YouTube (and other) Time Wasters

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[quote author="IrvineRenter" date=1249782833]<object width="325" height="250"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="325" height="250"></embed></object></blockquote>

That was great but I'm not sure how many math nerds there are here at the IHB. Are you sure you weren't a math teacher in a former life?

We Didn't Start the Flame War. LOL!

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After hours & hours, I am finally able to see the dancer spin clock-wise and counter clock-wise almost on demand...

There is this whole thing that if you see it spin clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

<img src=",,5675247,00.gif" alt="" />
That was so incredibly weird. As I stared at her thinking that there was no way that she was going any way except clockwise, she suddenly switched. I just couldn't stare any longer to see her switch back again. Then my husband came in and I asked him the direction, he said "clockwise", the opposite of where I was at. After he said it, back to clockwise for me. The brain is a very strange thing.
This is driving me BATTY! I stare at her and she is turning clockwise with her left foot down, and then poof! she is turning counterclockwise with her right foot down. I stare for minutes at a time and she doesn't change, but then I glance away for a second and she changes. The next time, it switches quickly while I'm looking at her. Very weird, indeed!
A dancer turns in the direction of the leg that is raised when doing a pirouette. She does not push off with that leg to spin in the other direction. Right leg is raised...turns to the right. I had to get up and do pirouettes in the living room just now to be sure. I can't see it any other way yet.
It took me a while... and a major jolt of caffiene, but if I stare at her foot long enough, she stutters and changes direction.

Which is quite possibly the best argument against eye-witness testimony EVER.
<a href="">It's an optical illusion</a>. Your brain can make it spin in either direction. It took me about 2 minutes to get it to go counterclockwise and then 5 minutes to do it on demand. Maybe that explains why I am a walking contradiction.
Turkey Call Rap

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The story of my life. :coolsmile:

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Just in Time for Thanksgiving --

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