Upgrade Complete

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I kinda miss clicking on a thread and going right to the last message I read...

Another vote here for having all the threads on one page.

Great looking new design though! :coolsmile:
Ok, I hate it. For all the reasons why, go to the main blog.

I fail to see a single thing which is better.

What, exactly is better. Tell me.

Please shorten the lines, if you don't do anything else.

I will gladly forego being a senior member to have the old format

back. I really really hate the color. zov are you color blind?

It is a really ugly purplish grey will greyish blue tabs.

Ok, it has a spell check. BFD.

I like nude's avatar, but I still like his sock the best.
I agree with the others. I really liked the old style where you could see all recent threads on one page. This style is better suited to a much bigger community. With so many subforums, some will go unused.
[quote author="wendyinoc" date=1207449001]I like the Senior Member as well!! What are the other levels??</blockquote>

Big Wendy and Jumpcut. . .

Senior Member = 101 or more posts

Member = 51-100 posts

Jr. Member = 31-50 posts

Newbie = 30 and under posts
I do not know how I feel about it yet. I do not like change, but am more than willing to give it time. Besides, what choice do I have? You guys are here.

And I am ambivalent about the Sr. Member thang. <em>"I do not want to be a member of any club that would have me."</em> - Graucho Marx
I can adapt to the different structure on some things. Other things, such the forum color and gradient backgrounds under forum entries will literally keep me off the blog as they give me headaches.

BTW, the spell-check doesn't know blog.
Not very impressed. Looks good but the usability sucks. When you clicked on a discussion in the old blog it took you to the last message you read, this one doesn't. You could also see all the discussions on one page

I expect this blog will soon lose the community feel since most people will go streight to the irvine housing section and not the off topic areas
I agree with jumpcut and lawyerliz. i really liked having all the threads in one page. that's what made this blog so user-friendly...and addicting. now it's as confusing as all the other blogs out there. It's almost like work to follow the threads. If its almost like work...well then, I may as well...get back to work...
I posted some thoughts on the main page. What I see more than an upgrade here is a redesign which I am not sure why it was necessary. This redesign sucks. I dont mean to hurt your feelings Zovall but the biggest benefit of the forums to me was the sense of a community. Sure it started getting really big and most than a full page of threads would be updated in a day but it still was nice to see everything in one simple view. This style of forum is great for AVS or Flyertalk where the communities are huge and each sub group has a full discussion itself. If you really wanted to organize it, it might make more sense to just have a few sections instead of this many.

I would love to understand what drove such a major redesign of the main page. I understand that the basic functionality and style of the forums are controlled by the software but the main page is so different from the past that I don't feel like I am at IHB any more. :(
[quote author="Trooper" date=1207429767]Test post. This is going to take some getting used to. :shut:</blockquote>

It's like a new Pair of Shoes Troop
Hey all,

Thanks for the feedback.. I know it's a bit of a change but it will continually evolve. This software should be stable and secure and here are some of the things I'll be looking into:

Fixing usability issues like going to the last post automatically

Getting a new color scheme for the forums

Adding chat

Adding nested comments on the blog

Are signatures something people really want? We didn't have that before but I can enable that feature as long as it doesn't get too distracting.

rkp, We are not even 1% the size of AVS or Flyertalk but things have been getting much busier in the forums and that trend is expected to continue. There are always requests to create new forums and I'm trying to organize it in a way that makes sense. When we first started out, we had just 1 category. Now there are around 10 or so. Every busy forum is structured in a way similar to AVS, Flyertalk, Cruisecritic, bimmerfest, etc. The number of forums we have does not compare to any of those sites. Having everything on one page is nice when you check the forums several times a day but if you miss a couple of days it can be overwhelming. The main site design was changed so that our look would be unique. The previous look (Mistylook Wordpress theme) is found on literally thousands of other blogs. What in particular do you not like about the blog design? The design will surely change a bit in the future.

We also have RSS feeds that you can subscribe to for any individual forums or all forums.

There is also a 'View New Posts' link in the forums that will show you the latest posts.

Youtube videos can be added using the 'youtube' button when creating a post.. simpy enter the video id (the part after the v)
My biggest complaint was not seeing the new posts all in one shot. As Z said, there is a simple solution for this, and for the visual learners, like myself, here is a pic on how to do it. When you are at the home page for the forumshttp://www.irvinehousingblog.com/forums/then you should see this...


Now, if Z can fix going to the last read comment... then I think I could learn to adjust.

Oh, and for those who see the forums in purple, then you need to adjust your monitor settings or think about a new computer, because the forums are <span style="color: blue;">blue</span>, but with the gradient of grey it looks purplish.

Also, firefox knows how to spell blog. Shows you how smart MS is, er isn't.

And, for LL, you can go right back to the main blog at anytime by clicking Home at the very far left top corner of the page. If you need a screen shot, I can do that, but you are prolly waking up, and I need to go to bed.
I subscribed to the RSS feeds because I thought that might be a good way to keep track of new posts, HOWEVER...

What shows up in the RSS reader is always the first post in a thread, not the latest post. For example, someone added a new post to the thread "Portola Springs - Serra," but what showed up in my RSS reader was the complete first post (and just the first post) showing all the pricing from January 20, 2007.