Your hometown

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program
Long Island, NY in 1970

Chicago, IL in 1973

Cleveland, OH in 1982

Philly, PA in 1984

Boston, MA in 1986

Orange County in 1989....and I never looked back!

I found out yesterday that a documentary was done on my hometown.


<a href="">Wiki</a>

I did community theater with the "former Hollywood stuntman" mentioned above. I haven't see the whole thing, but my friend says it's hysterical.

There are reasons I worked my a$$ off to get out and never look back.

I'm pretty sure I went to junior high and high school with the blonde guy with the goatee. Sigh.

<a href="">Video clip</a>
Houston, TX

Albuquerque, NM

Orange, CA

Irvine, CA

I've only lived in the southwest (also did a stint in Tucson, AZ) and can't imagine living anywhere else. I actually like the desert.
[quote author="WINEX" date=1233754075]I'd consider my hometown to be Scottsdale, Arizona. But your definition is where we were raised. Though I lived over half my life in Scottsdale, I didn't move there until I was 16. You need a "lots of places" option for people like me. </blockquote>

Same here, since I've lived in almost every city in Orange County, in addition to Ft. Walton Beach, FL; Columbus and Cleveland, OH; Colorado Springs and Denver, CO, and Peoria (Phoenix), AZ. I attended 3 different Kindergartens, and a different school every year through graduation. I can't say it was fun growing up that way, but I can pack and move a three bedroom house in 2 days and have no problems adjusting to new surroundings... so I got that going for me, which is nice.
[quote author="Oscar" date=1233822094]... but I can pack and move a <strong>garbage can</strong> in 2 days and have no problems adjusting to new surroundings... so I got that going for me, which is nice.</blockquote>
Fixed that for ya'.
[quote author="Oscar" date=1233822094][quote author="WINEX" date=1233754075]I'd consider my hometown to be Scottsdale, Arizona. But your definition is where we were raised. Though I lived over half my life in Scottsdale, I didn't move there until I was 16. You need a "lots of places" option for people like me. </blockquote>

Same here, since I've lived in almost every city in Orange County, in addition to Ft. Walton Beach, FL; Columbus and Cleveland, OH; Colorado Springs and Denver, CO, and Peoria (Phoenix), AZ. I attended 3 different Kindergartens, and a different school every year through graduation. I can't say it was fun growing up that way, but I can pack and move a three bedroom house in 2 days and have no problems adjusting to new surroundings... so I got that going for me, which is nice.</blockquote>

Tmare mentioned that she couldn't imagine what it was like growing up the way I did. It may sound odd, but I can't imagine growing up in a single location.

So, what years were you in Peoria?
Okay I've been avoiding answering this because it's so embarassing. I was born in Connecticut and grew up in New Jersey. The central shore, to be exact. And let me just clarify a few things before any of you clowns step in with "Joisy Goil" commentary:

1. I do NOT have big hair. (Well, I have curly hair, full and thick, but I do NOT tease it straight up from my forehead!)

2. I do not speak with an accent. Nobody knows where I come from.

3. I despise Springsteen.
I was born in Abington Township in Montgomery county PA. I didn't vote Northeast though since we moved shortly thereafter to Albany, Georgia, which I do consider my hometown.

Before I was 11 years old, I lived in Pennsylanvia, then Georgia, then Guam, then on a Navy base near El Centro, CA, back again to GA, and finally to the good ole IE and San Bernardumpo. Lots of years there and in San Luis Obispo but I moved around a lot right after college. From '93 to '00 I lived in Pasadena, Burbank, Glendale, Anaheim, Santa Monica, La Jolla, Mission Valley, and Irvine.

Heck, I've been in Irvine the longest of anywhere in my life. Guess maybe its my hometown now!
[quote author="WINEX" date=1233825031]Tmare mentioned that she couldn't imagine what it was like growing up the way I did. It may sound odd, but I can't imagine growing up in a single location.

So, what years were you in Peoria?</blockquote>

Re: Peoria... I was in Kindergarten (one of the three), so it must have been mid-70s. I wasn't there long enough to remember more than the heat and the huge cacti.

Re: single location... even as an adult, I get antsy after about two years of living in one spot. I've taken to spending weekends elsewhere when possible, so that I don't feel like I'm stuck here.
I am noticing a trend here.

Our Conservatives friends dont seem to stay in one place very long. Very transient

in having any long term residency while growing up. Interesting.

And us "Tree Huggers" are native, life long Californian`s never straying far

from our beaches and sunshine. Just moving up and down the coast over time.
[quote author="bltserv" date=1233897218]I am noticing a trend here.

Our Conservatives friends dont seem to stay in one place very long. Very transient

in having any long term residency while growing up. Interesting.

And us "Tree Huggers" are native, life long Californian`s never straying far

from our beaches and sunshine. Just moving up and down the coast over time.</blockquote>
Clearly, our experience and travels give us insight and wisdom that is not shared by the utopian left :-P
Hebron, Connecticut and Bolton, Connecticut.

(I was thinking the same think bltsrv....)

<em>"I Despise Springsteen"</em> ......ISM, that's East Coast blasphemy !!
[quote author="bltserv" date=1233897218]I am noticing a trend here.

Our Conservatives friends dont seem to stay in one place very long. Very transient

in having any long term residency while growing up. Interesting.

And us "Tree Huggers" are native, life long Californian`s never straying far

from our beaches and sunshine. Just moving up and down the coast over time.</blockquote>

I'd say I'm more tree hugger than conservative, and I also moved around quite a bit. I've lived in:



Rancho Cucamonga

San Bernardino





Newport Beach

But overall have probably moved at least 19 times within or back to a city. I'm 27.