25 Things About You

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


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In the spirit of fostering the IHB community, I ask you to list 25 little-known facts about you. Things about you that are interesting, things we might not already know, or things that just make you - you! Everyone who participates will receive a thumb's up. The first to respond will receive two. Ready... go!
25 random ones from me (they were written when tagged by a blogger)

1. I need a clean house, a clean car, and a clean workspace always. If you see anything lying around, it?s probably part of my organized clutter.

2. I love the smell of Clorox, and sometimes pinesol.

3. I eat every vegetable on earth except brussel sprouts and whole okra.

4. I am very good cook, even though I was a late bloomer in kitchen.

5. I have a huge collection of shoes and purses.

6. I am a vegetarian.

7. I am scared of spiders, and but I kill them if they are found in the house.

8. I have water phobia, never step into a swimming pool, but ocean doesn?t scare me.

9. Only daughter, only wife and only mom.

10. My younger daughter called me "big sister" (in my mother tongue) and I let her do that till she was two.

11. I love hosting parties.

12. I am polite, always, even to rude people.

13. I hate going to dentists. Have a cavity that I am managing with Motrin.

14. I have severe carpel tunnel syndrome, but still manage everyday life without meds.

15. I love reading. I annoy my husband when I read chicklit, but most of my fashion knowledge has come through them.

16. I don?t watch TV. Never flip channels because I am bored.

17. I am an internet addict.

18. I don?t like pets and have strongly discouraged my family to own one.

19. I like babies, but not unruly kids.

20. I never complain that my kids aren?t eating well.

21. My body weight is strictly not allowed to fluctuate unless I am pregnant.

22. I will have a third baby if Michelle Obama has. (Okay, this was a filler line)

23. I want to buy an Audi.

24. I like long drives in the desert.

25. I learnt to knit last year, but didn?t finish my project.

Two thumbs up for me?
Ok, I'll bite...

1) I'm an only child

2) I speak 3 languages but understand 5

3) I enjoy playing poker and gambling on sports (nba, baseball, and football)

4) Currently work as a contractor but looking to get a full-time job

5) Once I do get a full-time job, I want to buy an 08 BMW M3

6) I enjoy attending car racing/driving schools

7) I like to drive fast (I do have a radar detector)

8) I might buy myself a new watch for my birthday in July as I lost my last one

9) The next home that I buy will be a single story home with a decent yard

10) I love dogs and I will get either a boxer or a cholocate lab when I buy that single story home

11) I hate most veggies but like most fruits

12) I love to travel

13) I'm a nightowl who loves to sleep in on weekends

14) Even though I'm Polish, I don't like most Polish food

15) I have become addicted to IHB

16) I can't really cook but I'm a pro on the grill

17) I love tinkering on cars

18) I know how to install tile, wood flooring, and other home improvements (thanks to my dad)

19) I enjoy trying new restaurants even though I'm a picky eater

20) Can't drink as much as I used to

21) Can't pull allnighters like I used to do

22) I get cold when it gets below 60

23) I fall asleep on my coutch a lot

24) I look younger than my age

25) I'm the most ambitious driven slacker you'll ever meet
Anybody else?? C'mon! How about Bk... Deuce... RoundCorners... zovall or IR?

Ok, I will go:

1. I love Alfred Hitchcock films.

2. I used to be an RDA (registered dental assistant)

3. I?m an intermediate knitter.

4. My favorite drink is the margarita

5. I love to cook. Every week I make three new recipes, three old favorites, and one day is take-out.

6. I always must put my left shoe on first or else it doesn?t ?seem right?. I think I have OCD.

7. I check the MLS once?twice? three times a day. See OCD comment above.

8. I am very good at archery.

9. If money was no matter, I would like to adopt kids with special needs to give them the best care and a loving home.

10. I am most comfortable at 77 degrees exactly. If it?s 78 or 76, I can tell.

11. I studied German.

12. I feel nervous every time I hear the phone ring.

13. I am an O.C. native.

14. I love Elvis.

15. I love to play Chess.

16. I could spend all day wandering around Bed, Bath & Beyond (or as my husband calls it: "Blood Bath & Beyond"? stolen from The Simpsons.)

