Living in Cerritos causes cancer

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I heard on am talk radio today that people living in Cerritos have a higher percentage to get cancer. The reason is because it is by 5, 605 & 91 freeways. The air pollution caused by these freeways creates a higher possibility of cancer occuring.

The normal occurance of cancer due to air pollution is 36 people out of 1,000,000.

Cerritos is 1,200 people out of 1,000,000.

Will this have a negative impact on residential realestate?...

I found the story on yahoo:;_ylt=AnA23lq1mSmP_NBFoESvKt0DW7oF

With the recent discussion about how realestate close to freeways should receive a discount, this study affirms that fact.
Well, after hearing that on the news. I won't be buying in Cerritos. I think this type of news will have some influence on potential buyers.
I believe the 36 per 1,000,000 people number is the average for USA. So just because you live in Anaheim, or Irvine, doesn't mean you are at the low cancer rate. I bet it's still pretty high for people in any metro area. Somewhere between 800 to 1,200 per million. But this just goes to show you that air pollution is a serious problem, and living by high traffic areas is hazardous to your health.
In yesterdays OC Register (Saturday, June 27th) a map of Orange County showed the areas with a higher risk of cancer. It seemed like one of the areas was surrounding John Wayne airport and might have more to do with that than the freeways. Here is a link to the article however the map is missing:;jsessionid=5A467F0273CEE30F1396FFF39187BBC6?contentguid=NNSSeHTJ&detailindex=0&pn=0&ps=3&full=true

Notice the data is four years behind. The risk is probably far greater now.
ACtually I believe the area where they took the samples was actually part of Santa Fe Springs not technically Cerritos.

At least that is what the Mayor said.

I lived in Cerritos for 23 years, I will update you with my health in 30 years, haha

In Sunday's LA Times, 7/12/09, the original report had a few major mistakes. I can't remember the specifics, but some of the figures were outdated and the industrial side of Santa Fe Springs was accidentally included in the Cerritos study. The cancer ratio is expected to be 1:2 million...which means the original figure was overstated by a factor of 2,400. Seems like an embarrassing miscalculation.