[quote author="ck"]
[quote author="graceomalley"]
Developers have been robbing your yard. TalkIrvine party deserves a better setting like a private backyard instead of a public park with challenging parking logistic. [/quote]
I think the difficulty finding space in Woodbury to host just 10 or so people from TI underlines some of the issues here. As I understand it, we are not even able to secure a public park or clubhouse --- we ended up with a plan of just basically taking over a small common area at an IAC complex? With chairs that are bolted to the ground? I'm not trying to be unappreciative --- many thanks to roundcorners to setting this up --- but the great lengths he had to go to find any space at all is telling of what you will deal with trying to entertain friends or family when you have no real yard and/or worse, no parking.
I would have offered my backyard (even though graph makes fun it for only being 5,000 sq ft). But since my area code is 714, I think that might be a problem.
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Thank CK for sharing your frustration and the difficult logistics for securing a decent gathering space.
Yes you can meet at your public pocket park but you have no control over your destiny in holding a large party. The feeling of being stared at by other neighbors. I can bring my dogs over and have them bark at your guest and even pee and poo nearby your BBQ grille and where your children play. Others can ruin the party ambiance. You have no privacy. You have no exclusivity for a private gathering at a pocket park.
Technically you have to get prior consent from the community management for holding a party at a public park. You also have to sign a liability release form and secure a deposit and pay a fee for using an indoor facility. If you plan on having an attendance more than a few guests then you must also have the neighbors sign an waiver for understanding the temporary parking impact near their properties.
I sympathize you for not having the very basic right for your own assembly. That is a huge sacrifice when there are more HOA rules, fees and parking rules that you have to endure. What quality of life do you really have?
Don't you feel like a prisoner? Paying all that price and don't even a backyard to hold a TalkIrvine gathering and having to apply for permission like you would in a communist country. May be this is why Chinese like Irvine because they missed their old regime.