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I really do want to leave sometimes but family, jobs, weather, comfort, fear of not being able to come back, in state tuition, etc make it hard. I worry that our societal problems here are not going to get better and our irresponsible spending is just going to keep increasing the taxes on those of us who actually work. So we’ll end up spending more and more for a worse experience here.

Then I think sometimes that it’s still not thaaat bad here and maybe it’ll never get thaaat bad. But maybe it would be nice to have a backup option in another state or country.
said it 1 million times, I am fortunate enough to be able to afford to stay, but that doesn’t stop me from pointing out all of the flaws and working to try and fix them. Like alcoholism…you have to admit the problem and seek and want help before you tackle the problem…I’m in native California. It can be great again. Si se puede!!!😂😂😂😂
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I really do want to leave sometimes but family, jobs, weather, comfort, fear of not being able to come back, in state tuition, etc make it hard. I worry that our societal problems here are not going to get better and our irresponsible spending is just going to keep increasing the taxes on those of us who actually work. So we’ll end up spending more and more for a worse experience here.

Then I think sometimes that it’s still not thaaat bad here and maybe it’ll never get thaaat bad. But maybe it would be nice to have a backup option in another state or country.
And then you watch the Senate debate…. 🤦‍♂️
Just gets better and better….😡😢😢🤦🏽‍♂️

State Farm shedding 72,000 home insurance policies in California

State Farm, California’s largest insurer, announced it will discontinue coverage for 72,000 homes and apartments starting this summer, a move likely to sharply inflate housing costs for affected residents in a state that’s reeling from a series of destructive recent wildfires.

The Illinois-based insurance giant, which accounts for a fifth of the California home insurance market and is the largest property and auto insurer in the U.S., cited rising costs, increasing catastrophe risk, and outdated regulations as reasons it won’t renew California policies for 30,000 homes and 42,000 apartments.
Just gets better and better….😡😢😢🤦🏽‍♂️

State Farm shedding 72,000 home insurance policies in California

State Farm, California’s largest insurer, announced it will discontinue coverage for 72,000 homes and apartments starting this summer, a move likely to sharply inflate housing costs for affected residents in a state that’s reeling from a series of destructive recent wildfires.

The Illinois-based insurance giant, which accounts for a fifth of the California home insurance market and is the largest property and auto insurer in the U.S., cited rising costs, increasing catastrophe risk, and outdated regulations as reasons it won’t renew California policies for 30,000 homes and 42,000 apartments.
My homeowner's renewal went up 42% from last year with no claims on my record. Auto was much less painful, with only a 34% increase.
The Boy king has presided over an Unmitigated disaster…🤦🏽‍♂️😡😡😡🦄🌈

California’s Economic Woes Are Way Worse Than We Thought
The unemployment rate in California jumped to 5.3%
in February, the highest out of any state and Washington, D.C., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. California employs some of the strictest labor laws, regulatory regimes and tax burdens in the nation, which has increasingly stifled economic growth and led businesses and citizens to flee
“You can look at the unemployment numbers, and those really flag some severe underlying problems,” Will Swaim, president of the California Policy Center, told the DCNF. “California overregulates businesses and underregulates public safety. And those two things may seem unrelated, but when you allow people to engage in organized theft from stores or break into cars, for instance, it reduces the ability of markets to function.”
The state’s economy has only increased the number of jobs in the state by 82,000 in the last year as of February, with 61,100 of those being government positions, according to the California Employment Development Department
“California job growth is struggling because of the state’s regulatory and tax policy,”
The state also has one of the highest tax burdens in the U.S.,
ranking fifth in 2020 with an effective average tax rate of around 13.5%,
“Policies such as expensive energy mandates, restrictive zoning regulations, high taxes, rent control, and high minimum wages all increase the cost of doing business and decrease families’ purchasing power,” Winegarden told the DCNF. “The higher cost of doing business makes California firms less competitive nationally, which harms economic growth. The affordability problems make it harder for families to thrive, encourage families to leave the state, and discourage new families from migrating to California. All of these trends reinforce one another, harming the state’s vitality.”
The state government is also struggling with a massive deficit, which California’s nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office estimates would be a record $73 billion in 2024 under current fiscal circumstances. The huge deficit is in part due to a drop in income as people flee the state, with 27,000 tax filers with adjusted gross incomes of over $200,000 having moved out between 2020 and 2021.
The population of California declined by around 538,000 from July 2020 to July 2023 as residents flee blue states like New York and Illinois and head to places like Texas and Florida.
Homelessness? 🤔

CA is also the most expensive place to live on the West Coast.

