25 Things About You

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[quote author="gypsyuma" date=1244173678][quote author="gypsyuma" date=1244116537]1. I spent my childhood in the back woods of Iowa in a town with only 625 people, where I was the town newspaper delivery girl and was frequently flashed by a pervert and attacked by dogs.

2. I have mild OCD and clean the house pretty much off and on all day long, cannot stand odd numbers, and get anxiety attacks when it comes to clutter.

3. I have never understood why people like Tevas and resisted Crocs until I felt how comfortable they are, but because they are so ugly will only wear them to the beach.

4. I graduated from high school after the 11th grade at the age of 16, but now feel that was too young to go off to college on my own.

5. I love period films or dramas about history, like Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, A Room with a View.

6. I am addicted to Iced Coffee, which I make at home and drink like water. And which keeps me up till 3am nightly, giving me only 4 hours sleep a night.

7. I acted upon an idiotic whim and moved to Paris by myself at age 19, married a bad boy, and then somehow ended up living in a small village in Algeria. Shockingly, that marriage didn't last long.

8. I know how to play the flute, but wish I could play the piano instead. I tried to teach myself once, but I sucked.

9. I used to be an incredible artist in college and would spend hours sketching people's faces. I tried it again recently, but with four kids I only got one eyeball finished before I got interrupted and gave up. I have had that one eye ball waiting for a mate in my closet for the last year.

10. I am very Irish, and when I visited Dublin a few years back the other tourists kept coming up to me in the crowd to ask directions.

11. I hate bland food, so have an entire library of cook books. When I am at peace I will try a new recipe every night, but when I am stressed I only make the few things I make the best.

12. When I was young I was a really bad driver because I did not focus and wrecked every single one of my parents cars - just one reason of many that my Mom hates me.

13. I went to law school , but now think I would have made a much better doctor.

14. Being the sheltered pup that I was (see #1), I didn't find out there were gay people until the guy I was infactuated with in my Sophomore year of college dumped me for a guy.

15. David Hasselhoff (America's Got Talent) came on to me at Cactus Charlies, an American bar in Paris in 1985. He proceeded to chug about 7 Long Island Iced Teas and was literally slobbering and telling me over and over that he liked my hair. When girls would ask him for his autograph, I would have to hold the pen in his hand and practically sign his name.

16. I am ready to go back to work, but am at a loss as to what path I should take that would still allow me to raise my four children.

17. I have often toyed with the idea of writing a book, but think my OCD would get in the way. I guess it already has.

18. I have been a political activist on behalf of the Palestinians since writing a thesis on the conflict in law school, and recently traveled to D.C. to meet with Congressional Foreign Policy staff members to argue their case.

19. I like really poor people alot more than I do rich people.

20. I love to a smoke cigarette once or twice a day, but have to hide it so my children don't see. Which makes me feel like I am smoking crack or something.

21. I used to love to travel and move every year, but now I am just over it and want to buy a home that I will grow old and die in.

22. I am an idealist with too high of expectations for people, so I am often left down horribly.

23. I think that the long black robes that Middle Eastern women wear (abayas) are absolutely beautiful and I have an entire collection.

24. When I was young I was really great at tennis and ping pong. I am planning on getting a ping pong table and put it in my garage to play with the kids.

25. My best friend in the world was my nanny when I lived in Dubai, U.A.E. Her name is Suba and she is Sri-Lankan. I have tried to get her the visa for this country, but she was rejected. I am hoping that USCTrojan will marry her so that she can immigrate here and live down the street from me in Irvine.</blockquote>

I see that USCTrojanman has read my attempt to arrange a marriage for him....... but is eerily silent. I guess my dream to have my best friend living down the street from me in Irvine must be put on hold. DARN!</blockquote>
No, I caught that...nice try. ;) The silence was because I was in meetings and at lunch. haha
<strong>I'm counting on BK using this post to get builders to put exactly the kind of house I am looking for in Orchard Hills:</strong>

1. I
1. I identify myself more as a designer than a business person.

2. I am early riser, active in the mornings and tired in the evenings.

3. I met my wife at my best friend?s wedding. I was his best man, and she was her maid of honor. My best friend?s wife is my wife?s older sister.

4. In high school I wanted to major in graphic design and had been accepted to Rhode Island School of Design. Unfortunately, I did not follow my heart and ended up studying business.

5. I admire beautiful jewelry, and dream of designing my own jewelry line one day.

6. I like to be around creative, entrepreneurial people who has passion in their line of work.

7. I love books. I read a lot and Borders is my favorite place to hang out.

8. I love to go fishing to relieve stress. I almost caught a 6 lb bass two weeks ago, but unfortunately it broke my favorite poll and got away.

