[quote author="tkaratz" date=1248790688]This is what IHB has become, a self promoting group of brokers and laid off architects that have no grasp on reality. Your problem with TIC's design is that they lack feung f-ing sheui? What first time home buyer or move up homebuyer cares about that? Even the asian demographic knows that feung sheui is bs when it comes to a bottom line.
Get over it. No one is going to use you as an architect if you continue to use feung sheui as a your primary marketing point. You're like the architects that market the fact that 75% of their staff are LEED AP's, total idiots.
Other factors that B/L ignores? If you can only complain about the floor plans, you're grasping at straws. The market for first time home buyer has bottomed. IHB has acknowldeged it, CR has acknowledged it. Now go start your pathetic attempt at being a real estate agent.</blockquote>
I don't know what crawled up your ass and died, but it would be nice if whatever it is you pull it out. It isn't just about feng shui, it is about practical design. Do you have any clue what B/L has designed? Have you seen their products? They are, for the most part, the most annoyingly impractical designs on the market. To put it bluntly, they design crap that I wouldn't wish upon a knife catching cash buying FCBer. They suck! Go to Brightwater, it is the worst project in OC, and judging by their sales it shows. If they can't sell homes blocks from the beach for less than Irvine prices, WTF makes you think they will have designs in Irvine that will sell? Schools? Please... this mantra is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Beach always commands a higher value than inland properties.
I can't speak for BK, but personally I know for a fact he is not unemployed or even under-employed. In fact there are plenty of other developers who appreciate his work, the efficiency of his designs, his market knowledge, structural and design knowledge, and his amazing attention to detail. You are totally clueless to how design and the buyer demographic work, so what ever it is you do for a living, please stick with it, because if you ever venture into this industry you will fail miserably.
As for IHB, or CR acknowledging the bottom for first time homebuyers... well... you are just making sh*t up here. I'd say you are just pulling things out of your ass, but then that would mean you would pull out whatever crawled up there and died. I, nor IR, nor CR has ever said there is a bottom, but only more pain to come with the high end putting further pressure on the low end when it comes to prices. A floor in sales or new home sales does not signal a bottom, which I know CR has stated many times over. In 93 morons thought it was the bottom with low interest rates, and gobbled up the low end properties, only to be screwed in later in 95 and 96 and became the foreclosure stats of that year. Before you make claims like this, you better cite your sources, because right now you look like a complete and total blowhard.
I may not become a RE agent, but I will make money from this market. I enjoy having superior knowledge than everyone else, and it is time to make money from it. I will continue to make money from all the bottom calling fools who think that even though sales are 50% below average, that there isn't a significant foreclosure backlog, or that there is only more foreclosure pain to come. You sound like you are bitter that you don't have the ability to take advantage of the opportunities out there, or you think you will be priced out forever. Just go follow the herd and buy a place then, and see how it pans out. I bet you will feel like the knife catchers of 93. But who am I? Not like I have been right about this market since 2006 when everyone told me I was wrong, or anything like that. I'm just some dumb ass on the internet with zero knowledge of RE, I have never owned, no idea about construction and design, or understand cash flow... really... I'm just a 14 year old girl obsessed with Justin Timberlake who posts on RE blogs in my spare time.