17. I like to watch stand-up comedy

18. I usually take things too personally.

19. I became a first-time homeowner at 24. (Worry not. It was sold last year for a profit.)

20. I like clocks that sound off such as Regulator, grandfather clocks, and cuckoo clocks

21. My favorite show is ?The Office?

22. I love antiques

23. I learned how to drive on a manual transmission

24. In an attempt to fuel my IHB addiction, today I became a moderator. Thanks, Zovall.

25. Nothing I wrote above is surprising to Bk. He already correctly guessed all of this and more.
1. I love power tools

2. I?ll drop everything on a dime to follow my desires

3. I?m a recovering shoeoholic

4. I?m attracted to brainy men

5. I lust for this Spanish flamenco dancer I met in Madrid

6. I?ve pimped out my car-rims, grill, subwoofer and all

7. My dream job is CEO of IKEA

8. I work for a company of all women in an industry dominated by men

9. I?m a research junkie

10. I?m blessed with a marriage still makes me feel giddy inside

11. I?m a 4th generation OrangeCountian

12. I learned how to do flying trapeze stunts at a clown school in Frisco

13. The best summer of my life was spent being an 80?s star impersonator for night clubs in LA. (hence the screen name)

14. I don?t own a TV, but I built a big entertainment center/fireplace to house one.

15. I have impeccable taste

16. I fear the PTA

17. I?m a coffee addict

18. My camera was stolen in Rome with naked pictures of me on it (I?m convinced this means I will one day run for office)

19. I love nature but I don?t do camping

20. I?m tiring and running out of things to list

21. I can see downtown LA from my office window

22. I don?t drink

23. I impulsive shop at Target

24. I plan to build my dream house with my own hands when I retire

25. I?m thrilled this list is over
Hehe... I guess this thread could scare posters away too.

Again... many people like anonymity... unlike IPO... he'll come in here... tell you his AGI, post his picture and give you his social security number.

I don't think SoCal would appreciate it if I just posted "I like 3-car garages" 25 times.
1. I'm related to a Pilgrim who came over on the Mayflower.

2. For somebody who doesn't play the lottery, I think about where I'd go and who I'd help if I win entirely too often.

3. I was an early joiner of Friendster while I was in school yet I'm anti- MySpace, Facebook and Twitter now.

4. The privacy thing bothers me, yet I'm posting 25 personal details here...

5. I have ADD tendencies.

6. I love to cook.

7. I was a vegetarian for 10 years.

8. I used to be a gym rat and rarely work out anymore.

9. I played a college sport.

10. I know more about football and baseball than many guys I've dated.

11. I wish I could have been a Civil Rights Movement activist (I'm too young).

12. I'd like a career opportunity abroad at some point in my career.

13. I'm afraid to get eye laser surgery.

14. I love to write.

15. The incorrect use of apostrophe's ;) drives me CRAZY.

16. My boyfriend has a nickname for me-- Sunshine.

17. I have three brothers and a sister.

18. I'm a religious agnostic.

19. I fear organized religion and zealots.

20. I used to get d?j? vu daily, but not much anymore.

21. I love to play craps, but rarely go to Las Vegas.

22. I'm a "decline to state" voter (i.e., independent)

23. I rarely have more than a drink anymore due to 2-day hangovers.

24. I'm a lucid dreamer (i.e., I can control my dreams).

25. I interned as a television field producer in D.C., and loved it.
[quote author="irvine_home_owner" date=1244096457]Hehe... I guess this thread could scare posters away too.

Again... many people like anonymity... unlike IPO... he'll come in here... tell you his AGI, post his picture and give you his social security number.

I don't think SoCal would appreciate it if I just posted "I like 3-car garages" 25 times.</blockquote>
Come on IHO, tell us some things about yourself that we already don't know. If you do, the first beer is on me at the next IHB gathering.
1. I love blue. No really. I LOVE blue.

2. I like tropical fish, but all my fish have died.

3. Due to the above, I started getting called Caycifish in 8th grade.

4. Cayci was not my legal name at the time, and wasn't until right before I graduated from UCI so it could be on my diplomas.