9. My wife is the smartest and the most beautiful woman I know. She is my first girl friend and first kiss.

10. I accepted Christ into my life in 6th grade.

11. I grew up listening to hip hop and Korean gangster rap. Now I enjoy listening to Christian, Orchestra, Classical, whatever relaxes me.

12. I love community and find people very interesting, even all the different personalities here.

13. I have thirst for knowledge, a tremendous curiosity about life, I have many hobbies, like to travel (especially to Asia), have variety of interests.

14. I wake up at 6am every day and work out for one hour before starting work.

15. I love nature, beaches, hiking, and rollerblading.

16. I think about Irvine at least 3 hours each and every day.

17. I can marinate some good bulgogi and kalbi.

18. I can rap ?Ice Ice Baby? from Vanilla Ice? ?Alright stop, collaborate and listen, Ice is back with a brand new invention. ? ?Something grabs a hold of me tightly???

19. I took some dance classes in college and enjoyed them: jazz, hip hop, modern, and ball room.

20. I received my first degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do when I was in elementary school. I got into a lot trouble when I was a little kid.

21. I like to think Big and Visualize Big Dreams.

22. I enjoy snow boarding more than I like skiing.

23. I?ve never surfed before, but always wanted to some day.

24. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates? are my heros.

25. I?m turned off by arrogant people.
information overload

<img src="http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:8LKSeUUt3Zb7cM:http://i.ehow.com/images/GlobalPhoto/Articles/4896599/158436-main_Full.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="bkshopr" date=1244185919]information overload

<img src="http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:8LKSeUUt3Zb7cM:http://i.ehow.com/images/GlobalPhoto/Articles/4896599/158436-main_Full.jpg" alt="" /></blockquote>

Just the opposite, BK, just the opposite. Wow, we have some truly amazing people here and everyone is so incredibly interesting. Even though we all came here because of real estate, there are several things that I really get with everyone who posted. Even Panda is way cooler than I thought!!

Thanks SoCal for putting this together and many thanks to everyone who participated. I know it took a bit of time, much more so than replying "prices will be lower in 6 months, wait and rent :) " Frankly, it's threads like this that make me really love the IHB and keep coming back day in and day out. You all really rock!
[quote author="High Gravity" date=1244157465][quote author="stepping_up" date=1244107364]17). I have 9 varieties of salvia in my yard


I'm dislexic and this looked to me like "I have 9 varieties of sativa in my yard"</blockquote>

Ha! I had to look up sativa. It turns out that I had the arugula last season, but my husband still can't convince me to utilize my green thumb for one of the other varieties. The helicopters are overhead way too often, plus I think just about the time it would start to bud the neighbors would steal it. I've seen the son at my back fence trading it with the son at my west fence over my yard. I always loved to grow things and actually grew it for my dad when I was younger, but any of the ones outside ALWAYS got stolen just before they were ready.
1. Thinks things taste better out of glasses than bottles. Have roughly 40 different stems, steins, juice glasses, Turkish coffee cups, ect to prove it.

2. Loves a discount, but craves quality and will pay for it given a choice.

3. Tends to over analyze situations, but rarely is surprised for my trouble.

4. Spells like a third grader, and cannot write in cursive.

5. Was a groomsman in something like 15 weddings before he finally got married. I nearly went broke paying for tux rentals.

6. Raced BMX for six years. Was California state champion in my age group the second to last one.

7. Fiercely competitive.

8. Doesn?t mind losing if my opponent gets lucky or outplays me. Minds a lot when I?m a moron (somebody report me for violating the nice policy against myself).

9. Gambles only when I have an equity edge, so I guess I don?t gamble.

10. Hates trophies. Views them as reminders of past accomplishments, and an impediment to future greatness. I don?t even have my college or MBA diplomas ? I gave them both to my Mom.

11. Views things in black and white, but with lots of shades of gray in between that cloud our collective vision.

12. Loves to eat. I?d rather eat than just about anything else. Anything.

13. Loves kids, but doesn?t have any because I lack temperament.

14. Has 62 days of music in iTunes, but has never purchased anything from the iTunes store, nor have I ever illegally downloaded a single track. I wore out 3 CD-ROM drives ripping all the CD?s I own.

15. Is consistently surprised by the duality of man.

16. Thinks he can explain ?A Clockwork Orange? by #15 ? even in light of the admission by my Philosophy Professor buddy that he doesn?t understand it. Maybe he never saw ?Full Metal Jacket? or ?Eyes wide Shut? or ?2001?.

