Ok, I don't post much anymore, but I lurk once and a while, but since this is a topic i'm familiar with, I thought i'd clarify some misinformation flying around in this thread.
[quote author="garrison" date=1259770862]A plane didn't have to hit the building, over a million tons of concrete and steel demolished the base structures of WTC 3. BTW, I listened to the actual CVR of flight 93. I heard coworkers scream, beg and plead for their lives. I heard horrendous sounds that I haven't thought about in years. There are no conspiracy theories regarding 9/11. It happened. It was real.
a guy who now flys behind a kevlar reinforced door</blockquote>
[quote author="no_vaseline" date=1259795860]
The debris field from WTC1 and WTC2 brought WTC3 down.</blockquote>
This is not true, you won't find this in any of the studies done on WTC tower 7. There was some damage to the external structure, but no structural damage. Both FEMA and the NIST released reports that indicate structural damage from the collapsing twin towers did <em>not</em> contribute to its collapse.
<a href="http://wtc.nist.gov/media/NIST_NCSTAR_1A_for_public_comment.pdf">Final NIST report</a>
The current theory is that a fire was ignited by debris from WTC 1 when it collapsed, which weakened horizontal beams, causing it to collapse (and look like a demolition).
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A">quick clip of the collapse.</a>
I think theres been more than enough study on the twin towers to show that tragically, two planes striking each tower was more then enough damage to bring them down.
Unfortunately, since the final WTC 7 report by the NIST wasn't released until late last year, the engineering community has largely ignored it. Given that, WTC 7 still has a lot of unanswered questions.
EDIT: I see that gypsyuma was talking about WTC 7, but others were talking about WTC 3. Sorry about that, my info is still relevant, but I guess it doesn't really contradict what others said about WTC 3!