. My knowledge is no longer regional it is national. I understand not only your culture but your relatives culture around the nation . With this knowledge I created Ellwood. I appreciate all of your support making it the best selling project in Irvine and to validate my existence here has been the best decision I made.AW said:^ The preliminary results of TI reporting slow sales except for ellwood