5. My understanding is that I am the only person in the history of UCI to graduate Magna Cum Laude with a B.S. in Information and Computer Science and Magna Cum Laude with a B.A. in Drama at the same time.

6. I finished my Drama degree while living in NYC for the UCI Satallite Program in Musical Theater.

7. I now write software for the largest construction and real property management company in the world. And it's not anything you would guess.

8. I love Mexican food.

9. I like to bake.

10. I exercise regularly to make up for #8 and #9.

11. My guacamole is famous amongst my friends and I usually am asked to bring it to parties.

12. Jane Austen is my favorite author.

13. "Honey?" "Yeah?" "I'm dating...<em>Graphrix</em>." "It's hitting you again, huh?" "Yeah. I mean, you're that guy from the Internet. It's still kinda weird. Not sure when it'll wear off."

14. I have a dedicated shoe cabinet in my bedroom. Because I can.

15. I am now an actual step-aunt, but I am an honorary Aunt Cayci to many.

16. I have been a bridesmaid 6 times. And I'm over it.

17. I like sunflowers.

18. I'm allergic to cats.

19. I'm always occupied so I hate to get phone calls "just to chat".

20. Clutter stresses me out.

21. I sing in my car. A lot.

22. I bake cookies for coworkers to take away the sting of being in a code review led by my critical eye. A spoonful of sugar...

23. I love to travel but I still get travel weary.

24. I have one of the world's largest My Little Pony collections, and it has been growing since 1982.

25. I went to church every Sunday for the first 20 years of my life, and now I don't practice at all.
1). I love tomatoes, especially growing them in my very own yard!

2)I grew up in Santa Cruz

3). I worked for Greenpeace for two years in college (see #1)

4). I have never owned a pair of Birkenstocks

5). I love to read, particularly the smart books, but am a total sucker for chick lit

6). I sold $1,700 vacuum cleaners door to door for 7 years

7). My passport will need more pages before it expires

8). I love hot baths and hopefully will have this done before it's ready tonight

9). I love my husband more than anyone in the world

10). I'm the most disorganized person you will ever find

11). I absolutely adore my Maggie Moo, Bugga Boo, who loves you boxer

12). My mom is 82 and it's been increasingly harder

13). My in-laws are pretty darned cool

14). I had my first communion in Vatican city

15). I lived in Rome for a year when I was a kid

16). I hadn't finished my degree in my 20's, but did in my 30's because it was something I wanted to do for myself not my career

17). I have 9 varieties of salvia in my yard

18). I really love wine

19). I love to cook, particularly something that will accompany the wine

20). I stopped belieivng in God when I was 14 and remain agnostic

21). I'm not a natural blonde

22). I do love shoes!

23). I understand typos, but am really peeved by improper English

24). I'm not yet underwater on my mortgage despite being a knife catcher

25). I drive a Corolla, but really WANTED the Prius
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1244107364]1). I love tomatoes, especially growing them in my very own yard!

How funny, my dad also loves tomatoes...so much so that he used to grow them in the Huntington Beach home I grew up in. He'd also grow strawberries, cucumbers, onions, dill, cabbage, and a bunch of fruit trees. He has tried to grow tomatoes in Vegas but they don't really seem to grow well out there.
1. I spent my childhood in the back woods of Iowa in a town with only 625 people, where I was the town newspaper delivery girl and was frequently flashed by a pervert and attacked by dogs.

2. I have mild OCD and clean the house pretty much off and on all day long, cannot stand odd numbers, and get anxiety attacks when it comes to clutter.

3. I have never understood why people like Tevas and resisted Crocs until I felt how comfortable they are, but because they are so ugly will only wear them to the beach.

4. I graduated from high school after the 11th grade at the age of 16, but now feel that was too young to go off to college on my own.

5. I love period films or dramas about history, like Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, A Room with a View.

6. I am addicted to Iced Coffee, which I make at home and drink like water. And which keeps me up till 3am nightly, giving me only 4 hours sleep a night.

7. I acted upon an idiotic whim and moved to Paris by myself at age 19, married a bad boy, and then somehow ended up living in a small village in Algeria. Shockingly, that marriage didn't last long.

