irvinehomeowner said:
Did you buy in Johns Creek?
I didn't, but that is actually a better place to own than Irvine at this point in the cycle. The reason is that the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida are seeing such a major influx of people that, in general, they should experience far less of a price drop, if any, than the West Coast markets will.
eyephone said:
Inglewood? I remember he talked about it
I was talking about how Inglewood would be a good gentrification play because of the new Rams stadium and other development going on there. Much like Staples Center revitalized downtown LA, Inglewood might be the next destination for wealthy, white hipsters to come ruin.
Ok, so everybody wants to know where I doubled my money. (It's actually a much higher return because almost the entire purchase price was financed.)
It's a duplex that I bought from a distressed seller in San Bernardino county in early 2015. Even though OC was well into it's recovery at that point, there were many areas of opportunity in the Inland Empire that had not yet started recovering. Just as Irvine was fastest to pull out of the recession, San Bernardino was one of the slowest, so there were still lots of opportunities up until the end of 2016. Once Trump got elected, prosperity took over and there were too many real estate investors chasing too few deals, so prices went way up. Now I'm selling to one of this new breed of investors for 125% more than I paid.