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  1. zubs_IHB

    "4 weeks and then all hell breaks loose"

    I get the feeling that the federal government is doing all it can in collusion with the banks from bringing that inventory on to the market. If they can hold on for another year, that is what they will do. Once the dam breaks, Roubini's prediction of the double dip will come to pass...
  2. zubs_IHB

    RHOC Tamara Barney's house now listed as short sale

    She got what she wanted and he got what he wanted while he was alive. I don't see a problem with this.
  3. zubs_IHB

    A Story of a Real Estate Buy in Today's Environment (or Mazzy's Revenge Part II)

    You guys make me do all the anycase, here is the thread talking about the contamination under CG. <a href=""></a> Is there actually a statement in the...
  4. zubs_IHB

    A Story of a Real Estate Buy in Today's Environment (or Mazzy's Revenge Part II)

    Is this the same Columbus Grove where you can't grow edible things due to the ground contamination? I had read that some of the properties at Columbus Grove send out letters warning new owners not to grow stuff to eat on the property. Is that true? I know this is suppose to be a...
  5. zubs_IHB


    target's organic milk by Archer Farms tastes pretty good. Japanese milk tastes really good.
  6. zubs_IHB

    ? about property tax

    If it's between parents and kids, it is gift-able. If it's brother and sister I do not think you can give such a large gift. There is a limit to the amount one can give to their child. I believe for 1 parent it is 250,000. Try speaking to an attorney who handles living trusts.
  7. zubs_IHB

    Our new home (or how we learned to stop worrying and love this market)

    When we talk about FCBs, we are talking about foreigners who are buying now and keeping real estate artificially inflated. If a FCB were to read IHB, he would not be FCB anymore cause he would be waiting just like everyone else. So there are no FCB's here due to conversion into IHB.
  8. zubs_IHB

    Higher cancer rate in Olinda Ranch/Carbon Canyon area?

    Aerojet made F-14 Tomcat MG bullets. My parents took a tour of their facility back in the early 90's. I wish I could have gone. They said the bullets were about 1 foot long. I believe these bullets are made with depleted uranium.
  9. zubs_IHB

    Are lower end condos getting multiple bids way above list?

    Won't california just tack on another 90 days?...indefinitely?
  10. zubs_IHB

    What is you status of savings Q1 & Q2 09

    do you consider paying off my conventional mortgage as savings? It is a kind of forced savings.
  11. zubs_IHB

    There are a few reasons why people would pay premium for Irvine.

    someone tried to steal my car in the shopping center on Jeffrey near Ridgeline. It took the Irvine PD 4 hours to come after I called them from the gas station.
  12. zubs_IHB

    Update: My sister wants $400,000 for the house we inherited in Tustin do you guys think this is too much?

    Why not rent it and split the rental income with your sister, minus management fee's & property taxes?
  13. zubs_IHB

    There are a few reasons why people would pay premium for Irvine.

    The 1 homicide last year in Irvine was the Tri-Village Cook? If it was, then there is no more icycle gun suicide.
  14. zubs_IHB

    Living in Cerritos causes cancer

    I believe the 36 per 1,000,000 people number is the average for USA. So just because you live in Anaheim, or Irvine, doesn't mean you are at the low cancer rate. I bet it's still pretty high for people in any metro area. Somewhere between 800 to 1,200 per million. But this just goes to show...
  15. zubs_IHB

    Living in Cerritos causes cancer

    I heard on am talk radio today that people living in Cerritos have a higher percentage to get cancer. The reason is because it is by 5, 605 & 91 freeways. The air pollution caused by these freeways creates a higher possibility of cancer occuring. The normal occurance of cancer due to air...
  16. zubs_IHB

    I recently inherited a home in orange county should I buy out my sisters half of it or sell it and split it?

    If your parents bought this house a long time ago, say 1975, they probably bought it for $75,000. Think about prop 13 and the 2% appreciation cap. The government probably values this house at only $200,000, so your annual property tax is only around $2,500 dollars. This is a prime candidate...
  17. zubs_IHB

    Why should we wait to buy in OC until 2010?

    Anything less than 400,000 in Irvine should be considered the "ghetto" part of town.
  18. zubs_IHB

    So long was nice knowing ya!

    I have a relative working in the mortgage business and she was getting a lot of business through refi's, but now the rates are up, her business is drying up. She is worried about high interest rates as it will affect her business. Are mortgage workers worried?
  19. zubs_IHB

    July 28th California goes bust

    If California repudiates the current loans, they will not be able to secure new loans going forward, and they will be further screwed. The only way is to fire teachers, firefighters and policeman. No money to pay for anything? Let the layoffs commence! If the federal government steps...