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lnc said:
Finally watched The Search for General Tso SGIP mentioned here back in March.  The documentary is actually pretty good.

The title was misleading, actually it?s documentary about American Chinese cuisine like General Tso Chicken etc and fascinating stories about Chinese restaurants in America.

They mentioned a Szechuan Alligator dish serve in one Chinese restaurant in Louisiana, got to try that someday.

Regarding to General Tso?s chicken, the inventor of the dish just pass away.

Chef Peng Chang-kuei, General Tso?s Chicken Inventor, Dies At 98

Dark Mirror, or "Black Mirror"?

"Black Mirror" is great. S1E1 is rough, but from there on it's high quality TV. S3 has an episode you'll need a couple of days to recover from before re-starting the binge.
I was watching T.V. in the middle of the night a few days ago and happened to come across S1, E1 of this show on The History Channel. I was intrigued and happy to see the series had just recently debuted so it's easy to watch without having to do a lot of catching up:

"The Selection: Special Operations Experiment"
Soylent Green Is People said:
S3 has an episode you'll need a couple of days to recover from before re-starting the binge.

So which episode were you referring to? Didn't really see anything that shocked me.

Been watching Man in the High Castle the last few weeks... very interesting.
Question: When is "Parks and Recreation" supposed to get good?

"The Office" was one of my favorite shows ever. Loved it. I started watching P&R only because I had heard it's similar and that people who like "The Office" would like this. Well, I started watching. A few episodes into it -- I'm completely bored and not seeing that it's worth it to continue. It's not at all what I was expecting. What's weird is a friend of mine happened to say the exact same thing after my experience. Has anyone here got any clue if or when it ever picks up?
SoCal said:
Question: When is "Parks and Recreation" supposed to get good?

"The Office" was one of my favorite shows ever. Loved it. I started watching P&R only because I had heard it's similar and that people who like "The Office" would like this. Well, I started watching. A few episodes into it -- I'm completely bored and not seeing that it's worth it to continue. It's not at all what I was expecting. What's weird is a friend of mine happened to say the exact same thing after my experience. Has anyone here got any clue if or when it ever picks up?

Season 2 and when you come to terms with the fact that this is not "The Office".
Last night was the craziest Catfish ever. Ever. EVER!

This guy, Robert, is paralyzed from the chest-down. He says the doctor told him he could die at any time.

He met Ashleigh online. He fell in love with her so hard that he asked her to marry him before they even met in person. She said yes!

Ashleigh admitted the photos she sent him were not actually of her. He said he was fine with that. Looks didn't matter. He loves her. He loves how sweet she is. She's a cool chick. They have things in common. That's good enough for him.

Nev & Max did some research before the big meet-up. It turns out a woman with her exact name, age, and location is a meth-addict and MURDERED a man. In the mugshot, she was no beauty. But he said: "Everybody deserves a chance." He pointed out that women aren't flocking to him due to his disability. Therefore, he believes in looking beyond other people's flaws, too.

Ashleigh turned out NOT to be the woman in the booking photo. It was a completely different person. Nevertheless, the real Ashleigh was extremely hesitant to get on the plane. She worried he would not accept her. He assured her that he would. He played up the whole "I could die at any moment" card to pressure her into meeting despite her not wanting to. She decided to do it for him. Right before she walked into his front door, he was hollering: "Come to daddy! Come here, Boo Boo! Where's my princess?!"

She walked in and his face dropped.

She said she loves him and is even willing to be his caretaker!

It's a no-go for him. She's not up to his standards.

The moral of the story:
Meth-addicted murderer? Oh, that's totally fine. Chubby? Nope!
:o  :'(

Robert. He's paralyzed & confined to this chair.

The pics she first sent:

Their meeting:
"90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days"

What a sad cast of characters.

