Well-known member
I confess I did steal quite a few from your House. I am now officially posting my dirty laundry.

gld2 said:What is it? The Perfect IHS without any dirty laundries.
irvinehomeshopper said:hello pot?
gld2 said:You DO NOT have those :-[
irvinehomeshopper said:How do you know I have dirty laundry?
gld2 said:If you aired your dirty lanudries in the public, it would be disturbing too. Do you plan to do so? even some tamer photos?
irvinehomeshopper said:These are the tamer photos
gld2 said:@irvinehomeshopper, your pictures are disturbing in a Public Forum. You try to pick on a small portions of Chinese without even looking big pictures, Are you a Chinese Hater? ask yourself, you will know the answer. All nations or all human being have some not perfect/dark side , SO ARE YOR! If you aired your dirty lanudries in the public, it would be disturbing too. :-[