Who are the slow drivers on the freeways?

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<a href="http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/bottleneck/2007/06/shots-fired-on-.html">Los Angeles Times: Bottleneck Blog</a> All right, read up you brake jobbers.
Speaking of places for road rage, have any of you had to travel to Riverside county on the 241 in the late afternoon? The traffic backup trying to merge into the 91 east can back up over an hour; however, if you pass everyone in the left lane and cut in at the last second, you can cut an hour off the wait. Someday, someone waiting in that mess is going to kill someone cutting in line...
<p>bk: </p>

<p>Look into this trait if you can. This might be offensive to some and I apologize. </p>

<p>But I think "most" Asians have this sense of staying calm and reserve. And if this is put into the context of driving the freeways which add alot of stress into our daily commute. It might be that Asians mentally put themselves in a state of peace. Sort of relaxing in the midst of chaos. </p>

<p>I often will pass a slow Asian driver and s/he seems to be oblivious to what's around him/her. It seems like they're driving with no one around them. </p>
>CommentAuthor<a href="http://forums.irvinehousingblog.com/account/325/">Joyce</a>

>CommentTime1 day ago


>Fortunately, I've honed my driving/parking skills quite well learning to parallel park on busy streets by UCLA while I was getting my ME degree.

Nice to see another budding ME coming into the fold!

As for slow drivers, trying driving a 600hp near race car (Street Legal thank you...), the world becomes painfully slow. One funny thing though, with so much hp, you actually SLOW yourself down because of drivability issues. Its funny, but living in Irvine you can almost GUESS who is driving what car.

Anyways good luck and keep it safe.

<p>Regarding tailgaters, I would move over and let them pass. But they are so close to my bumpers, I can't freaking check my blindspot to move over. Especially, with the sun behind me. Argh.</p>

<p>And I don't get it. Why do people speed up and brake to a red light? Shouldn't it be slow down and then brake?</p>

<p>Last week, some girl sped up and cut me off to be "first" to the stop sign.</p>
Oh, just last night. Some idiot tailgated me. He changed lane to turn left. I glanced over and he had his wife and baby kid in the back seat. What the....
<p>I heard a true story similar to that once, and it really stayed with me.</p>

<p>Now, I try my best to remember that this is always a possibility. </p>

<p>Even if it's not true, it has a calming effect!</p>
This always terrifies me. People in small trucks driving fast and weaving in and out of traffic. As though it's a sport car. Do they know their trucks are not built like sport cars.
I hate to brag, but I'm from the UK and we're MUCH better Drivers than 90% of Californians, we can even drive in the Rain, Californians can't...;-)

Also, we only use the faster lanes on the freeway to overtake, we are only allowed by Law to overtake on ONE side, that would be in a faster lane, we ALWAYS use our turn signals, Talking whilst driving Cell Phones is ILLEGAL, we're not allowed to turn on a RED signal, most Drivers here do so when it's not safe to....

Plus, when a Car is 3 years old it is subject to a MOT (Ministry of Transport) test every year which means you have to have tread on your Tires, no parts hanging off..NO noisy/annoying Mufflers, good brakes, steering etc. You know, the things that help to steer and stop the Car!...10% of the Cars I see here are in a pretty dangerous condition...

OK, I know what you're gonna say, go back to the UK....;-))))
About 4 weeks ago I watched an Asian female driver roll through a stop sign on the corner of Warner and Santa Rosa. A kid on a bike was in the crosswalk going from the Santa Rosa apartments to Plaza Vista elementary. Bam, crash! Kid on ground, driver hysterical. Kid okay, just shaken up. About 4 days later, guess who was parked near the intersection watching for stop sign violators? Thank you, Irvine PD, please come back frequently!