Presidential Elections

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I don’t think Trump would be bad if he didnt take such a divisive view and rally the troops with those views. I guess he thinks he has to do whatever it takes to get his votes. He probably doesn’t even believe half that shit he says.

The country needs to overhaul the entire political system - one term limit for every political position. I would like to think if people knew they were only serving one term they would actually try to do some good for the country.
I agree that the political system needs overhauling but doubt it will ever happen. Both the DNC and RNC expend a lot of effort each Presidential election cycle impeding the efforts of third party candidates as well as their parties. Probably the only two US corporations that will never be subject to anti-trust investigations.

While we are all focused on the Presidential elections, it seems that few ever talk about the outsized political power the unelected DC political elite have. The people that are in leadership positions in the various alphabet agencies. These people have more political power than many of the elected officials in DC. Many of these people do not lose their jobs when administrations change and are instrumental in making policy decisions that affect you and I. Not sure if you include these positions in your definition of entire political system.
Yeah, getting some outside candidates is what people really want (except for the elites that benefit and control the status quo).

The vote for President has been pointless in California for a long time. I have a number of left leaning friends that aren’t happy with a lot of the decisions made by the Biden Admin (and they definitely also have TDS). In their case, I don’t understand why they keep voting for the Democrat candidate. It feels like they want to just identify with a particular tribe.

Many do not live close to those areas impacted by their decisions. Sure, you occasionally have a break in, a killing, a series of thefts in Hollywood, but for the most part the problem stays in DTLA. Bring that stuff to their doorstep often enough and voting trends change ( ALA the soon ouster of George Gascon)
Absolutely delicious….open that closet door and the skeletons come tumbling out…so fun!!...😂😂😂😂🇺🇸

Kamala Harris' Past Affair Comes Back to Haunt Her as Ex Willie Brown Speaks Out on Biden's Replacement

According to a 2019 Politico Magazine profile, San Francisco newspapers began mentioning Harris' name in 1994, when one columnist, on the occasion of Brown's 60th birthday, noted that actor Clint Eastwood had spilled champagne on Brown's "new steady."

Harris, the"new steady," was only 29.

Before long, her romantic relationship with Brown paid off.

According to Politico, "Harris had dated Brown, who was investigated by the FBI when he was speaker of the California Assembly and as mayor was dogged by conflict of interest, and she had benefited from his political patronage."

Indeed, it said, "As the speaker of the state Assembly, Brown had named Harris to well-paid posts on the California Medical Assistance Commission and Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board."

Furthermore, "As mayor of San Francisco in 2003, Brown was supportive of her district attorney campaign although they were no longer dating. Critics -- including her opponents -- were bemoaning cronyism at City Hall."

In other words, as a 29-year-old woman, Harris had a romantic relationship with a much older man who gave her government jobs and later came under scrutiny from federal law enforcement.

Kamala Harris' great-great-great-great grandfather was 'notorious' Irish slave owner who bought Jamaican plantation and travelled to London to fight abolition, historian claims

Kamala Harris is descended from an owner of 120-plus slaves who ran a Jamaican plantation and fought against the abolition of the abhorrent trade, a British historian claimed today.

The Democrat would-be President is of Indian and Afro-Jamaican descent with her late mother, Shyamala Gopalan, born in Madras, now Chennai, while her father, Donald Harris, is from Jamaica.
One is. But isn't it even more apparent it's all about party lines if they are in Cali but still vote Red?
I feel that voting for anything other than Blue in Cali shows disagreement with our one party state. And voting for Blue shows agreement with it. Come electoral vote time, it doesn’t matter because we are a one party state. Sooo.. if one is unhappy, why continue to vote Blue?
When was the last time you heard about or experienced a Democrat threatening to beat someone up after learning the other person supported Trump? They're disgusted, but they don't threaten physical harm. Yet, a LOT of stories exist about the other way around. You can't criticize Trump at all in front of these people or they will look like they want to fight.
Contrary to popular belief…violence is often aimed at Trump supporters (and Trump) not the other way around…if he wins the election watch the “mostly peaceful” protesters go off…🤷🏽‍♂️👎🏽😂😂🇺🇸

Elderly Trump Supporter In Critical Condition After ‘Politically Motivated’ Attack, Police Say

An elderly man in Hancock, Michigan, is in critical condition after what police are calling a “politically motivated” attack on Sunday.

The man, who has not been identified, was putting up a yard sign supporting President Donald Trump around 5:45 p.m., when a suspect driving a Honda ATV drove onto the man’s yard and ran him over with the vehicle, the Hancock Police Department said in a press release. The driver reportedly began to pull out the yard signs, and when the victim tried to put them back in the ground, the driver ran him over.

This was the third incident police believe to be politically motivated that occurred on Sunday alone. The first two involved vehicles that were vandalized, with the police department saying the suspect “appeared to target both Trump and Law Enforcement supporters.” It is unclear what about the vehicles indicated the drivers were either Trump or law enforcement supporters.
Contrary to popular belief…violence is often aimed at Trump supporters (and Trump) not the other way around…if he wins the election watch the “mostly peaceful” protesters go off…🤷🏽‍♂️👎🏽😂😂🇺🇸
Yup, if Trump wins, wait for some spark to set off all the kindling
I feel that voting for anything other than Blue in Cali shows disagreement with our one party state. And voting for Blue shows agreement with it. Come electoral vote time, it doesn’t matter because we are a one party state. Sooo.. if one is unhappy, why continue to vote Blue?
There are a bunch of Cali Reds who disagree with this. You aren't connecting the dots here.
I was waiting for morekaos to be the first to throw garbage... thanks for not disappointing.

You know what makes me laugh... morekaos have been saying all this time that Biden is unfit... so when he finally bow out... then he says everyone was duped and now the Reps are complaining that it invalidated the primary votes.

I thought this is what you wanted?

I say Trump is unfit... who is being duped now?
Actually , I was just pointing out that I was right again…like Covid or EV’s….you were being lied to and now everyone realizes it😂😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸
and by the way, I’m delighted with the Democrats pick. It only solidifies Trump’s inevitability. Give it a week or two to get over this honeymoon And fake popularity and she’s going to crash and burn. 😂😂😂👍🏽🇺🇸IMG_3144.jpeg