Who are the slow drivers on the freeways?

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I travel extensively throughout Southern Ca. I keep a log on my passenger seat. It is a matrix of drivers, nationality and age range. It is for a research for a high secret project for a very well known auto brand.

For the last 6 months I checked off the slow drivers in front of me that were driving way slower than the flow of traffic on local freeways. You will find my research interesting and may share other similar experience. Some drivers driving slowly may cause accident for other drivers who were trying to speed up and changing lanes.

Total sample is 298 encounters on freeway 55, 405, 605, 60, 5, 10, 210, 57 and 22 for the last 6 months.

241 were Asian drivers. The majority of the cars were Japanese. Some cars were German and hardly any American cars. Interestingly sex is divided quite evenly at 53 percents female and 47% male. Ages were between 35-65.

57 were an assortment of elderly other Hispanic drivers. Mostly American made cars.

Can someone explain to me why Asians drive slower than the flow of traffic?
bkshopr, you must heard this joke: how do you know chinese are moving into the neighborhood? The answer is when the mexicans start to buy insurance. There are a lot truth behind it.
<p>Those are obviously not the Asians in "Tokyo Drift." </p>

<p>Okay...bad joke. Well, from what I've read in various topics on this site ... I thought it was a consensus that Asians tended to be more cautious in many aspects of their lives. </p>

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<p>bk - I've pulled people over for this, as they are usually doing this in the FAST LANE and creating a major hazard ! I will never understand it....people blare their horns and swerve around them, then move into the lane ahead of them and accelerate away. Aren't they seeing this ? Doesn't that make them think, "hmmm, maybe I should be in the slow lane....or not on the highway at all". And yes, 9 1/2 times out of 10, they are Asian. I've seen both male and female as well. </p>

<p>Someone suggested to me perhaps it was because they were first generation drivers. Who knows, but if any of you drive 55 MPH in the fast lane, MOVE OVER ! You may get a ticket for impeding traffic if you don't. </p>
Thank you Trooper for validating my statistic. From SanDiego to Vancouver Asians drive slower than the flow of traffic. Could this be visual to motor skill delay reaction and coordination of movement? Are Asians just too careful or afraid of speed?
<p>Okay... I'm not trying to be funny this time...but it cannot be visual to motor skill delayed reaction and coordination of movement.</p>

<p>Martial arts... table tennis ... badminton... cliches, maybe.... but Asians have no visual to motor delayed reactions there.</p>
<p>Trooper, </p>

<p>why cops would like to hide behind trees to issue me tickets for rolling over a stop sign on T at a not busy neighbourhood street? do they have better things to do ( like bloging here) ? Thanks! I would just assume they need the money?? </p>
<p>That's the thing....they AREN'T even close to speeding, they are traveling 55 MPH in a 65 MPH zone, when the flow of traffic around them is typically doing 75 MPH. They are a true hazard. </p>

<p> I thought that it might have something to do with the brain , but am glad you said it and not me ! </p>
<p>Trooper...SERIOUSLY...i JUST WANT TO UNDERSTAND...I didn't say I am right...I know I am not suppose too...but I can give you examples of true "dangerous" acts on the streets, like cutting into car pool lane, driving without licenses, dark tint on expensive cars, speeding, illegals...Why go after the silly rolling over stop sign at a NEIGHBORHOOD STREET? </p>
Besides the auto companies' interest insurance companies are also trying to quantifies and assess risk coefficient without stirring up the race issues.
<p>Well, since I don't patrol in Irvine, I can't answer that specific question. In general, traffic enforcement is usually done where there have been traffic collisions in the past, neighborhood complaints about violators (perhaps your stop sign), and yes, sometimes because it is just an easy ticket. This is the thing....as long as you obey the rules of the road, you'll have nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>Regarding your comment "I would assume they need the money" ?? You are joking, right ? If not, I don't understand the question.</p>
<p>bkshopr, this will be an interesting study: you know asian drivers have a bad reputation...they also drive slow as your research has indicated...what about their insurance claim rates? are they disproportionably high or low or average?</p>

<p>After reading some of your previous posts, I think you should write a column named: Ask an Asian!

Like the entertaining and educational column from OCWeekly named: <a href="http://www.ocweekly.com/columns/ask-a-mexican/ask-a-mexican/27704/">Ask a Mexican!</a>

<p>I cannot believe we have a slow driving thread, and not one person has mentioned the Prius Plague in the carpool lanes. </p>

<p>And speaking of the carpool lanes, I just found out that the fine is $381 for entering across the double yellow lines --- even if you have two people in the car and are perfectly legal to drive out there. So the fine is exactly the same for illegal entry as for driving out there with one person. How's that fair!!?? And then they charged another big fee to take the stupid online traffic school (at least this happened in LA County, so did not have to go spend a Saturday in class with the other dregs of society). All told, it cost nearly $500! Arggghhhh!!! Take my word -- be patient and wait for the designated entry point.</p>
<p>cutting into or out the carpool lane is extremley dangerous since the drivers on the other lane are not anticipating someone to cut in. you can kill someone. </p>

<p>I think $381 is cheap...$3810 sound more reasonable to me for a first offense..second offense should be jail time...</p>

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<p>The insurance business hires mathematicians and statisticians for their analytical studies. The topic of Asian drivers has been in the forefront of critical issues. I do not know about the claims but will look into it. My witness of accidents along the freeways indicates Asian Drivers were usually the front car while other drivers of different nationalities were behind. Damages were rear panels and bumpers. </p>