Maybe it's laziness... I'm no econ major but what are the main causes of unemployment?
This is what happens when moron bureaucrats are in charge who have NO understanding of market dynamics…then they are “stunned” when people and businesses adjust to their edicts in a way that nullifies the intent of their policy…often the victims of foolish policy are the very people these fools portend to be “uplifting”….😡😂😂😂👎🏽

Fast food workers blindsided by sudden closure of Fosters Freeze in Lemoore

LEMOORE, Calif. (FOX26) — Employees at Fosters Freeze in Lemoore are out of a job.

Navarro says the owner, Loren Wright, had previously told her the $20 minimum wage increase for fast food workers was going to be really hard on him.

She said he did not tell her or any of the other workers that he was going to close.

"I walked in, and he had just immediately said you guys are out of a job; I'm sorry," said Boado.

Assistant General Manager Monica Navarro says she was called Monday morning by her boss who was at the restaurant to open, only to find the locks were being changed.

LA's luxury house sales plummet 70 PERCENT in the first year since its hated 'mansion tax' was brought in as millionaires chose to live outside the city in Beverly Hills, Malibu and Santa Monica instead

· Launched April 2023, the policy levied a four percent tax on all $5M plus homes

· But a year later Measure ULA saw luxury house sales drop by nearly 70 per cent

· Realtor Hooman Ghaffari blasted the move 'a sham' that has sales 'unworkable'
17000 put out of work…idiots claim another scalp!..😡🦄🌈

99 Cent Only Stores Shuttering All Locations, Citing Crime and Inflation As Key Factors

Who is this really hurting? Well the 17,000 employees (the X post above failed to factor in the people in the corporate office and ancillary operations) who are now on the unemployment line. At 5.3 percent, California and Nevada already have the highest unemployment rates in the nation. California just instituted a $20.00 an hour minimum-wage hike, which is going over like a lead balloon; so the closure of a small business like 99 Cents Only Stores is only going to add to that burden.

Two local restaurants in my area promptly closed….I know the owners and it was directly related to this stupid, short sighted law…😡👎🏽🦄🌈

West Coast, Messed Coast™: Minimum Wage Rises, Thousands Lose Their Jobs, Democrat Elites Laugh

Welcome to California, where between Bidenomics inflation and Gavin Newsom's new $20/hour fast food worker minimum wage has caused cheap fast food to become unaffordable, especially to the people who either got their hours cut or lost their fast food jobs completely.

Take a bow, fellas.
At current prices (and rising), we'll probably see more multi-generational or multi-family effort with 3-4 incomes to afford a house.
That assumes there will be 3-4 people with steady incomes. Just looking at the unemployment chart for OC I wouldn't feel too confident about that going forward.
That assumes there will be 3-4 people with steady incomes. Just looking at the unemployment chart for OC I wouldn't feel too confident about that going forward.

Back in 2002, I bought a condo in Placentia and noticed a new SFR community being developed next door called Rose Crest (by corner of Rose Drive and Alta Vista):

I wanted to buy one of the single level 3/2 SFR's but did not have the cash, having just bought another condo. While visiting the housing development I noticed Mexican families looking at the homes together. The salesperson told me that 2 Mexican families would jointly purchase a 4 bedroom SFR together to qualify for the purchase. I'm guessing the 2 families may be related as siblings or cousins, the parents would get 2 bedrooms and kids would be split boy/girl into remaining 2 bedrooms.

Today, such homes are priced at $1.3 to $1.5 million so I think the price, coupled with higher interest rates, will be the main barrier to entry.
It's because $20.00 per hour for fast food workers...anyone making less are now eyeballing that rate and thinking of jumping ship...if they can find it.
Labor is way too expensive in USA...You better get good at fixing and maintaining your own residence.

Calls on HD because more amateur home owners will not be hiring experts.

A friend of mine claimed some plumbing work from their homeowners insurance....and got dropped after their renewal came up.
They live in Yorba Linda near chino hills state park (big fire hazard), so their insurance company was already looking for a reason to drop them.
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My homeowners just jumped 30% and my auto renewed up 27%… no claims, no violations, no accidents!!!😡😡😡😡🤮
I feel ya buddy, my home & auto were both up in that range too, same situation in terms of zero claims, violations, or accidents. I ended up raising my deductible & updating the mileage estimates to actual prior year usage. It got the premiums back down to prior year, but obviously less coverage. Good luck. Soak in this awesome socal weather and whatever other things you love about this area - get your money's worth...
A friend of mine claimed some plumbing work from their homeowners insurance....and got dropped after their renewal came up.
They live in Yorba Linda near chino hills state park (big fire hazard), so their insurance company was already looking for a reason to drop them.

Yorba Linda is a nice area, but if you live up hill there's only 1 road going in/out, which is a major issue when there's a fire and the police block the road to vehicle traffic.