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<img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_rTdnjj_0uYM/SqnQV3dWT1I/AAAAAAAAAiY/vJmEQ_FnbKg/s320/hit-the-road-jack-sleeve.jpg" alt="" />
[quote author="gypsyuma" date=1259758723]Cannot find it.</blockquote>

Because it's not there. I wrongly thought you ment 7 not 3. 3 came down because:

<img src="http://www.debunking911.com/fig-1-7.jpg" alt="" />

The debris field from WTC1 and WTC2 brought WTC3 down.
<img src="http://www.bangladeshigreetings.com/images/uploads/040503_KFC-bucket.jpg" alt="" />

(Channeling my inner-AZDavid)
[quote author="garrison" date=1259770862]A plane didn't have to hit the building, over a million tons of concrete and steel demolished the base structures of WTC 3. BTW, I listened to the actual CVR of flight 93. I heard coworkers scream, beg and plead for their lives. I heard horrendous sounds that I haven't thought about in years. There are no conspiracy theories regarding 9/11. It happened. It was real.


a guy who now flys behind a kevlar reinforced door</blockquote>

There is a huge difference between the FACTS of what happened...... buildings collapsing for example, people dying. That is a fact.

But then there is the WHO? WHY? WHAT? that are up for discussion because they are not factual. And it is this that I am still unclear about.

You may think that one guy was responsible for the assasination of JFK. Doesn't make it true...... or false. Something we will never know for sure likely.

So please do not insult me with your "It happened." "It was real." I am not retarded.
You can never dissuade a truther. (or "birther" for that matter)

On the one hand you have pin heads Rosie O'Donnel (sp?), Charley Sheen, Dennis Leary, and a few others who point to a secret hand that caused the 9/11 attacks for nefarious reasons yet to play out completely.

On the other hand you have egg heads like Princeton studies, Popular Mechanics, and other peer reviewed studies that confirm the obvious.

I'll stick with the eggheads over the pinheads anyday. The truthers have a right to their opinion. I just hope they don't procreate.

[quote author="gypsyuma" date=1259809537]But then there is the WHO? WHY? WHAT? that are up for discussion because they are not factual. And it is this that I am still unclear about.</blockquote>

None of the conspiracy theorists have an S.E. license and are working. Every engineer I know who does seismic (that includes my wife) believe the conventional wisdom. One of them wrote the current codes for seismic. Certainly you are free to believe who you like, but I believe the structural engineers I know.
[quote author="garrison" date=1259812090]I've read many of the conspiracy sites regarding 9/11. They're so full of whack-job theories I can't wrap my mind around how anyone could believe any of it. While I won't call anyone "retarded", I'd doubt many of the conspiracy theorists have any formal education or background in hard science. But what would I know, I only graduated with a Physics degree from a little school by the Severn River...

Psst....we also really did land on the moon, it wasn't a studio back-lot!

edit: Never mind, I'm done trying to reason with you...I just went to your hate Israel site. I've also read your posts about arranging marriages. So you're either Palestinian or Pakistani, correct? Do you own a "I heart Osama" t-shirt as well?</blockquote>

Well, now you have shown your true colors, haven't you. I try and discuss something RESPECTFULLY, and you have throw out the big bad racist remarks. Did they teach you racism in your big bad science school too?

Your an asswipe.
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1259823099][quote author="gypsyuma" date=1259809537]But then there is the WHO? WHY? WHAT? that are up for discussion because they are not factual. And it is this that I am still unclear about.</blockquote>

None of the conspiracy theorists have an S.E. license and are working. Every engineer I know who does seismic (that includes my wife) believe the conventional wisdom. One of them wrote the current codes for seismic. Certainly you are free to believe who you like, but I believe the structural engineers I know.</blockquote>

Thank you for the RESPECTFUL response. But my questions go beyond structural ones.

Since I can see that there are racists just waiting and ready to pounce on anything I say, I will just leave it at that.
[quote author="gypsyuma" date=1259830706][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1259823099][quote author="gypsyuma" date=1259809537]But then there is the WHO? WHY? WHAT? that are up for discussion because they are not factual. And it is this that I am still unclear about.</blockquote>

None of the conspiracy theorists have an S.E. license and are working. Every engineer I know who does seismic (that includes my wife) believe the conventional wisdom. One of them wrote the current codes for seismic. Certainly you are free to believe who you like, but I believe the structural engineers I know.</blockquote>

Thank you for the RESPECTFUL response. But my questions go beyond structural ones.

Since I can see that there are racists just waiting and ready to pounce on anything I say, I will just leave it at that.</blockquote>

I disagree. In order to believe the conspiracy, you must abandon all the data and studies by the SE?s on why the buildings came down (and there?s reams), and believe that the structural engineers are lying to cover up for some clandestine effort to cover for the Israelis or the CIA or men on the moon or whoever. None of the theory?s work without assuming something nefarious happened to bring the building down outside of two jetliners filled with JP-5 hyjacked by Al Qaeda AND you ignore the SE's.

While the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by people who happened to be Muslim, they share something with McVeigh and those guys who tried to blow up the LP storage station near Fresno (getting ?back? at the government for Ruby Ridge and Waco) ? they were all crazy anti-government types willing to target civilians, and in some mentally deranged twisted reality, decided that their ?cause? was worth it.

And I have an "I heart Obama" shirt.
[quote author="gypsyuma" date=1259830706][quote author="no_vaseline" date=1259823099][quote author="gypsyuma" date=1259809537]But then there is the WHO? WHY? WHAT? that are up for discussion because they are not factual. And it is this that I am still unclear about.</blockquote>

None of the conspiracy theorists have an S.E. license and are working. Every engineer I know who does seismic (that includes my wife) believe the conventional wisdom. One of them wrote the current codes for seismic. Certainly you are free to believe who you like, but I believe the structural engineers I know.</blockquote>

Thank you for the RESPECTFUL response. But my questions go beyond structural ones.

Since I can see that there are racists just waiting and ready to pounce on anything I say, I will just leave it at that.</blockquote>

In order to suppose that our own government was responsible for 9/11, you have to zoom out a bit and question the goal: what is the point of staging a fake terrorist attack? Ostensibly, the point would be politically popular excuse for war with the offending group, but why OBL and AQ? Since you brought up the missing WMD and Iraq, it would seem a logical conclusion that if 9/11 were staged, they would have framed a more belligerent and more politically viable target like Iraq and Saddam in the first place instead of some backwater 4th world country like Afghanistan. And why frame Saudi nationals when the risk of popular uprising against our "ally" was so high?

Finally, what I consider to be the nail in the coffin of the idea that Bush & Co. were part of a 9/11 conspiracy: any evidence would be out by now, proclaimed publically, verified by independent sources, and indictments and investigations would be all the news covered. While absence of evidence isn't always evidence of absence, with as polarizing a Presidency as Bush's (and even a few faked news stories from CBS) if there was any truth out there it would have been revealed already. The only thing keeping this conspiracy theory alive is the inability of people, who find the overall idea intriguing, to investigate the debris for themselves and put to rest any lingering doubt.

But again, there is NO credible, verifiable, and unequivocal proof being kept from you and you risk your own credibility by beating the dead horse. Unless you also believe Obama was in on it. ;)