8. I know how to play the flute, but wish I could play the piano instead. I tried to teach myself once, but I sucked.

9. I used to be an incredible artist in college and would spend hours sketching people's faces. I tried it again recently, but with four kids I only got one eyeball finished before I got interrupted and gave up. I have had that one eye ball waiting for a mate in my closet for the last year.

10. I am very Irish, and when I visited Dublin a few years back the other tourists kept coming up to me in the crowd to ask directions.

11. I hate bland food, so have an entire library of cook books. When I am at peace I will try a new recipe every night, but when I am stressed I only make the few things I make the best.

12. When I was young I was a really bad driver because I did not focus and wrecked every single one of my parents cars - just one reason of many that my Mom hates me.

13. I went to law school , but now think I would have made a much better doctor.

14. Being the sheltered pup that I was (see #1), I didn't find out there were gay people until the guy I was infactuated with in my Sophomore year of college dumped me for a guy.

15. David Hasselhoff (America's Got Talent) came on to me at Cactus Charlies, an American bar in Paris in 1985. He proceeded to chug about 7 Long Island Iced Teas and was literally slobbering and telling me over and over that he liked my hair. When girls would ask him for his autograph, I would have to hold the pen in his hand and practically sign his name.

16. I am ready to go back to work, but am at a loss as to what path I should take that would still allow me to raise my four children.

17. I have often toyed with the idea of writing a book, but think my OCD would get in the way. I guess it already has.

18. I have been a political activist on behalf of the Palestinians since writing a thesis on the conflict in law school, and recently traveled to D.C. to meet with Congressional Foreign Policy staff members to argue their case.

19. I like really poor people alot more than I do rich people.

20. I love to a smoke cigarette once or twice a day, but have to hide it so my children don't see. Which makes me feel like I am smoking crack or something.

21. I used to love to travel and move every year, but now I am just over it and want to buy a home that I will grow old and die in.

22. I am an idealist with too high of expectations for people, so I am often left down horribly.

23. I think that the long black robes that Middle Eastern women wear (abayas) are absolutely beautiful and I have an entire collection.

24. When I was young I was really great at tennis and ping pong. I am planning on getting a ping pong table and put it in my garage to play with the kids.

25. My best friend in the world was my nanny when I lived in Dubai, U.A.E. Her name is Suba and she is Sri-Lankan. I have tried to get her the visa for this country, but she was rejected. I am hoping that USCTrojan will marry her so that she can immigrate here and live down the street from me in Irvine.
I will play...

1. I really do have ADD. I am a poster child of ADD when you look at the symptoms. In fact, I can't wait to pick up my meds tomorrow, they have been a life saver.

2. Because of my ADD, I am the one who makes numerous grammar errors, poor usage of English, and gets confused about apostrophes, that annoys so many people here. Sorry, if you can help me with it, I sincerely welcome the help.

3. I am really not a grumpy pessimistic person in "real" life.

4. I went to art school.

5. I have been to NYC four times, and I will go back many more times.

6. I have a passport, but not a single stamp on it. I need to fix that. Italy 2011, here we come.

7. I love to cook. I am a master of the grill, sauces, and marinades. I am also a natural of what herbs/seasonings go well with what.

8. I love wine, and love to match it up with what I cook.

9. It will never stop being awkward, when people ask... "How did you and Cayci meet?" "We met through the Irvine Housing Blog." "You met on a block in Irvine?" "No, no... we met each other via an online community." The confusion on their faces at this point will never cease, and neither will the awkwardness. But, I don't care, it has been great anyway.

10. I have met some great people on IHB, some who I think will become life long friends. Even if I don't move to Newport Coast.

11. Mexican food is awesome. See Cayci's 25. It works out well for us both.

12. My uber great grand father was a founding father of Hartford Conn. And my family name is on a significantly historical document of US history.

