My biggest complaint was not seeing the new posts all in one shot. As Z said, there is a simple solution for this, and for the visual learners, like myself, here is a pic on how to do it. When you are at the home page for the forums you should see this...
Now, if Z can fix going to the last read comment... then I think I could learn to adjust.
Oh, and for those who see the forums in purple, then you need to adjust your monitor settings or think about a new computer, because the forums are <span style="color: blue;">blue</span>, but with the gradient of grey it looks purplish.
Also, firefox knows how to spell blog. Shows you how smart MS is, er isn't.
And, for LL, you can go right back to the main blog at anytime by clicking Home at the very far left top corner of the page. If you need a screen shot, I can do that, but you are prolly waking up, and I need to go to bed.