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[quote author="graphrix" date=1207503515]...



Unfortunately Graph, that only marginally works. For example, my new post list starts out with one that is 8 hours old, then one 4 hours old, then one 34 minutes old, then 1 hour, then 2 hours, etc. I suspect it shows me all entries that are new to me, but in some order that is not time dependent, perhaps, by thread id?

The active thread works the same way.
Z, Can you please start a new topic in this folder and title it "WISH LIST". Make sure everyone posts only <strong>once</strong> and edits that one post instead of adding more (yes, I'm talking to you Liz)

- I would like the "Thanks" button back, that saved me from having to write a reply.

- More "smiley" choices, like the thumbs up, heart/broken heart, lightbulb....like the old choices we had

- This blue/powder blue color is killing my eyes....I wish for choices in "skin" color.

- OMG, more color !!! I feel like I'm in a hospital ward it's so sterile.

- Also, please uncheck the box for Notify me in "options" at the bottom of the reply post screen. Every time I post, the bottom two "option" boxes are pre-checked (notify me if someone responds to my post & enable smileys in this post). Several times, I've forgotten to uncheck the box and now my private email inbox has 46 emails from zovall notifying me someone has responded to my post....and then someone responded to their post so I get another email.....yikes! I logged onto AOL this morning, saw that I had 46 new emails and thought I became popular overnight or something ! :lol:

Like awgee said, "I hate change". Seems like many of us do.....

Can you please monitor the post count in the upcoming month or so...and if it drops of significantly b/c ppl don't like this format, can you change it back?
i agree, now it's "work" to check IHB whereas before it was addictive when I could easily check what's new (it takes me to the latest comment) and everything was on one page so I could just scroll down to which interesting topics to check out. That was part of the fun, to see topics I didn't expect, all on one page, so I could make my decision whether to read the topic or not. Now I have to do the extra steps of checking out categories and l believe some categories will start dying off as people lose interest. One thing I don't like is the quotation of previous comments on a new comment, it's redundant for IHB addicts. Seems like the redesign makes it seem more like any typical blog I've seen many times where the subject matter is something I check once in a blue moon whereas I thought the original IHB design was more uniquely IHB and much easier to check every day. When you monitor the number of posts be sure to deduct the posts that offer commentary about the redesign like this one because I'd never post this particular comment if I were a happy IHB camper.
[quote author="No_Such_Reality" date=1207519949]

Unfortunately Graph, that only marginally works. For example, my new post list starts out with one that is 8 hours old, then one 4 hours old, then one 34 minutes old, then 1 hour, then 2 hours, etc. I suspect it shows me all entries that are new to me, but in some order that is not time dependent, perhaps, by thread id?

The active thread works the same way.</blockquote>

Thanks NSR for letting me know this isn't working properly. I'm looking into a fix
[quote author="dood" date=1207541897][quote author="graphrix" date=1207440913]Well... as you can tell from my avatar, I am still a proud member of the AGC. :coolsmile:</blockquote>


is that "Kick *** Out"?
I agree with many of the other members that the forums are to difficult to navigate and that it kind of seems like "work" to go. It was nice to be able to see all of the threads on one page. It was also extremely handy to be taken to the last post you had read. This format seems like it will lead to people not posting in as many threads because they will likely not go to all of the different categories.

Thanks for all of your hard work though Zov. It is greatly appreciated.
Can anyone please enlighten me on how to stop these notification emails from spamming my inbox? I forgot to "uncheck" the box indicating that I wanted to be notified if someone posted a reply to my post...and it WON'T STOP ! I've gotten at least 60 of these emails in the last 24 hrs. HELP !
[quote author="Trooper" date=1207553928]Can anyone please enlighten me on how to stop these notification emails from spamming my inbox? I forgot to "uncheck" the box indicating that I wanted to be notified if someone posted a reply to my post...and it WON'T STOP ! I've gotten at least 60 of these emails in the last 24 hrs. HELP !</blockquote>

Top of the page, there is a link that says "Your Control Panel", choose "Email Settings" and uncheck accordingly... or just quit with all the dirty PM messages :smirk:

BTW, if it was a post on a specific thread, you can go back and edit the post and "uncheck" that box.
[quote author="Trooper" date=1207553928]Can anyone please enlighten me on how to stop these notification emails from spamming my inbox? I forgot to "uncheck" the box indicating that I wanted to be notified if someone posted a reply to my post...and it WON'T STOP ! I've gotten at least 60 of these emails in the last 24 hrs. HELP !</blockquote>

You so funny. Apparently, every time I even answered someone else's post, I forgot to uncheck the box....and that lead to getting emails about all future posts on THOSE threads.

and so on, and so on.

Nude, I took your advice and unchecked that email notification setting....so far, so good. Thanks !
Good job on the upgrade!!

Looks nice.

<blockquote>Senior Member = 101 or more posts

Member = 51-100 posts

Jr. Member = 31-50 posts

Newbie = 30 and under posts</blockquote> I think this is cool.
<blockquote>Senior Member = 101 or more posts

Member = 51-100 posts

Jr. Member = 31-50 posts

Newbie = 30 and under posts</blockquote>

can this be altered? having everyone that's posted a min of 101 in the same group is boring.

i thought the post counts sidebar was really fun. how many people actually looked at that every so often to see how many posts you were from being included on the cool kids list? or if you were on the list, cared about your position. be honest now!

i think the post counts created a sense of community and motivation to participate. you could achieve the same thing if the post counts and associated membership titles can be customized with IHB-related ranks.

for example...

newbie: 30

living with parents: 30-100 (they need to have 30 posts before we grant an IHB title

house hunter: 100-250

knife catcher: 250-500

cash buyer: 500+

don bren: moderators
helpful hint for everyone (or maybe not) is to set all posts as of right now as read. then from this point fwd when you click on "view new posts" you'll just see everyhting you havent read.

also: choose the "developer" theme and go to the main forum pg. a nice surprise for those that may not have noticed.
I must admit, I miss the old forums, they were different from the "norm".. but being a computer nerd, this new stuff works just fine for me.
For whatever reason, I can't change avatars. The original avatar uploaded always populates in my profile regardless of the file uploaded.
[quote author="Seventhree" date=1207779918]For whatever reason, I can't change avatars. The original avatar uploaded always populates in my profile regardless of the file uploaded.</blockquote>
I don't see an avatar for you at all. Make sure it doesn't exceed the height, width, or kb requirements. Also make sure to refresh your page.
That's strange.. I see the Fox Hound avatar but when I check your account it says no avatar has been uploaded. If you want, send me the avatar and I'll try to load it in.