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Btw, they are doing that with Boy Meets World soon. At the end of the series, Eric Matthews and Topanga got married and later on, had a daughter. They will pick up with the daughter in the new show, "Girl Meets World" to debut next year.
Ooooh, Catfish was good last night!!

The Catfish was in his car on his way to meet this dumb chick for the first time when he was arrested by police before he got there and charged with: Possession of a Weapon of Mass Destruction!!!
qwerty said:
SoCal said:
qwerty said:
sounds like he was going to dump her anytime now.  she was probably upset about all the girls he cheated with. when you date an athlete, you essentially accept that they will be cheating on you.

So, you think the recent rumors about Lamar Odom are true? I hope not. I'm not a fan of the Kardashians but I do like Khloe. She loves Lamar with her whole heart. Their relationship seems pretty stable. But I find it a bit disconcerting that one of the 2 women who have come forward looks a lot like Khloe... who also looks like his ex-wife. He definitely has a "type" and this alleged mistress fits it, imho. I really hope it didn't happen, though. Khloe is too good of a girl. He denies it (of course).

he definitely cheated on her. 

So, guess what the latest updates are. Yup. She heard he was cheating on her. She went to lunch with him the day she died. She confronted him about it. He dropped the bomb on her that he "doesn't love her anymore". She said she still loves him, though...

She went home. Called her mom. While on the phone with her mother, the other end went silent. Her mom tried calling out to her for 10 minutes.

The mother called Gia's boyfriend, and asked him to go check on her.

He found her sitting on the stairs with a vacuum cleaner cord wrapped around her neck many times.  She had wrapped the other end around the 2nd floor of her spiral staircase. ... She was without oxygen for between 30-40 minutes.
... and you know the rest.
Creapiest. Catfish. Ever. Last night.  :-\ :o

It's either staged or the catfish is going to end up spraying bullets into a crowd one day.  ???
He thought he was getting this...


Instead, he got an unhinged psycho. It's a good thing he met the catfish with a crew along. Otherwise, I think he would have ended up dead or locked in the person's basement.
Wow. Crazy ending. Run-down:

- She's fat.
- She has been doctoring her photos to make her appear slimmer to him.
- She prays he accepts her.
- They meet.
- He's fat. Not the Ken doll in his photos either.
- He not only accepts but loves and adores her. He wants to get married like they've talked about before meeting.
- She's spooked, creeped out, and slightly disgusted judging by her facial expressions.
- She tells him - No dice. "I'm not attracted to you."
- He is afraid he has run her off for good.
- She goes home.
- She apparently realizes she has no other options. Changes her mind. Starts dating him.

Aww, so romantic.  ::)

jayl23 said:
Cubic Zirconia said:
Anybody watching Breaking Bad?

Yes..  :P

Two more episodes to go until the end

I stopped at the end of Season 4- will catch up once the final episodes release on Netflix.
Waiting for House of Cards Season 2..
And one of these days want to begin Game of Thrones.
24 is serving as good white noise, but not as addictive as 1 and 2.

What's everyone watching? Modern Family starts this week?

The Michael J. Fox Show premieres tonight. Who's watching? I've got my DVR set. I'm looking forward to the show, however, I do wonder if it's got legs. The trailer is 99% Parkinson's jokes. That schtick has got to get old after a while. I love Michael J. Fox, though. He'll always be Alex P. Keaton to me!

I caught "The Black List" the other night... interesting show. I'm a Spader fan (he was awesome in The Practice and Boston Legal).

On another note, Dexter and Burn Notice had their series finales recently. Dexter's was horrible, BN was okay... that show wasn't very good anyways.
irvinehomeowner said:
I caught "The Black List" the other night... interesting show. I'm a Spader fan (he was awesome in The Practice and Boston Legal).

On another note, Dexter and Burn Notice had their series finales recently. Dexter's was horrible, BN was okay... that show wasn't very good anyways.

i saw the blacklist as well, i thought it was pretty good. spader is great. boston legal was a great show, Denny Crane!
Aww, man! I accidentally fell asleep early last night and didn't get to watch the premiere of Michael J. Fox.  :( I hate it when that happens! I could go read a critic's review online but I'm trying to avoid because I don't want to read a spoiler. If anyone saw it, tell me (vaguely) what you thought.
So far this season I've recorded but haven't watched:

Michael J Fox
Marvel's SHIELD
Sleepy Hollow

Watched and gave up on both Trophy Wife and The Goldbergs. Both bored me within 10 minutes.

This summer, mainly working on The Sopranos. About 12 episodes left in the series.
Aww. I really wanted to like the MJF Show. Afterall, who isn't a fan of his previous work. However, Part I of the premiere was a total disaster!! I didn't want to watch Part II and neither did Mr. SoCal but I forced myself (and him!) to not give up on it. I made it halfway through Part II before we both couldn't take it anymore and shut it off.  :-\ Too bad.
SoCal said:
Aww. I really wanted to like the MJF Show. Afterall, who isn't a fan of his previous work. However, Part I of the premiere was a total disaster!! I didn't want to watch Part II and neither did Mr. SoCal but I forced myself (and him!) to not give up on it. I made it halfway through Part II before we both couldn't take it anymore and shut it off.  :-\ Too bad.

I gave the first episode 15 minutes before I gave up and I also deleted the second recorded episode without watching. Boring and not funny.