1. I'm related to a Pilgrim who came over on the Mayflower.
2. For somebody who doesn't play the lottery, I think about where I'd go and who I'd help if I win entirely too often.
3. I was an early joiner of Friendster while I was in school yet I'm anti- MySpace, Facebook and Twitter now.
4. The privacy thing bothers me, yet I'm posting 25 personal details here...
5. I have ADD tendencies.
6. I love to cook.
7. I was a vegetarian for 10 years.
8. I used to be a gym rat and rarely work out anymore.
9. I played a college sport.
10. I know more about football and baseball than many guys I've dated.
11. I wish I could have been a Civil Rights Movement activist (I'm too young).
12. I'd like a career opportunity abroad at some point in my career.
13. I'm afraid to get eye laser surgery.
14. I love to write.
15. The incorrect use of apostrophe's

drives me CRAZY.
16. My boyfriend has a nickname for me-- Sunshine.
17. I have three brothers and a sister.
18. I'm a religious agnostic.
19. I fear organized religion and zealots.
20. I used to get d?j? vu daily, but not much anymore.
21. I love to play craps, but rarely go to Las Vegas.
22. I'm a "decline to state" voter (i.e., independent)
23. I rarely have more than a drink anymore due to 2-day hangovers.
24. I'm a lucid dreamer (i.e., I can control my dreams).
25. I interned as a television field producer in D.C., and loved it.