17. Enjoys art in all forms, except maybe when somebody decides to tag something without asking.

18. Has an opinion on everything, but worse ? I care more.

19. Becomes more cynical every day, and hates it. Doesn?t mind being the heavy, and hates that too.

20. Wishes he was a Republican.

21. Favorite President is Nixon, because he?s most interesting (see #15).

22. Loves his wife and his dogs and his momma. Everything else is for sale.

23. Missed receiving my HS Senior Honors Award for School Service because I was ten minutes late. I was busy voting in a Presidential Primary??..

24. ??and that?s important because I was 17 at the time (nobody panic, I was eligible to vote because I was 18 before the general election).

25. Cries at weddings ? even mine.
[quote author="Mcdonna1980" date=1244195148]I think Mr. Data Mining owes us his 25 in return for being his lab rats. :)</blockquote>

BK will never participate in this, but I'm really wondering what he thinks in general about what he's read in this thread, i.e. do any of us fit his profile that he has for each of us?
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1244149581]<blockquote></blockquote>16. I would love to learn how to read sheet music and play the piano.<blockquote></blockquote>

My brother convinced me to take Music 101 for one of my humanities requirement. He had taken it with Sonny, who was still the teacher. Neither one of us play an instrument. I enjoyed it so much that I took 102 as well and learned to read sheet music. I never did learn to play an instrument and have forgotten all that I learned over 20 years ago. Perhaps you could take 101 at a community college?

Kind of a digression, but if anyone wants to learn to speak French, Irvine Valley College has an awesome department and all the classes are available at night.</blockquote>

I was going to post these two items as part of my 25 but was distracted and forgot--

-I grew up with a piano in my house and never learned how to play; I regret it. My mother told me that if I really wanted to learn, she would hire an instructor to properly teach me, but I never committed and she wouldn't entertain half-ass attempts.

-My mother had the most beautiful soprano voice. Although I was selected to sing the solos in elementary school, I'm pretty much tone deaf today.

My mother is very much into the arts and we had season tickets to the Long Beach Civic Light Opera before it went belly-up. I grew up traveling all over LA and Orange County to go to operas and plays, and I had beautiful fur coats and dresses. My mother was a soprano (she's alive, but her voice is not in shape anymore), and she had the most beautiful voice of anybody of I've ever known personally. My mom used to sing the Phantom of the Opera Christine Daa? songs and songs from Les Mis?rables at our piano and I would sit next to her in amazement.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1244198014]I have to admit... this thread is a guilty pleasure... it's like reading someone's diary... hehe. <sneaky face> (<-- don't know the emoticon for that)</blockquote>

Just for you:

<img src="http://images.teamsugar.com/modules/smileys/examples/sneaky-evil-smily.gif" alt="" />
Hmmm, so who do we have left.. C'mon you old time IHB veterans... IrvineRenter, Awgee, IrvineSinglemom, IHO, BK, RoundCorners, IPO, Tmare...Let's bust it out. " 25 Things About You " Particpation should be mandatory for all the "McMansions and "Custom Estates" out there. :)
1. Living in the poorest city in OC. Living among the indigents and homeless made me feel how blessed I am to have a nice roof over my head. Numerous street corners I see homeless men and women asking for help.

2. On some weekends my family hangs around at various shelters. Willie is often around my surroundings and I felt bad for exposing his squatter at City Place. I recommended Mercy House and gave him a Taco Bell gift card not cash in case he has habits.

3. I like the minimalist approach in my life. The few things that I own I cherish very much. I don?t have my computer in the house at all. I do have a good size library and some framed arts.

4. I love nature and peaceful places away from civilization. I would love to live the life of John Muir and Galen Clark.

5. My undergraduate study was Physics. I am fascinated by forces we found in nature.

6. I am computer illiterate but I married a founding team member who founded Earth Link and then Net Zero to fulfill my short coming.

7. My daughter is quite opposite of me. She is always early. She has musical talent. She won numerous piano competitions in Irvine. She has a perfect GPA and her works have become permanent exhibits (decoration) at elementary and middle schools.

8. I am intrigued by different ethnic culture and do visit various neighborhood pockets that proudly displayed their unique heritage.

9. I enjoy fresh steam food. Din Tai Fung dumplings are my weekend treat. I look forward to going to Arcadia and then driving through San Marino. Asians buy beautiful homes there and tear them down to build IHO style monstrosities thus ruining the ambiance of this nice neighborhood. I wish they could have bought in other places but they got to have their ugliest house in a nicest neighborhood ruining the comps for their neighbors.