13. I am a second gen OC native.

14. I have a sh*t load of tomatoes growing right now. And, I really should take some pics like no_vas.

15. I will own a kick a$$ house in N. Tustin. (still love Irvine though, you will see me playing in your parks)

16. I would love to learn how to read sheet music and play the piano.

17. I will go see musicals. Yeah, go ahead make fun, but if you saw Spring Awakening in NYC, then you would see how cool they are, and why it will go down as one of the greatest musicals of the century. Plus you will see a half naked chick... live, cool huh?

18. San Francisco is like a 2nd home to me, I love the bay area. (Wait, this one and the above go too well together).

19. I don't think Irvine is that bad of a place to live, despite what I have posted and what some people interpret.

20. I read Calculated Risk every day, and every post.

21. Vodka martini, extra olives please.

22. South Park, Mad Men, The Office, and Entourage are the greatest shows ever.

23. I'm not that old, but even I cut through orange groves to get to elementary school, that are now tract homes.

24. I still can't believe I met such an awesome, intelligent, and beautiful girl over the intarwebs.

25. It is possible I might be related to Dick Cheney, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

For extra credit:

26. BK already knew all this, and in fact he knows more about myself than I know.
<blockquote></blockquote>16. I would love to learn how to read sheet music and play the piano.<blockquote></blockquote>

My brother convinced me to take Music 101 for one of my humanities requirement. He had taken it with Sonny, who was still the teacher. Neither one of us play an instrument. I enjoyed it so much that I took 102 as well and learned to read sheet music. I never did learn to play an instrument and have forgotten all that I learned over 20 years ago. Perhaps you could take 101 at a community college?

Kind of a digression, but if anyone wants to learn to speak French, Irvine Valley College has an awesome department and all the classes are available at night.
[quote author="graphrix" date=1244125552]4. I went to art school.

Aha! ;-P


5. I have been to NYC four times, and I will go back many more times.

I need to PM you... going there next month for vacation (omg... I'm leaving the OC?)


6. I have a passport, but not a single stamp on it. I need to fix that. Italy 2011, here we come.

And you say I have to get out of the OC? Sheesh... but don't do *just* Italy (although it was my favorite)... France is also awesome. Next time around I want to do Spain and Greece.

[quote author="usctrojanman29" date=1244102459]Come on IHO, tell us some things about yourself that we already don't know. If you do, the first beer is on me at the next IHB gathering.</blockquote>
I've already said quite a few things about myself so there's not much more to tell... and I'm trying to keep bk from *completely* profiling me. But I'll spill a little (and this goes to your post):

1. I don't drink beer.
[quote author="stepping_up" date=1244107364]17). I have 9 varieties of salvia in my yard


I'm dislexic and this looked to me like "I have 9 varieties of sativa in my yard"
1. I like the desert. I think I may have been a cactus in a former life - my husband says I don't drink enough water

2. Bad grammar irks me; in particular, misuse of to, there, and apostrophes are at the top of the list

3. I am one of the few people at my company who doesn't have a pet (or many pets) - I work in the pet industry

4. I love babies but have none of my own

5. Good Mexican (and New Mexican) food make me really really happy

6. Most times I live in the gray but once, in a moment of incredible lucidity, gave my dad asprin while he was on his way to having a heart attack. One of the things I'm most proud of in life

7. I've seen Mary Poppins, Major League, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crucade more times than I care to admit

8. Last night I suggested that I write a list of 25 things about my husband for him to post and was quickly rejected. This morning said husband approached me with "I'll write a list of 25 if you do!" Thanks Socal!

9. I like to cook but don't do it nearly enough nor well enough (I do, however, make a MEAN bowl of cereal!)

10. I like to sing (a lot) and occupy way too much of my brain's real estate with lyrics from all kinds of genres

11. I waste a lot of time watching reruns of sitcoms and getting caught up in useless computer games. In general I like games

12. My first concert was Janet Jackson. I followed that concert up with Metallica...see #10 above

13. I'm turning into my mother

14. I like being in water but my insecurities about how I look keep me out of the water most times

15. Riding a bike leisurely throws me back into my childhood

16. I once had a soda vending machine route in high school as my first business. Had my own business card, a trunk full of soda (in cans and exploded), and an @$$load of change in my car at all times

