Upgrade Complete

NEW -> Contingent Buyer Assistance Program


New member
From what I can tell, it looks like the upgrade went well. All the content from the old platform was brought over and we even used some nifty tricks to make sure that links to the pages on the old platform are now linking to the new pages.

Our forums have been expanded and we should have a few more subtle changes on the way. Your old forum username/password will work on the new software. If it doesn't, request a new password through the system. If you are still having trouble, send me an email.

As with any project of this size, there are bound to be some issues. Please let me know if you come across any and we'll do our best to take care of them.

Well... it looks like we will have to go back to the old fashion way of saying thanks.

So, thanks Caycifish, and great avatar.
<strong>Looks great!</strong>

But, yep... gonna take some getting used to!

Hmmm.... will we be able to say "thanks" like we did before with any future additions Z?

Oh cool!

I'm a Senior Member!!! I feel so special... does that mean I can order off the Senior menu at most restaurants??? LOL! :)

And SPELL CHECK too!!! Now we can't tease over our lack of good spellers!!!

Wow... awgee is now the top poster when the whispers are subtracted :gulp:

I love the new blog page. I hate this style of forums... sorry, z. I loved being able to see all the current threads on one page. It made it easy to read and added a sense of 'community'. I'll give it a chance, of course. But I'd love to see one screen with all the current threads as an option.

While I'm adding to a wish list... Can you bring back the option that allows us to pick our own skin for these forums? There was another that melded really well with the blog, but I can't seem to find the button to choose it any more.

All that having been said... good job on the upgrade. My personal tastes not withstanding, this took a lot of work and you are to be commended!
I just tried uploading a pic as my avatar, but said can't b/c limit is 50 kilobytes. Now, I have no idea how big that is, but I see other pics here.... what do I do to "shrink" it ? I tried 3 or 4 different ones, even tried adding them to my "profile", each time same error message came up.
Well, sorry, but I did like the old layout better: with all the active threads on one page, is there any way to give this option by changing the view?

Also, when you look at the thread's info, since everything in one color and font, hard to see what is the name of the thread or the person starting the thread when you are looking at the whole page.

You could use more colors and differents too, to separate thread names from usernames and other info.

Sorry for nagging, I guess I'm conservative and I did like the old one a lot. Sigh.