10. During the 80?s I designed the 3 x 3 blocks of New York Street in the Paramount Picture Back lot. There I learned the skill of scale and its importance in visual composition. I look at architecture today based on skills learned from others who crafted the structures.

11. Diane Keaton slept in my bedroom. 4 of her historical renovations were published in Architectural Digest over the last 2 decades. She is truly my heroine. She also chose many of the setting for her movies. My first encounter with Ms Keaton was in 1979?s when she spoke at Occidental College about her successful movie career. I was living in Highland Park at that time and Oxy was my backyard. Father of the Bride is my favorite movie in addition to many black and white film classics. Who would have guessed a black student attended Oxy would someday become the most powerful man in this country.

12. My first time to Disneyland was after I graduated from college. I did not have a childhood like so many privilege children we see today.

13. My favorite store is adjacent to Sears merchandise pick up at South Coast Plaza.

14. I spent every Christmas and New Years at the St Francis off Union Square in San Francisco. This is my 9th year. half of the time during this time of the year it rains there. My X?mas presents to Mrs.BK always a stack of gift cards to Neiman, Saks, LV, Gucci, Chanel, and Hermes, Macy and Nordstrom surrounding the vicinity of Union Square. We are extremely frugal for the rest of the year.

15. I enjoy planting my garden and booby trap devices to deter squirrels from consuming Cayci?s avocados. This is where I go every morning for 1 hour to find tranquility and peace. I have planted a variety of herbs and I like the Thai basil the best.

16. Pho is my favorite and I do snip the Thai Basil and Chili Pepper from the garden to compliment a nice bowl of soup compliment of Momo?s recipe.

17. I watch 20/20, Dateline, 48 Hours, and 60 Minutes. Gray Anatomy, Private Practice and Brothers and Sisters are the only 3 primetime shows I enjoy.

18. Even though I work with very powerful people I do not live the lives of the rich and famous. Ostentatious and pretentious surrounding is certainly appealing for the successful. I never seem to find myself fitting in perhaps I still live in the shadow of my poor upbringing deprived of everything but integrity.

19. I am the youngest of 8 boys from my paternal side. My father was born in 1895. All of my brothers except for one still alive and well living in Shanghai. He is 80 this year. I never knew my siblings and some were deceased before I was born. Brothers were separated and raised by relatives in different cities during the era of Japanese invasion and civil war turmoil.

20. My grand father was here during the Gold Rush of California in 1865. 3 generations with almost a 200 year span.

21. I attend the EV Free Church in Fullerton and my family is pro-life and do believe in our conviction. We endorse and support Casa Theresa in Orange assisting financial and family hardship pregnant mothers to full term and assisting them with vocational and independence after child birth.

22. I have been on the wrong side of the law many times. My wife, daughter and church are the pillars of my redemption and guidance.

23. I am uncomfortable in social setting in my personal life. Because of my career I had to engage in it.

24. I wish someday to locate and thank my Belmont High School teacher Linda Purdy who encouraged me to turn my life around and helped me with my application fee for college. She was Patty Hearst?s dorm mate at Berkeley when Patty was kidnapped by the SLA. She was from Susanville.

25. My favorite urban space is the Groves. Mrs. BK and I went there every weekend for 6 years since its grand opening. The last 3 years we shifted our interest to Vroman?s and Booksoup.

26. This is a bonus. I LOVE SHOES. Manolo and Louboutin.
1. I've lived and worked on 3 Continents, I have spent more time away from the UK than living there.

2. My Dad was a classicaly trained Pianist but only ever played in Pubs and at Weddings.

3. I - along with others - recieved an Industrial award from Pres. Clinton at the Whitehouse.

4. My fave City is Amsterdam.

5. I was on the Team that developed the first BMW 3 series convertible.

6. I am an only Child.

7. My Mum writes for a Newspaper in England, She earned Her English Degree at age 45.

8. I think I must be ADD? I can hardly ever sit and watch a TV program or Movie all the way through, I can walk out of a movie yet can't tell you what it was about.

9. I get bored and "Over it" very quickly.

10. I stopped watching any kind of news on TV on April 1st.

11. I can last all Day without Food, but get violently ill if I don't have Tea and Coffee.

12. I was a semi-pro footballer and played until I was 38.

13. I was Christened Church of England but I'm agnositic and have never been to Church once except for weddings and funerals.

14. I don't like old/classic Cars, if they were any good they would still be making them lol

15. I was offered a job at DeLorean, glad I didn't go!!

16. I hated School and College, got my degree when I was 20 and never went back!!

17. I never watch any kind of sport on TV except Cycling..then I can't watch it all the way through - see # 8.

18. It doesn't matter where I am, I always wish I was somewhere else.

19. I had already earned my degree, was married with a mortgage before I turned 21.

20. I have a strong proclivity towards designer Clothes, I love European Fashions and my fave Cologne at the moment is "Antidote" by Victor & Rolf.

