YouTube (and other) Time Wasters

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
I dedicate this one to Awgee.

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[quote author="graphrix" date=1217518486]So... I watch the vid posted by Troop, good vid BTW, and I notice a panda vid down at the bottom right corner when it it was over. That looks like an angry panda, panda is soooo angry...

Check out how Panda rolls, and how his crew is not to be messed with...

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Yeah! Yeah! Hommies.... Hip! Hop! Hurray, Ro, He Ho.. Word to your Mother!
[quote author="caycifish" date=1222986802]I wasted a ton of time last night after I discovered the following site:

<a href="">Fail Blog</a></blockquote>

That blog is hilarious.
Crap. I've read Nude Support 2.0 and still can't get the youtube link to work correctly, but <a href="">this one</a> cracked me up.

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Anon. Re: posting YouTube links.

1. Once you are on and find a video you want to link.....look up in the search box while you are on that particular will look something like this:


2. Of the video string <em></em> you only want THIS PART: <strong>OBlgSz8sSM</strong> (This is the video's "serial number" so to speak)

* everything after the "V" ....and sometime it's "V-, or V="....and usually about the same amount of characters.

. So highlight and copy only <strong>OBlgSz8sSM</strong>

. Tab back to IHB and hit POST REPLY, then click once on the "<youtube>" toggle.....then "paste" <strong>OBlgSz8sSM</strong> into the youtube box and "submit post".

Voila. Some videos that you want to link require you to begin highlighting after the "V" and actually end prior to the string ending. For example:


---- in this string, you only want to copy after the v= and stop just before the &. So highlight, cut and paste only <strong>I5ALIL7T764</strong>

Now you try....see if you can post these videos that I've referenced. Or anyone for that matter. We need some new youtube vids.

H/T Nude.
Thanks for the fix, Graphrix. Appreciate it!

Troop, I had followed Nude's instructions and the resulting post only showed all the numbers and stuff and no YouTube picture, so I'll have to keep practicing :)
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Suzanne researched this... with subtitles.

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<a href=""></a>

...because everyone needs a diamond-encrusted Jesus pendant...

I just spent 15 minutes giggling while looking at this site.
ROFL! Hitler is going to miss his granite counter tops...

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<a href="">Why your printer doesn't work</a>
Hey Trooper

Thats really funny. Maybe the that doesen't think so but I sure did.

Hope your T-Day went well for you. I am making the dreaded bonzai run to OC Mon-Tue. UUUUUUGGGHHH.

Stay safe-Be cool!
"Foreclosure Alley"....the Inland Empire

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