Among them is Larry, a 37 year old McDonald's worker from Florida. He met a woman on She told him she loved him after the first phone call. That was all this guy needed to hear to seal the deal. He emptied his 401k -- 10 YEARS WORTH OF SAVINGS (and a stiff penalty, if I'm not mistaken) -- for a trip to the Philippines to meet her, bringing an engagement ring with him.

I've never yelled at my T.V. as loudly as I have with this show.
SoCal said:
"90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days"

What a sad cast of characters.

Among them is Larry, a 37 year old McDonald's worker from Florida. He met a woman on She told him she loved him after the first phone call. That was all this guy needed to hear to seal the deal. He emptied his 401k -- 10 YEARS WORTH OF SAVINGS (and a stiff penalty, if I'm not mistaken) -- for a trip to the Philippines to meet her, bringing an engagement ring with him.

I've never yelled at my T.V. as loudly as I have with this show.

Some of the guys who do this haven't had any female companionship since their mother and lived in what they call "forced loneliness" as social outcasts for years/decades.  Instead of recognizing that they're a square peg living in a round hole, they opt to import a bride instead of voting with their feet and move.

I recall back in Jr High, I had a huge fight with a classmate over the benefits of moving to the US.  Back in TW my parents moved from rural Changhua to Taipei and I was chronically ill from the urban pollution and environment.  My health improved greatly after we moved to Anaheim.

My classmate, on the other hand, moved from TW to here and everything felt "wrong" to her.  It was as if the very core of her being was being punched on daily basis.  She had no friends and fought constantly with her family to point of threatening suicide (at age 13-14) until they finally relented and sent her back to live with grandparents.

Most people can be gracious winners but not good losers.  If the guy is simply socially awkward and needed a little help to find a bride, maybe it'd work for him.  But if the local environment is toxic to him, importing a bride will only be a short-term fix.
Attention fathers of TI --

This is the International Sign Language Symbol meaning: "May I place an engagement ring on your daughter's finger?"


Two different American men on "90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days" (Sunday nights on TLC) have used this gesture when communicating their, um... desire, with their potential father-in-law, expertly transcending the language barrier. One to a Filipino father and one to a Brazilian dad. The gesture usually accompanies a smile along with basic English verbal cues like, "Me and [your daughter's name]. Good. Yeah?" as he demonstrates a repeated motion of sliding the wedding ring onto your daughter's finger. Your daughter's gentleman caller awaits your nod of approval.


I just met one of the cast members from the show Born This Way. I ran into him while I was shopping at a store in Foothill Ranch about an hour ago.

I stared at him for a little while. Just enough to make him uncomfortable. He began staring at me staring at him. After a while of that, I decided to approach him just so he didn't think I was a stalker. He seemed surprised I recognized him and confirmed he's that guy. He's not a regular cast member. You see, I'm the kind of person who can briefly see someone 1x and recognize / ambush them 10 years later when they least expect it.

If anybody here watches the show -- it was Sean's life coach / therapist / caregiver (not sure what it's called). And if you don't watch the show. Well. You should. It's a Bunim and Murray production (same ones that do The Real World). It documents a group of adults who have Down Syndrome. It's one of my favorite shows.

He appeared in an episode, among a few others, where Sean & Steven temporarily rent a home in Irvine. He helped them get set up and learn how to live independently.

Sean lives in M.V. Steven lives in Irvine.
Is anyone watching "Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars"?

Mehgan gladly announces to everyone that her boyfriend, Deandre, doesn't make enough money. Not as much as her. She says it with a smug "what a loser" type of attitude. Constantly nagging him that he's not living up to her standards. (He has a job and loves it, by the way.)

Amazingly, she didn't get her teeth knocked out. That probably makes the short list of the most horribly emasculating things you can possibly say to your man. Might as well tell him he's a bad lover and a horrible father to boot. It really makes you wonder why they're still together. She clearly doesn't have much admiration for him. Blatant disregard for his feelings. What's weird is he just kind of takes it. I also don't know what he sees in a woman who is so cold-hearted towards him.