17. On two different occassions, my car has been struck by a random ball hurling through the air while I was driving along, minding my own business. Once by a softball that cracked my windshield and again by a golfball on Harvard

18. Spending this much time talking about myself is making me uncomfortable

19. Eating seafood is scary for me so I don't do it (Sorry cayci - I still feel like an a-hole)

20. I like to laugh

21. I don't understand why people have to be such jerks sometimes and wish people were nicer

22. I never understood kinetic vs. potential energy. My husband says I'm overthinking it. I tend to do that.

23. When I was in the 4th grade, I moved from Houston to Albuquerque. Houston schools were significantly better funded and as a result I was ahead of the rest of my class. I was asked to sit with the younger kids and help them learn how to read and after that participated in a bunch of different tutoring programs to help kids over the years.

24. I've never watched an episode of American Idol, ER, or House

25. If money was no object, I think I'd like to be a librarian. Sad, huh?
My turn..

1. I'm a fan of Irvine, real estate, and technology.

2. I jumped on the iPhone bandwagon a little late but now I'm a believer.

3. I like to run, bike, swim, and hike. I'd like to do more of that.

4. I spent way too much time and money (in 1999-2001) on internet deals thanks to GotApex, Anandtech, Fatwallet, and Bensbargains. Now I only occasionally visit those sites and my bank account is happier.

5. I love animals but I don't have any pets.

6. Season 1 of the HBO series Rome is a favorite of mine (especially Episode 11).

7. I like to collect (movies, music, comics, cards, etc).

8. I spend too much time thinking about things instead of doing them.

9. I admire those that are out there getting things done and their accomplishments.

10. Took some flying lessons when I was 18

11. I listened to mainly Gangsta Rap and R&B until college and now I also enjoy Country, Christian, Reggaeton, Alternative, and other genres. But I'll still usually have a CD of some 15+ year old rap in my car.

12. I'd love to learn about gardening and growing fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Whenever I visit my parents in Northern California, I like spending time with them hearing about how many figs they have on the tree, etc.

13. Alcohol, I like. I've only recently discovered Don Julio 1942 and that is some good stuff!

14. I worked on the floors of the CBOE, CBOT, and the CME.

15. I liked reading books by Tolkien, David Eddings, and Terry Brooks when was in Jr High and high school. I'd like to reread those books.

16. Took a Wine Tasting class at UCI Extension last year and rode my bike home afterwards - fun!

17. I want to hike up Mt. San Gorgonio and Mt. Whitney some day

18. I'm addicted to the Peach Iced Tea at 85 degrees- anyone up for a run?

19. Was never stung by a bee until last year. I think I have a fear of bees thanks to a crazy movie my 8th grade science teacher made us watch on killer bees. He also had us watch Soylent Green. Definitely left an impression..

20. I like traveling. I've only been to a few places outside the country (London, Paris, India, Costa Rica, Taiwan) but I've enjoyed them all.

21. I went to an all boys Jesuit high school.

22. I'd like to learn to Scuba dive

23. I'm getting Lasik in a few weeks.

24. I want to spend more of my time discussing ideas and events rather than people.

25. I have never owned an LCD monitor for my computer. I still have a 19" CRT. Time to revisit #4.
1. I'm Korean but I have an Italian sir name.

