What happened to the IHB and some suggestions...

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There is much more to their forums shutdown than has been shared.

So will we be hearing the details?
The IHB blog has been way off traffic wise as well as of late. I know they are going to see a huge loss in traffic with the forum dropping any new posts. In its time that site had some considerable value just from a traffic standpoint. Now thats a thing of the past.
Frankly, for the last few months. I hated that place, IHB. Seriously, there weren't much discussions going on. It was just dead.
<!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Ah...can't beat the smell of a new Irvine forum! Thanks SoCal for setting up this site so quickly. I hope all our IHBers make it over here okay.

I still don't understand IR and Zoval. Why close IHB forums? If they were really greedy why not keep the traffic going to their site. Instead they shoot themselves in the foot. I've read other comments on the IHB and agree with those speculating about competition. They host the site and don't like other RE agents getting business on their boards. I guess in the end, children do not like to share their toys. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
This statistic is pretty impressive:

Active Users In The Past 24 Hours:
1 Staff Member, 56 Members, 229 Guests, 7 Invisible Users
That's a lot of members and lurkers for a site that is barely a day old.
the guys could have tried to sell the site, simply for the traffic it was generating... there are firms out there that value forums and online communities... they just lost a lot of equity...
wow, this is great, all the old faces... and them some! I wonder who these new peeps are? Long time IHB lurkers? That brings up a good question,, what happens when the link disappears... how will new people find us?

A vital component of any community is a constant supply of newbies... people will eventually turnover,, but I think we've already reached some critical mass or sorts... yeah!
[quote author="roundcorners"]wow, this is great, all the old faces... and them some! I wonder who these new peeps are? Long time IHB lurkers? That brings up a good question,, what happens when the link disappears... how will new people find us?

A vital component of any community is a constant supply of newbies... people will eventually turnover,, but I think we've already reached some critical mass or sorts... yeah![/quote]

If Erika Chavez at the OC Register doesn't know yet...maybe someone should email her about the shutdown at the IHB and our new site. Free advertising would help.

There are some web savvy folks out there from IHB who hopefully made the jump to this site. We should look into search engine optimization. This is not my area of expertise but I know it can be done.
[quote author="Trooper"]Well I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt that Larry and Zovall were just being greedy and hypocritical. My bullsh*t meter hit a record high the day the "brokerage" account was announced (which IMO, due to the nature of what IHB was, should have never happened). Even so, if anyone deserved to have been brought into their fold it should have been Scott - uh, IR2. When they dissed Scott, they lost me. Well...actually, when they became "brokers, they lost me. Who the eff is Shevy anyways....geez.

They should have shown more respect to the people who made IHB what it was. [/quote]

Hi Troop. I disagree. Business is business. ::)

When I. H. Blog become I. H. Brokers, they became just another realtor. They had the potential to be another Jim the Realtor...

With this last move, IMHO, they became just another NAR.

I hope they thought their market through and carefully paid attention to traffic. Maybe all the traffic is for the blog, but to me, it seems like 'astute observations' have gone from high 70s and sometimes over a 100 to a now current struggle to stay in the 30s.

Maybe everybody is quietly lapping up the blog post and feel unworthy of posting, or maybe they don't. I don't know. Maybe it's just fatigue.

Hmm, signature line: All Rights Reserved...
Glad to see this new site is so busy.

SoCal, you're a rockstar for setting this up.
[quote author="IACRenter"]If Erika Chavez at the OC Register doesn't know yet...maybe someone should email her about the shutdown at the IHB and our new site. Free advertising would help.

There are some web savvy folks out there from IHB who hopefully made the jump to this site. We should look into search engine optimization. This is not my area of expertise but I know it can be done.[/quote]

Great minds think alike. I was just thinking we need to ping Erika. We need to support her decision to buy and where she bought, plus support her blog. She does a great job, and has been responsive to comments on her blog.

To get the SEO up we need to discuss RE, until then we just need to chill. But, we could get the SEO up in no time.
[quote author="FreedomCM"]Is there a "new posts" command that I am not seeing?[/quote]

Ah, pretty hidden away, but I just figured it out. In the forums page, there's a set of icons in the first column. Forums with new thread posts are shown with a folder with a blue circle on it. Click on the name of the forum in the 2nd column. This will take to you the threads for that forum. The threads with new posts have a "new" image next to the subject. If you click on the subject, it will take you to the first unread post in the thread. Yay! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

I still miss the old version of IHB, which had links to the newest unread post in each thread right on the index. Ah well... progress, right? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

P.S. I'm gonna dupe this answer in the Questions forum to make it easier to find for future users.
^^^ Thanks for that. I am all out of Exalts for now, but I would if I could. Your discovery is very helpful. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
[quote author="stng"]
Ah, pretty hidden away, but I just figured it out. In the forums page, there's a set of icons in the first column. Forums with new thread posts are shown with a folder with a blue circle on it. Click on the name of the forum in the 2nd column. This will take to you the threads for that forum. The threads with new posts have a "new" image next to the subject. If you click on the subject, it will take you to the first unread post in the thread. Yay! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
Slight correction, if you click on the subject, it will take you to the first page, if you click on the 'New' icon, it will take you to the first unread post.
[quote author="stng"]I still miss the old version of IHB, which had links to the newest unread post in each thread right on the index. Ah well... progress, right? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->[/quote]

If you would like to use a link that takes you to the newest unread post in each thread, go to the home page, look under "Forum Statistics" and click on the link that reads: "View the 10 Most Recent Posts of this Forum". It will take you HERE. Is this the sort of link you're looking for?
Wow! Stagger, you bought us 150,000 ad-free page views and we already have 700 used just in the last few hours! We have the option of giving the ad-free views to only registered members, so guests don't use them up. I think I may go ahead and make it so you have to log-in in order to be ad-free so the credits last longer. Our hits are getting up there! Not a bad sign, though. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->