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  1. H


    Gavin Newsom says marijuana dealers are essential and must stay open during the covid outbreak: One of the few things Newsom and I agree on.
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    Here's the Amazon Choice for plague mask...
  3. H

    Wisdom of crowd experiment - COVID-19 death cases

    From the dawn of humanity to the present, there has been one foundational concept that underpins all human societies and activities: LIFE IS PRECIOUS BUT IT IS NOT PRICELESS.
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    Actually, Montezuma may actually have finally gotten his revenge. The Aztecs, like most native Americans, were nearly wiped out in the years following 1492 because the Europeans brought over many viruses that were novel to the Americas.
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    Coronavirus Math

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    Who wudda though Newport Beach is the OC epicenter?
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    Regarding Taiwan: Supplies ? Taiwan has 23 million people, or twice the population of LA County. Much easier to stock supplies for 23 million than 330 million (US population). Preparedness ? Taiwan has lived for the past 70 years next to a hostile neighbor, that happens to be the world?s...
  8. H


    Taking precautions is good. But panic is not. The vast majority of people who have or will catch the virus will not need to be hospitalized and will not die. Shutting down a country for unnecessarily long time will cause irreparable damage. Many businesses forced to close will not be coming back...
  9. H

    Other stores check (grocery, Target, etc)

    Why can't we be more like [fill in foreign country here]? The Left has been asking this question since as far back as I can remember for just about every issue the Left cares about and I'm pretty sure they were asking it long before my time. The answer is, as IHO says, every country is different.
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    Easy solution. Knock on the door, when your neighbor opens, start coughing into the open door. No law against coughing, right?
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    Bill Cosby wants to be released from prison "because of the coronavirus":
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    Ok, I wasn't aware the Sheriff backed down but my point stands: the decision of what is "essential" or not, decisions which affect the livelihoods of millions, are decided unilaterally by bureaucrats and politicians because democracy does not matter "because of the coronavirus." Sheriff decides...
  13. H


    Call the Sheriff (213) 229-1700 and see if gun stores can be open in LA County. Individuals, organizations, businesses, and governments are doing some crazy shit these days "because of the coronavirus" and no one is is questioning anything, much less debating it.
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    But there was no debate, they just did it.
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    Let's not forget that yesterday LA county released criminals AND closed gun stores. The Libs are using the Wuhan Virus as an excuse to undemocratically accomplish their agenda.
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    LA County decrees that gun stores are "not essential" so they must close to comply with Wuhan Virus restrictions. Just to make sure gun stores get the message, sheriff deputies will fan out to gun stores across the county to make sure all gun stores are closed. The...
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    Distance learning?

    This Israeli mom doesn't like distance learning: Israeli mom: "If I don't die from coronavirus, I will die from distance learning!"
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    If things go to shit, remember that the US does not have a Janissary Corps or a Praetorian Guard. Our armed forces consists of regular citizens who have the same concerns as regular citizens.
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    Everyone has a limit. We all know what the stakes are, but you can't keep imposing new restrictions on people for an indefinite time. No amount of "education" can make people sacrifice themselves for the "common good" because underneath our very thin veneer of civilization, we are still very...
  20. H


    IHS is on the east coast so his Floral Park avocado grove is probably unguarded. Speaking of avocados, Orchard Hills homeowners have a huge nutritious emergency food supply growing in their development.