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[quote author="blackvault" date=1223436836]<blockquote>It's a crisis of confidence we have now, and making jokes about how we'll need guns and gold to protect ourselves from one another doesn't exactly help the situation, does it?
. Not to mention it doesn't show very strong hopes for the human spirit. At this point this thing just gathers momentum, and the more people think like this, the more we all make each other suffer.</blockquote> will fall and another will rise.
Human existance will not cease to exist, so you don't have to worry. Could there be a major shift in wealth and power between people in america, you betcha! Some are worried about the economic situation, and personally I am beyond thrilled with it because of the potential opportunities it presents to me. Yes me. There I said.
At the same time (no offense to anybody) during the housing bubble "I" was the joke. I was the idiot for not investing in real-estate. People I came in contact with looked at me like something was wrong with me, like I didn't get something. "Is this guy stupid? whats wrong with him."
On a daily basis people in my office were talking about how much their homes appreciated and what they bought and what they will buy. It sucked and made me feel like sh**!
Today things are different. But at the same time out of respect I don't walk up to those same people and say HAHA you sucker, you just lost 200K in equity. I know somebody personally who bought a home for 320, watched it go to 550, took 120K in equity and invested in the stock market to profit even more. Today he lost most of the 120K and lost most of the home equity and is on a verge of divorce due to the financial hardship. This is the same guy that was notoriously reminding me everyday how much he is profiting and how rich he is and continue to be. He is a very very quiet guy today.
So I understand your perspective where we shouldn't make jokes or don't talk about the bad times because of the way it makes us feel, but I can't help the fact that it makes me feel fuzzy and warm inside when the situation is flipped.
Like I said it really should be in your face HAHA you stupid idiot for investing in real-estate thats what you get, as that is what I got. So laughing to a general joke is pretty respectful all things considered.
I'm not saying you are one of these people Muzie as I don't know you. I'm just speaking in general.</blockquote>
I'm in the same boat you are there. 31, never owned a home. Stashed up all my cash in investments for years.
Started to see things were going bad early this year. Moved out of equities. Bought gold, silver, some commodities back then... Scaled out of emerging markets.
Started shorting banks somewhere in February or March, bought more gold. Got hit with the Bear Stearns rally, covered the shorts, and gold tanked. Great. Went back to study my investments ideas some more.
Somewhere in June, thought things were looking bad, shorted again. This time caught the massive short covering in July caused by the SEC. Well, screw that I thought, I'm holding on. Meanwhile, in August, banks are super-strong while commodities go down the drain. Great. Two nerve-racking months there. Finally, three weeks ago, the shit hits the fan. I'm swimming in money! But then SEC issues another short ban, and I watch with my jaw on the floor as the banks operate a THIRTY PERCENT upsurge from bottom to top in 24 hours. 50,000$ worth of profits gone at that moment. At this point I had had enough, and just went to 66% cash, keeping only things as remote from the credit crisis as possible, with some gold.
Of course since then the markets have crashed like you wouldn't believe - and my remaining non-credit related assets have tanked as well. Woohoo, I'm outperforming the S&P by 10 points!!
So, I'm happy that you are able to profit from this. I don't know if you've been shorting for a week, a month or a year. I know I've been trying for a long time, but somehow I missed my window. I should have held on, but after months of holding on I had just exhausted all my emotional capital. I could short tomorrow - every day is a new crash it seems. But I've been burned too many times now by gigantic rallies to feel very comfortable shorting after this 20% drop. For every guy who took his 120K in equity and invested it there is another guy like me who didn't buy a house, tried his best to avoid the carnage, yet still failed and atcually lost some of his own money. Not everybody who is losing their investments or home is guilty here.
I wish you luck with your investments. You seem to think you will profit significantly from it. Perhaps you have already. I for one am very tired of these markets where you must be willing to suffer a 30% loss against you even if you are absolutely right in your positions. And I am not that confident that you or I will be able to profit from this, no matter if the thesis behind the investments are correct. will fall and another will rise.
Human existance will not cease to exist, so you don't have to worry. Could there be a major shift in wealth and power between people in america, you betcha! Some are worried about the economic situation, and personally I am beyond thrilled with it because of the potential opportunities it presents to me. Yes me. There I said.
At the same time (no offense to anybody) during the housing bubble "I" was the joke. I was the idiot for not investing in real-estate. People I came in contact with looked at me like something was wrong with me, like I didn't get something. "Is this guy stupid? whats wrong with him."
On a daily basis people in my office were talking about how much their homes appreciated and what they bought and what they will buy. It sucked and made me feel like sh**!
Today things are different. But at the same time out of respect I don't walk up to those same people and say HAHA you sucker, you just lost 200K in equity. I know somebody personally who bought a home for 320, watched it go to 550, took 120K in equity and invested in the stock market to profit even more. Today he lost most of the 120K and lost most of the home equity and is on a verge of divorce due to the financial hardship. This is the same guy that was notoriously reminding me everyday how much he is profiting and how rich he is and continue to be. He is a very very quiet guy today.
So I understand your perspective where we shouldn't make jokes or don't talk about the bad times because of the way it makes us feel, but I can't help the fact that it makes me feel fuzzy and warm inside when the situation is flipped.
Like I said it really should be in your face HAHA you stupid idiot for investing in real-estate thats what you get, as that is what I got. So laughing to a general joke is pretty respectful all things considered.
I'm not saying you are one of these people Muzie as I don't know you. I'm just speaking in general.</blockquote>
I'm in the same boat you are there. 31, never owned a home. Stashed up all my cash in investments for years.
Started to see things were going bad early this year. Moved out of equities. Bought gold, silver, some commodities back then... Scaled out of emerging markets.
Started shorting banks somewhere in February or March, bought more gold. Got hit with the Bear Stearns rally, covered the shorts, and gold tanked. Great. Went back to study my investments ideas some more.
Somewhere in June, thought things were looking bad, shorted again. This time caught the massive short covering in July caused by the SEC. Well, screw that I thought, I'm holding on. Meanwhile, in August, banks are super-strong while commodities go down the drain. Great. Two nerve-racking months there. Finally, three weeks ago, the shit hits the fan. I'm swimming in money! But then SEC issues another short ban, and I watch with my jaw on the floor as the banks operate a THIRTY PERCENT upsurge from bottom to top in 24 hours. 50,000$ worth of profits gone at that moment. At this point I had had enough, and just went to 66% cash, keeping only things as remote from the credit crisis as possible, with some gold.
Of course since then the markets have crashed like you wouldn't believe - and my remaining non-credit related assets have tanked as well. Woohoo, I'm outperforming the S&P by 10 points!!
So, I'm happy that you are able to profit from this. I don't know if you've been shorting for a week, a month or a year. I know I've been trying for a long time, but somehow I missed my window. I should have held on, but after months of holding on I had just exhausted all my emotional capital. I could short tomorrow - every day is a new crash it seems. But I've been burned too many times now by gigantic rallies to feel very comfortable shorting after this 20% drop. For every guy who took his 120K in equity and invested it there is another guy like me who didn't buy a house, tried his best to avoid the carnage, yet still failed and atcually lost some of his own money. Not everybody who is losing their investments or home is guilty here.
I wish you luck with your investments. You seem to think you will profit significantly from it. Perhaps you have already. I for one am very tired of these markets where you must be willing to suffer a 30% loss against you even if you are absolutely right in your positions. And I am not that confident that you or I will be able to profit from this, no matter if the thesis behind the investments are correct.