21. The People I admire the most are Sir Richard Branson and Lance Armstrong, Fave singer/songwriters, Nike Kershaw and Roland Orzabal. Best Voices freddy mercury and Tony Hadley (Spandau Ballet)

22. I have one Tattoo and plan on getting some more.

23. I would like to live/work in Asia for a while then I have the world covered.

24. Money or Fame? Both!!

25. Friends and Family are the most important things in the world to me.
1) Has never had a cavity.

2) Loves exotic cars and motorcycles.

3) Most often drives like a granny, near the speed limit and with complete stops at stop signs.

4) Has handwriting that would make a doctor curse.

5) Is going to night school for an AS degree.

6) Has attended 5 colleges plus a few adult schools.

7) Gets less than 6 hours of sleep, Sometimes less than 4.

8) Doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up.

9) Lives very frugally in most aspects.

10) Enjoys reading IHB but would otherwise not know a thing about Irvine.

11) Has 5 cars averaging 15 years of age and 124,000 miles on the clock.

12) Only drives around 8000 miles per year total.

13) Has probably spent more on tools than on any car.

14) Is agnostic, but knows he is truly blessed.

15) Could ride a bike without training wheels at the age of 2.

16) Could take apart a car at the age of 7.

17) Could put them back together many years later.

18) Is nothing like his father.

19) Is exactly like his father.

20) Is very idealistic.

21) Is compulsive about many things, especially video games, thus he refuses to buy a console.

22) Has visited every country that was a country at the end of 1997.

23) Looks at Redfin everyday, but is happy where he's at.

24) Loves to calculate and convert numbers, and often wonders about things on a global scale.

25) Wishes life wasn't so short.
[quote author="PeterUK" date=1244212990]8. I think I must be ADD? I can hardly ever sit and watch a TV program or Movie all the way through, I can walk out of a movie yet can't tell you what it was about.

9. I get bored and "Over it" very quickly.

11. I can last all Day without Food, but get violently ill if I don't have Tea and Coffee.

17. I never watch any kind of sport on TV except Cycling..then I can't watch it all the way through - see # 8.

22. I have one Tattoo and plan on getting some more.

23. I would like to live/work in Asia for a while then I have the world covered.</blockquote>

You most likely have ADD. Do you have hyper-focus at work or a project you must complete? You know, where you are so focused you can't even hear what people are saying when they address you and you will stay up late to finish it...

You need the caffeine from the tea or coffee because it helps you focus. It is the poor mans ADD meds.

Wanting to get out and experience a new place and/or job is pretty typical. You crave the newness of it.

The tattoo thing must be another sign of ADD, I want another one too.
1) I ran the San Diego Rock & Roll marathon once without any training whatsoever. Did it in like 7 hours, got really injured.

2) I meet my wife through a good friend.

3) Was really into cars; had a 95 BMW M3, had to sell it when I got married; now I?m a Volvo driving car hater.

4) I love Garfield (the cat).

5) We have a real-life Garfield, a Cream Point Himalayan show cat.

6) I don?t follow a recipe; I open the pantry and simply make whatever I can find.

7) I only wear Clark?s shoes/sandals; the one I currently wear is 4 years old, and still great.

8) My work philosophy is: ?Life is too short to work; but too long to not?.

9) When I was single I was as OC hater; now I?m married and I?m a LA hater.

10) I don?t mind waiting for hours at the DMV; it?s those down times that I can really reflect the meaning of my life.

11) My wife says that I talk too much, but I don?t communicate well.

12) For breakfast the past 2-weeks; I?ve been making grill cheese.

13) My wife says that I snore sometimes; but I don?t believe her.

14) We use coupons religiously for everything.

15) I haven?t watched TV in five years.

16) Just got my credit report; my FICO is: 789 (darn student loans, was 812).

17) My wife and I live together; but still manage to rack up 1,000 mobile-to-mobile minutes.

18) I love Subway sandwiches (boo Quiznos)

19) I don?t love my work, but I consider some of my clients true friends.

20) NPR is constantly on at home; the wife prefers worship music.

21) I?m a huge procrastinator.

22) I hate getting my hair cut.

23) I?m trying to read Paul Young?s The Shack, but I already read the ending.

24) I don?t take vitamins, but I think I should start.

25) I?m trying to plan a dinner out on our balcony this weekend; I hope my wife will consider that dinner out as date night.