2. I have a "Black" first name.

3. I hate all "Bandwagon" sports teams ie. Lakers, Cowboys etc.

4. I despise cigarettes and non-courteous cigarette smokers, you know the ones who hang out by the door...

5. I used to smoke cigarettes while taking a shower.

6. I'm very superstitious

7. I'm very lucky

8. I'm 50 lbs overweight.

9. I have the gift of gab.

10. I've beaten six consecutive speeding tickets.

11. I hate social conservatives.

12. I want to fight then water board Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

13. I'm attracted to "Sistas".

14. I believe doggy style is the best sexual position... EVER.

15. I literally get "High" or have feelings of euphoria every time I close a deal.

16. I've only read two books cover to cover. The Catcher in the Rye and American Psycho.

17. I've sold Oliver Stone and Dave Chappelle "Tobacco" paraphernalia.

18. I never lost a sock.

19. I live vicariously through myself.

20. I once taught a German Shepard how to bark in Spanish.

21. Will instantly melt if my wife gives me a hug from behind.

22. Almost gave my wife an elbow to the face because she attempted to give me a hug from behind in public.

23. Would sell my soul to play like Hendrix and compose like Zappa.

24. Thinks John Mayer is a hack... I don't care what Buddy Guys says! He's a f*ckin' hack! Goddamn robot!

25. I think IHB is Irvine's only shining star.
[quote author="gypsyuma" date=1244116537]1. I spent my childhood in the back woods of Iowa in a town with only 625 people, where I was the town newspaper delivery girl and was frequently flashed by a pervert and attacked by dogs.

2. I have mild OCD and clean the house pretty much off and on all day long, cannot stand odd numbers, and get anxiety attacks when it comes to clutter.

3. I have never understood why people like Tevas and resisted Crocs until I felt how comfortable they are, but because they are so ugly will only wear them to the beach.

4. I graduated from high school after the 11th grade at the age of 16, but now feel that was too young to go off to college on my own.

5. I love period films or dramas about history, like Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, A Room with a View.

6. I am addicted to Iced Coffee, which I make at home and drink like water. And which keeps me up till 3am nightly, giving me only 4 hours sleep a night.

7. I acted upon an idiotic whim and moved to Paris by myself at age 19, married a bad boy, and then somehow ended up living in a small village in Algeria. Shockingly, that marriage didn't last long.

8. I know how to play the flute, but wish I could play the piano instead. I tried to teach myself once, but I sucked.

9. I used to be an incredible artist in college and would spend hours sketching people's faces. I tried it again recently, but with four kids I only got one eyeball finished before I got interrupted and gave up. I have had that one eye ball waiting for a mate in my closet for the last year.

10. I am very Irish, and when I visited Dublin a few years back the other tourists kept coming up to me in the crowd to ask directions.

11. I hate bland food, so have an entire library of cook books. When I am at peace I will try a new recipe every night, but when I am stressed I only make the few things I make the best.

12. When I was young I was a really bad driver because I did not focus and wrecked every single one of my parents cars - just one reason of many that my Mom hates me.

13. I went to law school , but now think I would have made a much better doctor.

14. Being the sheltered pup that I was (see #1), I didn't find out there were gay people until the guy I was infactuated with in my Sophomore year of college dumped me for a guy.

15. David Hasselhoff (America's Got Talent) came on to me at Cactus Charlies, an American bar in Paris in 1985. He proceeded to chug about 7 Long Island Iced Teas and was literally slobbering and telling me over and over that he liked my hair. When girls would ask him for his autograph, I would have to hold the pen in his hand and practically sign his name.

16. I am ready to go back to work, but am at a loss as to what path I should take that would still allow me to raise my four children.

17. I have often toyed with the idea of writing a book, but think my OCD would get in the way. I guess it already has.

18. I have been a political activist on behalf of the Palestinians since writing a thesis on the conflict in law school, and recently traveled to D.C. to meet with Congressional Foreign Policy staff members to argue their case.

19. I like really poor people alot more than I do rich people.

20. I love to a smoke cigarette once or twice a day, but have to hide it so my children don't see. Which makes me feel like I am smoking crack or something.

21. I used to love to travel and move every year, but now I am just over it and want to buy a home that I will grow old and die in.

22. I am an idealist with too high of expectations for people, so I am often left down horribly.

23. I think that the long black robes that Middle Eastern women wear (abayas) are absolutely beautiful and I have an entire collection.

24. When I was young I was really great at tennis and ping pong. I am planning on getting a ping pong table and put it in my garage to play with the kids.

25. My best friend in the world was my nanny when I lived in Dubai, U.A.E. Her name is Suba and she is Sri-Lankan. I have tried to get her the visa for this country, but she was rejected. I am hoping that USCTrojan will marry her so that she can immigrate here and live down the street from me in Irvine.</blockquote>

I see that USCTrojanman has read my attempt to arrange a marriage for him....... but is eerily silent. I guess my dream to have my best friend living down the street from me in Irvine must be put on hold. DARN!